This is the initialized repository from the blog post 'Bulletproof node.js project architecture'
Please read the blog post in order to have a good understanding of the project architecture.
- clone the
repo. - install the dependencies.
- run
npm start
To work in test environment, run:
- npm run start-test (if you have a linux kernel)
- npm run start-test-windows (if you're on linux)
We use node
version 14.15.5
You must have postgres installed on your machines
The first time, you will need to run
** npm install **
** npm install nodemon -g ** (in case it is not installed in your computer)
Then just start the server with
** npm start **
It uses nodemon for livereloading :peace-fingers:
Open http://localhost:4000 to view it in the browser.
## remarks
- The connection with the database was made at app/models/index.js
- .env contains all the database information
- If you want to manipulate or view the database: create a server on pgadmin, name it and add the params that are available in .env file and then enter the server.
- We're using winston as a logging library
- We're using joi as chema description language and data validator for JavaScript
## coding practices
You should check "la charte de codage" before coding, where you will find two parts : general convensions
and best practices for RESP API design.
**Example error**
- When an access token is invalid
"error": "invalid_access_token",
"message": "Invalid access token",
"status": 400
- When the token of the user is unauthorized to access the resource
"error": “authorization_required",
"message": "Authorisation required",
"status": 403
- When validation is prohibited for the token of the user
"error": "validation_error",
"message": "validation denied",
"status": 400
- When the resource is not found
"error": "not_found",
"message": "No such content with id:\”4532\“",
"status": 404
- When a similar action has already been performed on the resource
"error": "command_locked",
"message": "<Resource> is already locked for <action>",
"status": 409
- When a request is made in http and not in https
"error": "routing_error",
"message": "Request must be in https",
"status": 412