Custom Registration is a 3D image registration extension for 3D Slicer. It allows applying preprocessing to the images (ROI selection, cropping, and resampling), running rigid and non-rigid registration algorithms, computing and visualizing difference maps, and running your algorithms with your graphical interface plugged in.
Members: Wissam Boussella, Iantsa Provost, Bastien Soucasse, and Tony Wolff.
Supervisors: Fabien Baldacci and Pascal Desbarats.
As Custom Registation is an extension, you must have 3D Slicer installed on your system. You can either install or build the software by following the documentation.
You must install the extensions for 3D Slicer SlicerElastix and ParallelProcessing to use CustomRegistration. First, head over to the Extension Manager module. Search for these two extensions and install them. You must restart 3D Slicer for the installation to complete.
Activate the developer mode in 3D Slicer if not already done. You can achieve this by going into the Application Settings (in the Edit menu). Under Developer, check Enable developer mode and restart the software.
To import the extension into 3D Slicer, you need to open the Extension Wizard (in the Developer Tools section of the module selector). Hit Select Extension and open the src
directory containing the sources of the extension. In the next dialog, make sure to load the Custom Registration module.
In Slicer, you can now find the Custom Registration module in the module selector (inside the PFE section).
Launching this module might update the view and change the layout of the software. All previous data is saved and can be used from the Custom Registration module.
ROI selection allows you to define the relevant information of the image. You can use it to automatically crop the image with the cropping feature, or with you own algorithms thanks to the plugins.
To select the ROI of an image (or two), first select an image as input (and one as target). Head over to the ROI Selection of the Custom Registration module panel.
You can select the ROI by thresholding the image(s) with the slider(s). The threshold will appear red over the image.
When Select ROI is clicked, the largest conected component will be kept as the ROI and will appear green over the image.
You can crop your image either manually, or automatically around the ROI in your image.
To manually crop an image, select it as input image and open the Cropping section of the Custom Registration module panel, with the Manual mode.
You can enter the start and end positions of the crop region. A bounding box will appear over the image.
Once you click the Crop button, a new image corresponding to the cropped image will be created and selected as the new input image.
To automatically crop an image, select it as input image, select a ROI, and open the Cropping section of the Custom Registration module panel, with the Automatic mode.
You can enter the margins around the ROI. A bounding box will appear over the image.
Once you click the Crop button, a new image corresponding to the cropped image will be created and selected as the new input image.
You can resample an image automatically to match another image's dimensions and pixel spacing (for registration, difference map computation, etc.).
First, select the image you want to resample as input image, and the image you want to match as target image.
Then, you can simply open the Resampling section of the Custom Registration module panel, and click the Resample button.
A new image corresponding to the cropped image will be created and selected as the new input image. You can check the new dimensions and pixel spacing.
Multiple registration possibilities are at your disposal. You have the choice between SimpleITK based or SlicerElastix based registration. After the your selection, other settings will help you tune your registration as you wish to get the results you need. Among important parameters you must use are metrics, optimizers, and interpolators (Remark : those settings are unecessary when choosing an Elastix presets, this library is independent).
For a simple rigid registration, after the selection of the volume to registrate and the fixed volume, Gradient Descent optimizer and the linear interpolator is recommended. You can tune the gradient descent parameters once you have selected the Rigid sitk algorithm and gradient descent, but the default parameters should be enough.
After you have adjusted your inputs for the available parameters. You can press the Apply Button, you will have access to a cancel button if the computation is taking too much time.
After registration, the result will be displayed in the red window.
Here is a recap of other registration algorithms you may use.
- Rigid: Process of aligning two images by applying a 3D transformation that includes rotation and translation.
- Affine: Process of aligning two images by applying a 3D transformation that includes rotation, translation, scaling and shearing.
- Non Rigid B-Spline: Process of aligning two images by applying a 3D transformation that includes deformation.
- Demons: Non-rigid registration, it estimates force vectors that drive the deformation toward alignment and smoothing the force vectors by Gaussian convolution.
- Elastix Rigid: Elastix preset to apply a rigid regisration.
- Elastix Non Rigid: Elastix preset to apply a non-rigid registration.
- Other Elastix presets and Demons.
The Settings panel is only available for sitk algorithms. All parameters have a by default value, so you do not have to tune any parameters.
Note that non rigid BSpline is taking a very long time with gradient descent, you may prefer the LBFGSB optimizer instead.
It is possible to calculate a difference map from the source image and the target image and the reference image, a drop down menu allows you to choose between gradient difference or absolute value mode. To eliminate noise, it is also possible to blur the image by choosing the size of its kernel.
To display the map, simply press "Apply". Then the difference map will appear in the yellow window.
Plugins are the easiest way to add new features to Custom Registration by importing graphical interfaces and algorithms into the extension module.
You can load existing plugins from the Plugins resource folder (src/CustomRegistration/Resources/Plugins
). But you can also create and load your own plugins to add features of your choice to Custom Registration.
A plugin consists of two files:
- A graphical interface stored in an UI (XML) file:
. This file must contain all the widgets you will want to manipulate to apply parameters to your algorithm. You can write your own or more easily generate one with dedicated tools such as Slicer's pre-built designer, which you can find into the Application Settings (in the Edit menu), under Developer menu, or Qt Designer (also included in Qt Creator)–but you might be missing Slicer's custom widgets with the latter. - A script stored in a Python file:
. The script must contain arun
function. Keep it mind that this function is only an entry point for your plugin. You can write all your script inside, use different functions and files, or even call algorithms written in different languages or from libraries. Therun
function receives four parameters:ui
: Your plugin graphical interface to retrieve data from (parameters, other values…). You can retrieve any element from your graphical interface as an object by usingui.findChild(type, name)
, to access and control its value.scene
: Slicer's MRML Scene (for adding, removing, or editing volumes and other nodes). You can check its usage in Slicer's documentation.input_volume
: The input volume defined in Custom Registration (appearing in the top view), which is the one that is either preprocessed or registered. If no volume is selected as input, its value will beNone
: The target volume defined in Custom Registration (appearing in the bottom-left view), which is the one that is selected as target to process the input volume accordingly. If no volume is selected as target, its value will beNone
Head over to the Plugins section of the Custom Registration module panel, where you can find a Load Plugin button.
When clicked, a Plugin Loading dialog window opens. You can choose a name for your plugin, and load the graphical interface and script files. You can then hit Load to add your plugin to the extension module.
Once loaded, your plugin appears after the plugin loading area, under a collapible button named as your plugin. You can there find your graphical interface and a Run button to execute your script.