The cuda_blackboard
is a minimalistic implementation of the hardware acceleration in ROS enabled by REP2007: type adaptation and REP2009: type negotiation.
Although it does not require the use of additional libraries, it requires the use of NVIDIA GPUs and CUDA.
ROS does not include the use of hardware acceleration in its original design, and nodes that implement some sort of hardware acceleration (e.g., ML models, image compression, etc) require at each step to copy the data from host to device and vice versa, limiting the benefits resulting from the acceleration.
By leveraging type adaptation and negotiation, we implement a mechanism that enables data sharing between different nodes without it ever leaving the GPU. Additionally, it is compatible with traditional ROS publisher/subscribers as shown in the following table:
Publisher / Subscriber | ROS | cuda_blackboard |
ROS | no copy | host to device copy |
cuda_blackboard | device to host copy | no copy |
The CudaBlackboard
is a structure following a singleton pattern (one instance per process), in which data (containing structures in the GPU) are stored in dictionaries.
- The dictionary data can be accessed through an UID, which is generated automatically when inserting new data to the blackboard. Additionally, the data can be accessed through a signature from the entity inserting data to the blackboard.
- The structure inside the dictionary consists of the actual data to be inserted, the UID, the writer's signature, and a number of tickets. The number of tickets is set by the entity inserting the data.
- Through the use of the UID or the writer's signature, other entities can have access to the blackboard data. Each time an entity retrieves an element, its number of tickets decreases by one. Once it reaches zero, the data is removed from the blackboard.
- To avoid unbounded memory allocation or leaks, when an entity tries to insert data with a signature for which there is already data present, it will first delete it and then add the new data with a new UID. This is needed for cases where the entities who would want to access the data are slower than the ones inserting it.
Type adaptation and negotiation turn the CudaBlackboard
into an effective hardware acceleration / cuda layer for ROS.
Normal structures containing device (GPU) memory can be inserted into the blackboard using an API similar to normal ROS publishers (CudaBlackboardPublisher
), while internally the data transmitted through ROS is the UID. In this case, the number of tickets is the number of subscribers to the ROS topic. On the subscriber side, the CudaBlackboardSubscriber
receives the UID, retrieves the data in the blackboard, and executes a callback in the parent node without incurring into a copy.
To achieve compatibility, type adaptation and negotiation are also key. When a traditional subscriber connects to a CudaBlackboardPublisher
or the other way around, the data will be converted to or from a traditional ROS message matching the structure.
In this package, we define CudaImage
and CudaPointCloud2
as new types for hardware acceleration. They subclass their sensor_msgs::msg::Image
and sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2
, but their data field is a pointer to device memory.
This makes possible to easily convert between traditional and accelerated types under the hood, with minimal changes needed in user code.
New types can be easily added by following this pattern.
can be created and used in a similarly to traditional ROS ones.
auto pub = std::make_shared<CudaBlackboardPublisher<CudaImage>>(*this, "image_raw");
The previous code will create both a image_raw
) and a image_raw/cuda
used for type negotiation).
Traditional ROS nodes can directly subscribe to image_raw
with no other changes.
Publishing also works on the same way:
auto cuda_image_ptr = std::make_unique<CudaImage>(ros_image);
where ros_image
is a normal sensor_msgs::msg::Image
and a constructor is implemented to copy the data to the GPU.
also works in a similar way to its traditional counterpart:
auto sub = std::make_shared<CudaBlackboardSubscriber<CudaImage>>(*this, "image_raw", false, callback);
where callback
follows the signature of a traditional ROS one std::shared_ptr<const CudaImage> cuda_msg
If the data is not already on device memory (i.e., comes from a traditional publisher), it will be copied under the hood.
To illustrate the use of the cuda_blackboard
and its structures, we provide a simple example:
In a publisher node we load an image from disk, move it to the GPU, and publish it using a CudaBlackboardPublisher
in the form of a CudaImage
Then, in a subscriber node, utilizing a CudaBlackboardSubscriber
we get the CudaImage
, copy the data to host memory, and republish it again to a different topic.
The example can be run with the following command:
ros2 launch cuda_blackboard
In this case, the /image_raw
is offered, but by default there is no subscriptions. The output image can be checked in the /output_image
For the cuda_blackboard
to work, all nodes must reside in the same process. In ROS, this is achieved through the use of component_containers
and ComposableNodes
(see the example).
However, due to how type negotiation works, the global option use_intra_process_comms
can not be set to true
in nodes that use the cuda_blackboard
, and instead must be set for each traditional subscriber independently:
rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions sub_options;
sub_options.use_intra_process_comm = rclcpp::IntraProcessSetting::Enable;
pointcloud_sub_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>(
"~/input/pointcloud", rclcpp::SensorDataQoS{}.keep_last(1),
std::bind(&ExampleNode::callback, this, std::placeholders::_1),
- Zero copy: multiple
publisher/subscribers using the same data will incur in several device to device copies. By adding an option to limit the number ofcuda_blackboard
tickets to 1, ownership of the data can be transferred to the subscriber.