v0.1 Release
1. Convert a signal from QObject into a QFuture object
#include "asyncfuture.h"
using namespace AsyncFuture;
// Convert a signal from QObject into a QFuture object
QFuture<void> future = observe(timer,
/* Listen from the future without using QFutureWatcher<T>*/
observe(future).subscribe([]() {
// onCompleted. It is invoked when the observed future is finished successfully
qDebug() << "onCompleted";
},[]() {
// onCanceled
qDebug() << "onCancel";
/* It is chainable. Listen from a timeout signal only once */
observe(timer, &QTimer::timeout).subscribe([=]() { /*…*/ });
2. Combine multiple futures with different type into a single future object
/* Combine multiple futures with different type into a single future */
QFuture<QImage> f1 = QtConcurrent::run(readImage, QString("image.jpg"));
QFuture<void> f2 = observe(timer, &QTimer::timeout).future();
(combine() << f1 << f2).subscribe([](QVariantList result){
// Read an image
// result[0] = QImage
qDebug() << result;
3. Advanced multi-threading model
/* Start a thread and process its result in main thread */
QFuture<QImage> reading = QtConcurrent::run(readImage, QString("image.jpg"));
QFuture<bool> validating = observe(reading).context(contextObject, validator).future();
// Read image by a thread, when it is ready, run the validator function
// in the thread of the contextObject(e.g main thread)
// And it return another QFuture to represent the final result.
/* Start a thread and process its result in main thread, then start another thread. */
QFuture<int> f1 = QtConcurrent::mapped(input, mapFunc);
QFuture<int> f2 = observe(f1).context(contextObject, [=](QFuture<int> future) {
// You may use QFuture as the input argument of your callback function
// It will be set to the observed future object. So that you may obtain
// the value of results()
qDebug() << future.results();
// Return another QFuture is possible.
return QtConcurrent::run(reducerFunc, future.results());
// f2 is constructed before the QtConcurrent::run statement
// But its value is equal to the result of reducerFunc
4. Promise like interface
The deferred() function return a Deferred object that allows you to manipulate a QFuture manually. The future() function return a forever running QFuture unless you have called Deferred.complete() / Deferred.cancel() manually, or the Deferred object is destroyed without observed any future.
The usage of complete/cancel with a Deferred object is pretty similar to the resolve/reject in a Promise object. You could complete a future by calling complete with a result value. If you give it another future, then it will observe the input future and change status once that is finished.
Complete / cancel a future on your own choice
// Complete / cancel a future on your own choice
auto d = deferred<bool>();
observe(d.future()).subscribe([]() {
qDebug() << "onCompleted";
}, []() {
qDebug() << "onCancel";
d.complete(true); // or d.cancel();
QCOMPARE(d.future().isFinished(), true);
QCOMPARE(d.future().isCanceled(), false);
Complete / cancel a future according to another future object.
// Complete / cancel a future according to another future object.
auto d = deferred<void>();
QCOMPARE(d.future().isFinished(), true);
QCOMPARE(d.future().isCanceled(), false);
Read a file. If timeout, cancel it.
auto timeout = observe(timer, &QTimer::timeout).future();
auto defer = deferred<QString>();
defer.complete(QtConcurrent::run(readFileworker, fileName));
return defer.future();
More examples are available at : asyncfuture/example.cpp at master · benlau/asyncfuture
AsyncFuture is a single header library. You could just download the asyncfuture.h
in your source tree or install it via qpm
qpm install async.future.pri
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benlau/asyncfuture/master/asyncfuture.h