File tree
1,037 files changed
lines changed- .github
- workflows
- common
- autoware_ad_api_specs
- autoware_auto_perception_rviz_plugin
- include/autoware_auto_perception_rviz_plugin/object_detection
- src/object_detection
- autoware_overlay_rviz_plugin
- autoware_overlay_msgs
- msg
- autoware_overlay_rviz_plugin
- assets
- font/Quicksand
- static
- images
- include
- src
- component_interface_specs
- component_interface_tools
- component_interface_utils
- object_recognition_utils
- path_distance_calculator
- perception_utils
- tensorrt_common
- include/tensorrt_common
- src
- tier4_adapi_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- src
- tier4_api_utils
- tier4_automatic_goal_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- plugins
- src
- tier4_camera_view_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- tier4_datetime_rviz_plugin
- tier4_debug_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- include/tier4_debug_rviz_plugin
- plugins
- src
- tier4_debug_tools
- config
- include/tier4_debug_tools
- launch
- media
- scripts
- src
- tier4_localization_rviz_plugin
- tier4_perception_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- tier4_planning_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- tier4_target_object_type_rviz_plugin/src
- traffic_light_utils
- include/traffic_light_utils
- src
- test
- control
- autonomous_emergency_braking
- include/autonomous_emergency_braking
- src
- control_validator
- config
- include/control_validator
- src
- joy_controller
- config
- launch
- pid_longitudinal_controller
- include/pid_longitudinal_controller
- param
- src
- test
- trajectory_follower_node
- config
- launch
- vehicle_cmd_gate
- config
- launch
- src
- test/src
- evaluator
- planning_evaluator/src/metrics
- tier4_metrics_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- plugins
- src
- launch
- tier4_autoware_api_launch
- tier4_control_launch/launch
- tier4_localization_launch
- launch
- pose_twist_estimator
- pose_twist_fusion_filter
- util
- tier4_map_launch
- launch
- tier4_perception_launch
- launch
- object_recognition
- detection
- detector
- merger
- tracking
- obstacle_segmentation/ground_segmentation
- occupancy_grid_map
- traffic_light_recognition
- tier4_planning_launch/launch
- scenario_planning
- lane_driving/behavior_planning
- tier4_sensing_launch/launch
- tier4_vehicle_launch/launch
- localization
- ekf_localizer
- config
- include/ekf_localizer
- launch
- schema
- sub
- src
- geo_pose_projector
- gyro_odometer
- landmark_based_localizer
- ar_tag_based_localizer
- schema
- landmark_manager
- localization_error_monitor
- schema
- src
- localization_util
- ndt_scan_matcher
- config
- include/ndt_scan_matcher
- schema
- sub
- src
- pose2twist
- pose_estimator_arbiter
- example_rule
- src/pose_estimator_arbiter
- rule_helper
- switch_rule
- test
- launch
- media
- src/pose_estimator_arbiter
- stopper
- switch_rule
- test
- pose_initializer
- config
- launch
- schema
- pose_instability_detector
- config
- schema
- stop_filter
- tree_structured_parzen_estimator
- twist2accel
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- yabloc
- yabloc_common
- schema
- yabloc_image_processing
- launch
- schema
- yabloc_monitor
- schema
- yabloc_particle_filter
- include/yabloc_particle_filter/prediction
- launch
- schema
- src/prediction
- yabloc_pose_initializer
- schema
- map
- map_height_fitter
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- map_loader
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- lanelet2_map_loader
- pointcloud_map_loader
- test
- map_projection_loader
- config
- launch
- schema
- map_tf_generator
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- util/lanelet2_map_preprocessor
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- perception
- bytetrack
- config
- launch
- lib
- include
- src
- cluster_merger
- config
- launch
- compare_map_segmentation/src
- crosswalk_traffic_light_estimator
- include/crosswalk_traffic_light_estimator
- src
- detected_object_validation
- config
- include/detected_object_validation
- detected_object_filter
- obstacle_pointcloud_based_validator
- launch
- src
- euclidean_cluster
- launch
- src
- front_vehicle_velocity_estimator
- include/front_vehicle_velocity_estimator
- launch
- src/front_vehicle_velocity_estimator_node
- ground_segmentation
- config
- launch
- src
- test
- heatmap_visualizer
- config
- image
- include/heatmap_visualizer
- launch
- schema
- src
- image_projection_based_fusion
- config
- include/image_projection_based_fusion
- launch
- src
- roi_cluster_fusion
- roi_detected_object_fusion
- lidar_apollo_instance_segmentation
- launch
- src
- lidar_centerpoint
- config
- launch
- lib/network
- src
- map_based_prediction
- config
- include/map_based_prediction
- launch
- schema
- src
- multi_object_tracker
- include/multi_object_tracker/tracker/model
- src
- data_association
- tracker/model
- object_merger
- config
- launch
- object_range_splitter
- config
- launch
- src
- object_velocity_splitter
- config
- launch
- src/object_velocity_splitter_node
- probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map
- launch
- src/pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map
- test
- radar_crossing_objects_noise_filter
- config
- launch
- src/radar_crossing_objects_noise_filter_node
- radar_fusion_to_detected_object
- radar_object_clustering
- launch
- radar_object_tracker
- config
- launch
- src/tracker/model
- radar_tracks_msgs_converter
- config
- launch
- src/radar_tracks_msgs_converter_node
- shape_estimation/launch
- simple_object_merger
- config
- launch
- src/simple_object_merger_node
- tensorrt_yolo
- config
- include/tensorrt_yolo
- launch
- lib
- include
- src
- plugins
- schema
- src
- tensorrt_yolox/launch
- tracking_object_merger
- config
- include/tracking_object_merger/utils
- launch
- src
- utils
- traffic_light_arbiter
- config
- include/traffic_light_arbiter
- src
- traffic_light_classifier
- config
- include/traffic_light_classifier
- launch
- src
- traffic_light_fine_detector
- config
- launch
- traffic_light_map_based_detector
