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A tool calculating local correlation and enrichment significance of two tracks and finding significantly different genomic regions


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A tool calculating local correlation and enrichment significance of two tracks and finding significantly different genomic regions.

Installation Requirements

Before installing and using localfinder, please ensure that the following external tools are installed on your system:

These tools are required for processing genomic data and must be installed separately.


Install localfinder using pip:

pip install localfinder


There are 5 subcommands (bin, calc, findreg, viz, pipeline) in localfinder, and you can check it using:

localfinder -h


localfinder bin -h
usage: localfinder bin [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR [--bin_size BIN_SIZE] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]]

Bin genomic tracks into fixed-size bins and output BedGraph format.

  -h, --help                                        `Show this help message and exit`  
  --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]       `Input files in BigWig/BedGraph/BAM/SAM format`    
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR                           `Output directory for binned data`  
  --bin_size BIN_SIZE                               `Size of each bin (default: 200)`  
  --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES                         `Path to the chromosome sizes file`  
  --chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]                      `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`

Usage Example 1:
    localfinder bin --input_files --output_dir ./binned_tracks --bin_size 200 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2

Usage Example 2:
    localfinder bin --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./binned_tracks --bin_size 200 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all


localfinder calc -h
usage: localfinder calc [-h] --track1 TRACK1 --track2 TRACK2 [--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES,locS_and_ES,locWS_and_ES,locMI_and_ES}] [--method_params METHOD_PARAMS] [--bin_num BIN_NUM] [--step STEP] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]]

Calculate local correlation and enrichment significance between two BedGraph tracks.

-h, --help                                          `Show this help message and exit`  
--track1 TRACK1                                     `First input BedGraph file`  
--track2 TRACK2                                     `Second input BedGraph file`  
--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES, etc.}           `Methods for calculate local correlation and enrichment significance (default: locP_and_ES)`  
--method_params METHOD_PARAMS                       `Parameters for the method in JSON format (default: {"percentile": 5})`  
--bin_num BIN_NUM                                   `Number of bins in the sliding window (default: 11)`  
--step STEP                                         `Step size for the sliding window (default: 1)`  
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR                             `Output directory for results`  
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES                           `Path to the chromosome sizes file`  
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]                        `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`

Usage Example 1:
    localfinder calc --track1 track1.bedgraph --track2 track2.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --method_params '{"percentile": 5}' --bin_num 11 --step 1 --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2

Usage Example 2:
    localfinder calc --track1 track1.bedgraph --track2 track2.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --method_params '{"percentile": 5}' --bin_num 11 --step 1 --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all  


localfinder findreg -h
usage: localfinder findreg [-h] --track_E TRACK_E --track_C TRACK_C --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR [--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE] [--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE] [--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE] [--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE] [--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE] [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES

Identify genomic regions that show significant differences in correlation and enrichment.

-h, --help                                          `show this help message and exit`  
--track_E TRACK_E                                   `Enrichment Significance BedGraph file`  
--track_C TRACK_C                                   `Local Correlation BedGraph file`  
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR                             `Output directory for significant regions`  
--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE                     `Minimum number of consecutive bins to define a region (default: 5)`  
--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE                     `High percentile for enrichment (default: 75)`  
--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE                   `Low percentile for enrichment (default: 25)`  
--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE                     `High percentile for correlation (default: 75)`  
--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE                   `Low percentile for correlation (default: 25)`  
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]                        `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`  
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES                           `Path to the chromosome sizes file`

Usage Example 1:
    localfinder findreg --track_E track_E.bedgraph --track_C track_C.bedgraph --output_dir ./results --min_regionSize 5 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2

Usage Example 2:
    localfinder findreg --track_E track_E.bedgraph --track_C track_C.bedgraph --output_dir ./results --min_regionSize 5 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all


localfinder pipeline -h
usage: localfinder pipeline [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--bin_size BIN_SIZE] [--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES,locS_and_ES,locWS_and_ES,locMI_and_ES}] [--method_params METHOD_PARAMS] [--bin_num BIN_NUM] [--step STEP] [--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE] [--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE] [--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE] [--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE] [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]] [--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE]

Run all steps of the localfinder pipeline sequentially.

