acts as a proxy that allows clients that are unaware of
Redis Sentinel to connect to a Redis Sentinel cluster.
At Mineteria, we have a few applications using Django that are not aware
of Redis Sentinel. Of course, there are also plenty of applications that
are unaware of Redis Sentinel. serpentinised
can help them cope with
the introduction or use of Redis Sentinel.
We previously used redis-ellison.
While this solution worked, it had numerous CPU consumption issues, including
spawning a redis-cli
instance every second. serpentinised
connects to the
Redis Sentinel server directly and listens for any failover changes.
You can use serpentinised
as a Docker container:
docker run -p 6379:6379 -it astei/serpentinised:latest /serpentinised -sentinel-address=sentinel-service.local:5000 -sentinel-master=mymaster
Usage of serpentinised:
-bind string
the address to bind to proxy connections to the active Sentinel (default "")
-connect-timeout int
seconds before a connection to a master times out (default 1)
-sentinel-address string
the address of the Sentinel master
-sentinel-master string
the name of the Sentinel master (default "mymaster")