- config
- launch
- traffic_light_multi_camera_fusion
- include/traffic_light_multi_camera_fusion
- src
- traffic_light_occlusion_predictor
- include/traffic_light_occlusion_predictor
- src
- traffic_light_ssd_fine_detector
- include/traffic_light_ssd_fine_detector
- launch
- lib
- include
- src
- plugins
- src
- traffic_light_visualization
- include/traffic_light_visualization/traffic_light_roi_visualizer
- src
- traffic_light_map_visualizer
- traffic_light_roi_visualizer
- planning
- behavior_path_avoidance_by_lane_change_module
- config
- include/behavior_path_avoidance_by_lane_change_module
- src
- test
- behavior_path_avoidance_module
- config
- include/behavior_path_avoidance_module
- src
- behavior_path_dynamic_avoidance_module
- include/behavior_path_dynamic_avoidance_module
- src
- behavior_path_goal_planner_module
- config
- images
- include/behavior_path_goal_planner_module
- src
- behavior_path_lane_change_module
- config
- include/behavior_path_lane_change_module
- utils
- src
- utils
- behavior_path_planner
- config
- include/behavior_path_planner
- launch
- src
- behavior_path_planner_common
- include/behavior_path_planner_common
- interface
- utils
- drivable_area_expansion
- parking_departure
- path_safety_checker
- src
- utils
- drivable_area_expansion
- path_safety_checker
- behavior_path_sampling_planner_module
- config
- include/behavior_path_sampling_planner_module
- src
- behavior_path_side_shift_module
- images
- include/behavior_path_side_shift_module
- behavior_path_start_planner_module
- config
- images
- include/behavior_path_start_planner_module
- src
- behavior_velocity_blind_spot_module
- config
- src
- behavior_velocity_crosswalk_module
- config
- docs
- src
- behavior_velocity_detection_area_module/src
- behavior_velocity_intersection_module
- config
- docs
- src
- behavior_velocity_no_stopping_area_module/src
- behavior_velocity_occlusion_spot_module/src
- behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src
- behavior_velocity_planner/src
- behavior_velocity_planner_common/include/behavior_velocity_planner_common
- behavior_velocity_run_out_module
- config
- src
- behavior_velocity_traffic_light_module/src
- behavior_velocity_walkway_module/config
- external_velocity_limit_selector
- config
- launch
- schema
- src
- freespace_planner/src/freespace_planner
- mission_planner
- src
- lanelet2_plugins
- mission_planner
- motion_velocity_smoother
- config
- src
- smoother
- obstacle_avoidance_planner
- include/obstacle_avoidance_planner/utils
- launch
- src
- obstacle_cruise_planner
- config
- include/obstacle_cruise_planner
- src
- obstacle_stop_planner
- config
- include/obstacle_stop_planner
- launch
- src
- path_smoother
- include/path_smoother/utils
- src
- planning_debug_tools
- image
- include/planning_debug_tools
- launch
- msg
- scripts
- perception_replayer
- src
- planning_test_utils/config
- planning_validator
- config
- include/planning_validator
- msg
- src
- test/src
- route_handler/src
- rtc_interface
- sampling_based_planner
- frenet_planner
- include/frenet_planner
- src/frenet_planner
- sampler_common/include/sampler_common
- constraints
- scenario_selector/src/scenario_selector_node
- static_centerline_optimizer
- config
- launch
- src
- test
- sensing
- gnss_poser
- config
- include/gnss_poser
- schema
- src
- imu_corrector
- config
- src
- pointcloud_preprocessor
- docs
- image
- include/pointcloud_preprocessor/outlier_filter
- src
- blockage_diag
- concatenate_data
- crop_box_filter
- distortion_corrector
- outlier_filter
- time_synchronizer
- radar_scan_to_pointcloud2
- radar_static_pointcloud_filter
- radar_threshold_filter
- src/radar_threshold_filter_node
- radar_tracks_noise_filter
- config
- include/radar_tracks_noise_filter
- launch
- src/radar_tracks_noise_filter_node
- test
- radar_tracks_noise_filter
- simulator
- dummy_perception_publisher/src
- fault_injection/config
- simple_planning_simulator
- include/simple_planning_simulator
- vehicle_model
- param
- src/simple_planning_simulator
- vehicle_model
- system
- component_state_monitor
- default_ad_api
- default_ad_api_helpers
- ad_api_adaptors
- launch
- ad_api_visualizers
- automatic_pose_initializer
- diagnostic_graph_aggregator
- script
- emergency_handler
- src/emergency_handler
- hazard_status_converter
- launch
- src
- system_error_monitor/config
- diagnostic_aggregator
- tools/simulator_test/simulator_compatibility_test
- resource
- simulator_compatibility_test
- clients
- moraisim
- publishers
- moraisim
- subscribers
- test_base
- test_morai_sim
- test_sim_common_manual_testing
- vehicle
- accel_brake_map_calibrator
- accel_brake_map_calibrator/scripts
- config
- data
- include/accel_brake_map_calibrator
- launch
- media
- rviz
- scripts
- src
- test
- external_cmd_converter
- config
- launch
- raw_vehicle_cmd_converter
- config
- launch
- schema
- vehicle_info_util
- config
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,037 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 |
| - | |
| 8 | + | |
9 | 9 |
Large diffs are not rendered by default.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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36 | 36 |
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37 | 37 |
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38 | 38 |
| |
| 39 | + | |
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39 | 42 |
| |
40 | 43 |
| |
41 | 44 |
| |
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69 | 72 |
| |
70 | 73 |
| |
71 | 74 |
| |
| 75 | + | |
| 76 | + | |
| 77 | + | |
72 | 78 |
| |
73 | 79 |
| |
74 | 80 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
| 8 | + | |
8 | 9 |
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9 | 10 |
| |
10 | 11 |
| |
This file was deleted.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
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8 |
| - | |
9 |
| - | |
10 | 8 |
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11 | 9 |
| |
12 | 10 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
17 | 17 |
| |
18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 | 22 |
