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472 lines (363 loc) · 26.4 KB

File metadata and controls

472 lines (363 loc) · 26.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
batchSearchParticipants POST /trading-partners/batch-searches Creates a batch search and performs a batch search in the directory for participants in the background.
downloadBatchSearchReport GET /trading-partners/batch-searches/{id}/$download-results Download batch search results in a csv file.
getBatchSearchDetail GET /trading-partners/batch-searches/{id} Get the batch search details for a given id.
listBatchSearches GET /trading-partners/batch-searches List all batch searches that were previously submitted.
searchParticipants GET /trading-partners Returns a list of participants matching the input query.


batchSearchParticipants(avalaraVersion, name, notificationEmail, _file, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID)

Creates a batch search and performs a batch search in the directory for participants in the background.

Handles batch search requests by uploading a file containing search parameters.


// Import classes:
import Avalara.SDK.ApiClient;
import Avalara.SDK.ApiException;
import Avalara.SDK.Configuration;
import Avalara.SDK.auth.*;
import Avalara.SDK.models.*;
import Avalara.SDK.api.EInvoicing.V1.TradingPartnersApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization
        configuration.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        configuration.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization
        configuration.setBearerToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(configuration);

        TradingPartnersApi apiInstance = new TradingPartnersApi(apiClient);
        String avalaraVersion = "1.2"; // String | The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
        String name = "Automotive Companies in London Search"; // String | The human readable name given to this batch search.
        String notificationEmail = ""; // String | The email address of the user to whom the batch search completion notification must go to.
        File _file = new File("/path/to/file"); // File | CSV file containing search parameters.
        String xAvalaraClient = "John's E-Invoicing-API Client"; // String | You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a \"Fingerprint\"
        String xCorrelationID = "f3f0d19a-01a1-4748-8a58-f000d0424f43"; // String | The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call.
        try {
            apiInstance.batchSearchParticipants(avalaraVersion, name, notificationEmail, _file, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TradingPartnersApi#batchSearchParticipants");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
avalaraVersion String The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
name String The human readable name given to this batch search.
notificationEmail String The email address of the user to whom the batch search completion notification must go to.
_file File CSV file containing search parameters.
xAvalaraClient String You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a "Fingerprint" [optional]
xCorrelationID String The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call. [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
202 Batch search file accepted for processing the search. * X-Correlation-Id -
400 Invalid request * X-Correlation-Id -
401 Unauthorized * X-Correlation-Id -
403 Forbidden * X-Correlation-Id -
500 Internal server error * X-Correlation-Id -


File downloadBatchSearchReport(avalaraVersion, id, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID)

Download batch search results in a csv file.

Downloads the report for a specific batch search using the batch search ID.


// Import classes:
import Avalara.SDK.ApiClient;
import Avalara.SDK.ApiException;
import Avalara.SDK.Configuration;
import Avalara.SDK.auth.*;
import Avalara.SDK.models.*;
import Avalara.SDK.api.EInvoicing.V1.TradingPartnersApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization
        configuration.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        configuration.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization
        configuration.setBearerToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(configuration);

        TradingPartnersApi apiInstance = new TradingPartnersApi(apiClient);
        String avalaraVersion = "1.2"; // String | The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
        String id = "2f5ea4b5-4dae-445a-b3e4-9f65a61eaa99"; // String | The ID of the batch search whose report is to be downloaded.
        String xAvalaraClient = "John's E-Invoicing-API Client"; // String | You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a \"Fingerprint\"
        String xCorrelationID = "f3f0d19a-01a1-4748-8a58-f000d0424f43"; // String | The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call.
        try {
            File result = apiInstance.downloadBatchSearchReport(avalaraVersion, id, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TradingPartnersApi#downloadBatchSearchReport");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
avalaraVersion String The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
id String The ID of the batch search whose report is to be downloaded.
xAvalaraClient String You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a "Fingerprint" [optional]
xCorrelationID String The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/csv, application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Successful report download * X-Correlation-Id -
401 Unauthorized * X-Correlation-Id -
403 Forbidden * X-Correlation-Id -
404 Report not found * X-Correlation-Id -
500 Internal server error * X-Correlation-Id -


BatchSearch getBatchSearchDetail(avalaraVersion, id, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID)

Get the batch search details for a given id.