-h, --help                                          `Show this help message and exit`  
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]         `Input BigWig files to process`  
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR                             `Output directory for all results (default: ./output_pipeline)`  
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES                           `Path to the chromosome sizes file`  
--bin_size BIN_SIZE                                 `Size of each bin for binning tracks (default: 200bp)`  
--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES, etc.}           `Method for calculate local correlation and enrichment significance (default: locP_and_ES)`  
--method_params METHOD_PARAMS                       `Method-specific parameters in JSON format`  
--bin_num BIN_NUM                                   `Number of bins in the sliding window (default: 11)`  
--step STEP                                         `Step size for sliding window (default: 1)`  
--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE                     `Percentile threshold for high enrichment (default: 75)`  
--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE                   `Percentile threshold for low enrichment (default: 25)`  
--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE                     `Percentile threshold for high correlation (default: 75)`  
--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE                   `Percentile threshold for low correlation (default: 25)`  
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]                        `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`  
--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE                     `Minimum number of consecutive bins to define a region (default: 5)`

Usage Example 1:
    localfinder pipeline --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --bin_size 200 --method locP_and_ES --bin_num 11 --step 1 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chroms chr1 chr2

Usage Example 2:
    localfinder pipeline --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --bin_size 200 --method locP_and_ES --bin_num 11 --step 1 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chroms all


localfinder viz -h
usage: localfinder viz [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] --output_file OUTPUT_FILE --method {pyGenomeTracks,plotly} [--region CHROM START END] [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]]

Visualize genomic tracks.

-h, --help                                          `show this help message and exit`  
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]         `Input BedGraph files to visualize`  
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE                           `Output visualization file (e.g., PNG, HTML)`  
--method {pyGenomeTracks,plotly}                    `Visualization method to use`  
--region CHROM START END                            `Region to visualize in the format: CHROM START END (e.g., chr20 1000000 2000000)`  
--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]                        `Colors for the tracks (optional)`

Usage Example 1:
    localfinder viz --input_files track1.bedgraph track2.bedgraph --output_file output.html --method plotly --region chr1 1000000 2000000 --colors blue red

Usage Example 2:
    localfinder viz --input_files track1.bedgraph track2.bedgraph --output_file output.png --method pyGenomeTracks --region chr1 1000000 2000000

Run an example step by step

Create a conda env called localfinder and enter this conda environment

conda create -n localfinder
conda activate  localfinder

Install external tools and localfinder

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge samtools bedtools ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph
pip install LocalFinder

Download the souce code of localfinder

git clone

Run the localfinder/tests/scripts/ to download the test data

cd ./localfinder/tests/scripts
bash ./

Next, we will run all the subcommands on the test data

  1. bin (bin_tracks)
localfinder bin -h 
localfinder bin --input_files ./tests/data/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig ./tests/data/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig --output_dir ./tests/binned_tracks --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
  1. localfinder calc (calc_locCor_and_ES)
localfinder calc -h 
localfinder calc --track1 ./tests/binned_tracks/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph --track2 ./tests/binned_tracks/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --output_dir ./tests/calc --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
  1. localfinder findreg (find_SDR)
localfinder findreg -h
localfinder findreg --track_E ./tests/calc/track_ES.bedgraph --track_C ./tests/calc/track_locCor.bedgraph --output_dir ./tests/findreg --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr19 chr20
  1. localfinder pipeline
localfinder pipeline -h 
localfinder pipeline --input_files ./tests/data/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig ./tests/data/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig --output_dir ./tests/pipeline --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
  1. localfinder viz (visualize_tracks)
localfinder viz -h
localfinder viz --input_files ./tests/binned_tracks/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph ./tests/binned_tracks/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph ./tests/calc/track_locCor.bedgraph ./tests/calc/track_ES.bedgraph --output_file ./tests/viz/test.html --method plotly --region chr20 1000000 2000000


A tool calculating local correlation and enrichment significance of two tracks and finding significantly different genomic regions







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