A tool calculating local correlation and enrichment significance of two tracks and finding significantly different genomic regions.
Before installing and using localfinder
, please ensure that the following external tools are installed on your system:
- bedtools: Used for genomic interval operations.
- Installation: https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/installation.html
- conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge bedtools
- mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge bedtools
- ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph: Used for converting BigWig files to BedGraph format.
- Download: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
- conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph
- mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph
- samtools: Used for processing SAM/BAM files.
- Installation: http://www.htslib.org/download/
- conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge samtools
- mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge samtools
These tools are required for processing genomic data and must be installed separately.
Install localfinder
using pip
pip install localfinder
There are 5 subcommands (bin, calc, findreg, viz, pipeline) in localfinder, and you can check it using:
localfinder -h
localfinder bin -h
usage: localfinder bin [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR [--bin_size BIN_SIZE] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]]
Bin genomic tracks into fixed-size bins and output BedGraph format.
-h, --help `Show this help message and exit`
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] `Input files in BigWig/BedGraph/BAM/SAM format`
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR `Output directory for binned data`
--bin_size BIN_SIZE `Size of each bin (default: 200)`
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES `Path to the chromosome sizes file`
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...] `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`
Usage Example 1:
localfinder bin --input_files track1.bw track2.bw --output_dir ./binned_tracks --bin_size 200 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2
Usage Example 2:
localfinder bin --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./binned_tracks --bin_size 200 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all
localfinder calc -h
usage: localfinder calc [-h] --track1 TRACK1 --track2 TRACK2 [--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES,locS_and_ES,locWS_and_ES,locMI_and_ES}] [--method_params METHOD_PARAMS] [--bin_num BIN_NUM] [--step STEP] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]]
Calculate local correlation and enrichment significance between two BedGraph tracks.
-h, --help `Show this help message and exit`
--track1 TRACK1 `First input BedGraph file`
--track2 TRACK2 `Second input BedGraph file`
--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES, etc.} `Methods for calculate local correlation and enrichment significance (default: locP_and_ES)`
--method_params METHOD_PARAMS `Parameters for the method in JSON format (default: {"percentile": 5})`
--bin_num BIN_NUM `Number of bins in the sliding window (default: 11)`
--step STEP `Step size for the sliding window (default: 1)`
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR `Output directory for results`
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES `Path to the chromosome sizes file`
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...] `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`
Usage Example 1:
localfinder calc --track1 track1.bedgraph --track2 track2.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --method_params '{"percentile": 5}' --bin_num 11 --step 1 --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2
Usage Example 2:
localfinder calc --track1 track1.bedgraph --track2 track2.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --method_params '{"percentile": 5}' --bin_num 11 --step 1 --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all
localfinder findreg -h
usage: localfinder findreg [-h] --track_E TRACK_E --track_C TRACK_C --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR [--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE] [--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE] [--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE] [--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE] [--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE] [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES
Identify genomic regions that show significant differences in correlation and enrichment.
-h, --help `show this help message and exit`
--track_E TRACK_E `Enrichment Significance BedGraph file`
--track_C TRACK_C `Local Correlation BedGraph file`
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR `Output directory for significant regions`
--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE `Minimum number of consecutive bins to define a region (default: 5)`
--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE `High percentile for enrichment (default: 75)`
--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE `Low percentile for enrichment (default: 25)`
--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE `High percentile for correlation (default: 75)`
--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE `Low percentile for correlation (default: 25)`
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...] `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES `Path to the chromosome sizes file`
Usage Example 1:
localfinder findreg --track_E track_E.bedgraph --track_C track_C.bedgraph --output_dir ./results --min_regionSize 5 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr1 chr2
Usage Example 2:
localfinder findreg --track_E track_E.bedgraph --track_C track_C.bedgraph --output_dir ./results --min_regionSize 5 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms all
localfinder pipeline -h
usage: localfinder pipeline [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] --chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES [--bin_size BIN_SIZE] [--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES,locS_and_ES,locWS_and_ES,locMI_and_ES}] [--method_params METHOD_PARAMS] [--bin_num BIN_NUM] [--step STEP] [--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE] [--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE] [--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE] [--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE] [--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...]] [--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE]
Run all steps of the localfinder pipeline sequentially.