Get the batch search details for a given id.


// Import classes:
import Avalara.SDK.ApiClient;
import Avalara.SDK.ApiException;
import Avalara.SDK.Configuration;
import Avalara.SDK.auth.*;
import Avalara.SDK.models.*;
import Avalara.SDK.api.EInvoicing.V1.TradingPartnersApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization
        configuration.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        configuration.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization
        configuration.setBearerToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(configuration);

        TradingPartnersApi apiInstance = new TradingPartnersApi(apiClient);
        String avalaraVersion = "1.2"; // String | The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
        String id = "2f5ea4b5-4dae-445a-b3e4-9f65a61eaa99"; // String | The ID of the batch search that was submitted earlier.
        String xAvalaraClient = "John's E-Invoicing-API Client"; // String | You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a \"Fingerprint\"
        String xCorrelationID = "f3f0d19a-01a1-4748-8a58-f000d0424f43"; // String | The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call.
        try {
            BatchSearch result = apiInstance.getBatchSearchDetail(avalaraVersion, id, xAvalaraClient, xCorrelationID);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TradingPartnersApi#getBatchSearchDetail");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
avalaraVersion String The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
id String The ID of the batch search that was submitted earlier.
xAvalaraClient String You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a "Fingerprint" [optional]
xCorrelationID String The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Get the batch search details for a given id. * X-Correlation-Id -
401 Unauthorized * X-Correlation-Id -
403 Forbidden * X-Correlation-Id -
500 Internal server error * X-Correlation-Id -


BatchSearchListResponse listBatchSearches(avalaraVersion, xAvalaraClient, $filter, count, $top, $skip, $orderBy, xCorrelationID)

List all batch searches that were previously submitted.

Retrieves all batch searches performed by the user.


// Import classes:
import Avalara.SDK.ApiClient;
import Avalara.SDK.ApiException;
import Avalara.SDK.Configuration;
import Avalara.SDK.auth.*;
import Avalara.SDK.models.*;
import Avalara.SDK.api.EInvoicing.V1.TradingPartnersApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization
        configuration.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        configuration.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization
        configuration.setBearerToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(configuration);

        TradingPartnersApi apiInstance = new TradingPartnersApi(apiClient);
        String avalaraVersion = "1.2"; // String | The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
        String xAvalaraClient = "John's E-Invoicing-API Client"; // String | You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a \"Fingerprint\"
        String $filter = "name eq 'Batch_Search_Import_V4'"; // String | Filter by field name and value. This filter only supports <code>eq</code> .The parameters supported is <code>name</code>.    Refer to []( for more information on filtering. Filtering will be done over the provided parameters.
        Boolean count = true; // Boolean | When set to true, the count of the collection is included as @recordSetCount in the response body.
        String $top = "10"; // String | If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with <code>$skip</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 200 records.
        String $skip = "10"; // String | If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with <code>$top</code> to provide pagination for large datasets.
        String $orderBy = "name desc"; // String | The $orderBy query parameter specifies the field and sorting direction for ordering the result set. The value is a string that combines a field name and a sorting direction (asc for ascending or desc for descending), separated by a space.
        String xCorrelationID = "f3f0d19a-01a1-4748-8a58-f000d0424f43"; // String | The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call.
        try {
            BatchSearchListResponse result = apiInstance.listBatchSearches(avalaraVersion, xAvalaraClient, $filter, count, $top, $skip, $orderBy, xCorrelationID);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TradingPartnersApi#listBatchSearches");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
avalaraVersion String The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
xAvalaraClient String You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a &quot;Fingerprint&quot; [optional]
$filter String Filter by field name and value. This filter only supports <code>eq</code> .The parameters supported is <code>name</code>. Refer to for more information on filtering. Filtering will be done over the provided parameters. [optional]
count Boolean When set to true, the count of the collection is included as @recordSetCount in the response body. [optional]
$top String If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with <code>$skip</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 200 records. [optional]
$skip String If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with <code>$top</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. [optional]
$orderBy String The $orderBy query parameter specifies the field and sorting direction for ordering the result set. The value is a string that combines a field name and a sorting direction (asc for ascending or desc for descending), separated by a space. [optional]
xCorrelationID String The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 List of batch searches * X-Correlation-Id -
401 Unauthorized * X-Correlation-Id -
403 Forbidden * X-Correlation-Id -
500 Internal server error * X-Correlation-Id -