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21 | 23 |
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22 | 24 |
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113 | 115 |
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114 | 116 |
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115 | 117 |
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116 |
| - | |
117 |
| - | |
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118 | 126 |
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119 | 127 |
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120 | 128 |
| |
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131 | 139 |
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132 | 140 |
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133 | 141 |
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134 | 159 |
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135 | 160 |
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136 | 161 |
| |
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142 | 167 |
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143 | 168 |
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144 | 169 |
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| 170 | + | |
| 171 | + | |
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145 | 174 |
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146 | 175 |
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147 | 176 |
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148 | 177 |
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149 | 181 |
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150 | 182 |
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151 | 183 |
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154 | 186 |
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155 | 187 |
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156 | 188 |
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157 | 193 |
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158 | 194 |
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159 | 195 |
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162 | 198 |
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163 | 199 |
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164 | 200 |
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| 201 | + | |
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165 | 205 |
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166 | 206 |
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167 | 207 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
64 | 64 |
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65 | 65 |
| |
66 | 66 |
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67 |
| - | |
68 |
| - | |
69 |
| - | |
70 | 67 |
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71 | 68 |
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72 | 69 |
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73 | 70 |
| |
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| 74 | + | |
74 | 75 |
| |
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| 81 | + | |
| 82 | + | |
75 | 83 |
| |
76 | 84 |
| |
77 | 85 |
| |
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96 | 104 |
| |
97 | 105 |
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98 | 106 |
| |
| 107 | + | |
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99 | 114 |
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100 | 115 |
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101 | 116 |
| |
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238 | 253 |
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239 | 254 |
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240 | 255 |
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241 |
| - | |
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242 | 257 |
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243 | 258 |
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244 |
| - | |
245 |
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246 | 273 |
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247 | 274 |
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248 | 275 |
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286 | 313 |
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287 | 314 |
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288 | 315 |
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289 | 354 |
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290 | 355 |
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291 | 356 |
| |
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408 | 473 |
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409 | 474 |
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410 | 475 |
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411 | 516 |
| |
412 | 517 |
| |
413 | 518 |
| |
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419 | 524 |
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420 | 525 |
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421 | 526 |
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422 | 529 |
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423 | 530 |
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424 | 531 |
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425 | 532 |
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426 |
| - | |
427 |
| - | |
428 | 533 |
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429 | 534 |
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430 | 535 |
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431 | 536 |
| |
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432 | 541 |
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433 | 542 |
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434 | 549 |
| |
435 | 550 |
| |
436 | 551 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
| |
11 |
| - | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
12 | 13 |
| |
13 | 14 |
| |
14 | 15 |
| |
0 commit comments