-h, --help `Show this help message and exit`
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] `Input BigWig files to process`
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR `Output directory for all results (default: ./output_pipeline)`
--chrom_sizes CHROM_SIZES `Path to the chromosome sizes file`
--bin_size BIN_SIZE `Size of each bin for binning tracks (default: 200bp)`
--method {locP_and_ES,locWP_and_ES, etc.} `Method for calculate local correlation and enrichment significance (default: locP_and_ES)`
--method_params METHOD_PARAMS `Method-specific parameters in JSON format`
--bin_num BIN_NUM `Number of bins in the sliding window (default: 11)`
--step STEP `Step size for sliding window (default: 1)`
--E_upPercentile E_UPPERCENTILE `Percentile threshold for high enrichment (default: 75)`
--E_lowPercentile E_LOWPERCENTILE `Percentile threshold for low enrichment (default: 25)`
--C_upPercentile C_UPPERCENTILE `Percentile threshold for high correlation (default: 75)`
--C_lowPercentile C_LOWPERCENTILE `Percentile threshold for low correlation (default: 25)`
--chroms CHROMS [CHROMS ...] `Chromosomes to process (e.g., chr1 chr2). Defaults to "all"`
--min_regionSize MIN_REGIONSIZE `Minimum number of consecutive bins to define a region (default: 5)`
Usage Example 1:
localfinder pipeline --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --bin_size 200 --method locP_and_ES --bin_num 11 --step 1 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chroms chr1 chr2
Usage Example 2:
localfinder pipeline --input_files track1.bigwig track2.bigwig --output_dir ./results --chrom_sizes hg19.chrom.sizes --bin_size 200 --method locP_and_ES --bin_num 11 --step 1 --E_upPercentile 75 --E_lowPercentile 25 --C_upPercentile 75 --C_lowPercentile 25 --chroms all
localfinder viz -h
usage: localfinder viz [-h] --input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] --output_file OUTPUT_FILE --method {pyGenomeTracks,plotly} [--region CHROM START END] [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]]
Visualize genomic tracks.
-h, --help `show this help message and exit`
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] `Input BedGraph files to visualize`
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE `Output visualization file (e.g., PNG, HTML)`
--method {pyGenomeTracks,plotly} `Visualization method to use`
--region CHROM START END `Region to visualize in the format: CHROM START END (e.g., chr20 1000000 2000000)`
--colors COLORS [COLORS ...] `Colors for the tracks (optional)`
Usage Example 1:
localfinder viz --input_files track1.bedgraph track2.bedgraph --output_file output.html --method plotly --region chr1 1000000 2000000 --colors blue red
Usage Example 2:
localfinder viz --input_files track1.bedgraph track2.bedgraph --output_file output.png --method pyGenomeTracks --region chr1 1000000 2000000
Create a conda env called localfinder and enter this conda environment
conda create -n localfinder
conda activate localfinder
Install external tools and localfinder
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge samtools bedtools ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph
pip install LocalFinder
Download the souce code of localfinder
git clone git@github.com:astudentfromsustech/localfinder.git
Run the localfinder/tests/scripts/download_test_data.sh to download the test data
cd ./localfinder/tests/scripts
bash ./download_test_data.sh
Next, we will run all the subcommands on the test data
- bin (bin_tracks)
localfinder bin -h
localfinder bin --input_files ./tests/data/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig ./tests/data/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig --output_dir ./tests/binned_tracks --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
- localfinder calc (calc_locCor_and_ES)
localfinder calc -h
localfinder calc --track1 ./tests/binned_tracks/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph --track2 ./tests/binned_tracks/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph --method locP_and_ES --output_dir ./tests/calc --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
- localfinder findreg (find_SDR)
localfinder findreg -h
localfinder findreg --track_E ./tests/calc/track_ES.bedgraph --track_C ./tests/calc/track_locCor.bedgraph --output_dir ./tests/findreg --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr19 chr20
- localfinder pipeline
localfinder pipeline -h
localfinder pipeline --input_files ./tests/data/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig ./tests/data/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.bigwig --output_dir ./tests/pipeline --chrom_sizes ./tests/annotations/hg19.chrom.sizes --chroms chr20 chr19
- localfinder viz (visualize_tracks)
localfinder viz -h
localfinder viz --input_files ./tests/binned_tracks/E071-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph ./tests/binned_tracks/E100-H3K4me1.pval.signal.binSize200.bedgraph ./tests/calc/track_locCor.bedgraph ./tests/calc/track_ES.bedgraph --output_file ./tests/viz/test.html --method plotly --region chr20 1000000 2000000