DirectorySearchResponse searchParticipants(avalaraVersion, $search, xAvalaraClient, count, $filter, $top, $skip, $orderBy, xCorrelationID)

Returns a list of participants matching the input query.

Returns a list of participants matching the input query.


// Import classes:
import Avalara.SDK.ApiClient;
import Avalara.SDK.ApiException;
import Avalara.SDK.Configuration;
import Avalara.SDK.auth.*;
import Avalara.SDK.models.*;
import Avalara.SDK.api.EInvoicing.V1.TradingPartnersApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization
        configuration.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        configuration.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization
        configuration.setBearerToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(configuration);

        TradingPartnersApi apiInstance = new TradingPartnersApi(apiClient);
        String avalaraVersion = "1.2"; // String | The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
        String $search = "Acme and 7726627177 or BMW"; // String | Search by value supports logical AND and OR. Refer to []( for more information on search. Search will be done over <code>name</code> and <code>identifier</code> parameters only.
        String xAvalaraClient = "John's E-Invoicing-API Client"; // String | You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a \"Fingerprint\"
        Boolean count = true; // Boolean | When set to true, the count of the collection is included as @recordSetCount in the response body.
        String $filter = "network eq 'Peppol' and country eq 'Australia'"; // String | Filter by field name and value. This filter only supports <code>eq</code> .The parameters supported are <code>network</code>, <code>country</code>, <code>documentType</code>, <code>idType</code>.          Refer to []( for more information on filtering. Filtering will be done over the provided parameters.
        String $top = "10"; // String | If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with <code>$skip</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 200 records.
        String $skip = "10"; // String | If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with <code>$top</code> to provide pagination for large datasets.
        String $orderBy = "name desc"; // String | The $orderBy query parameter specifies the field and sorting direction for ordering the result set. The value is a string that combines a field name and a sorting direction (asc for ascending or desc for descending), separated by a space.
        String xCorrelationID = "f3f0d19a-01a1-4748-8a58-f000d0424f43"; // String | The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call.
        try {
            DirectorySearchResponse result = apiInstance.searchParticipants(avalaraVersion, $search, xAvalaraClient, count, $filter, $top, $skip, $orderBy, xCorrelationID);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TradingPartnersApi#searchParticipants");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
avalaraVersion String The HTTP Header meant to specify the version of the API intended to be used
$search String Search by value supports logical AND and OR. Refer to for more information on search. Search will be done over <code>name</code> and <code>identifier</code> parameters only.
xAvalaraClient String You can freely use any text you wish for this value. This feature can help you diagnose and solve problems with your software. The header can be treated like a &quot;Fingerprint&quot; [optional]
count Boolean When set to true, the count of the collection is included as @recordSetCount in the response body. [optional]
$filter String Filter by field name and value. This filter only supports <code>eq</code> .The parameters supported are <code>network</code>, <code>country</code>, <code>documentType</code>, <code>idType</code>. Refer to for more information on filtering. Filtering will be done over the provided parameters. [optional]
$top String If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with <code>$skip</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 200 records. [optional]
$skip String If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with <code>$top</code> to provide pagination for large datasets. [optional]
$orderBy String The $orderBy query parameter specifies the field and sorting direction for ordering the result set. The value is a string that combines a field name and a sorting direction (asc for ascending or desc for descending), separated by a space. [optional]
xCorrelationID String The caller can use this as an identifier to use as a correlation id to trace the call. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK * X-Correlation-Id -
400 Bad request * X-Correlation-Id -
401 Unauthorized * X-Correlation-Id -
403 Forbidden * X-Correlation-Id -
500 Internal server error * X-Correlation-Id -