Telegram bot to assist Vampire the Masquerade RPG gaming
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- Informs Total Dices and Hunger Dices
- Tells you if it was Messy Critical or Bestial Failure
- Adds +2 to the result if there are two 10s on the roll
- Uses the rules from the official book
- Generates Attributes and Skills
- Calculates Health and Willpower
- Generates Name, Age, Generation, Blood Potency and Disciplines
- Returns information about Clans and Disciplines
- Just type in the conversation e.g "Ventrue" or "Cloud Memory"
- Returns information about the updates since the beginning.
- Returns information about the uncommon dice rolls to help the narrator.
- Returns information about the resonance and how they can interfere on disciplines.
- Returns information about the predator types and which dice poll you should use when hunting.
- Returns information about how the narrator can complicate the hunt of each predator type.