TED is devoted to spreading powerful ideas on just about any topic. Founded in 1984 by Richard Salman as a nonprofit organization that aimed at bringing experts from the fields of Technology, Entertainment, and Design together, TED Conferences have gone on to become the Mecca of ideas from virtually all walks of life
These project is aimed at developing a predictive model that will predict the number of views of a TED Talks event in YouTube. Have used a dataset containing details of 4,000 past TED talks including transcripts in many languages and developed various machine learning models.
Number of records: 4,005
Number of attributes: 19
The dataset contains features like:
talk_id: Talk identification number provided by TED
title: Title of the talk
speaker_1: First speaker in TED's speaker list
all_speakers: Speakers in the talk
occupations: Occupations of the speakers
about_speakers: Blurb about each speaker
recorded_date: Date the talk was recorded
published_date: Date the talk was published to TED.com
event: Event or medium in which the talk was given
native_lang: Language the talk was given in
available_lang: All available languages (lang_code) for a talk
comments: Count of comments
duration: Duration in seconds
topics: Related tags or topics for the talk
related_talks: Related talks (key='talk_id',value='title')
url: URL of the talk
description: Description of the talk
transcript: Full transcript of the talk
Target Variable :
views: Contains Count of views of every talk
1)Duplicate Rows: No Duplicate Rows were present
2)Handling Missing Values:
occupation: NULL values were replaced with 'Others'
about_speakers: NULL values were replaced with 'NA'
comments: NULL values were replaced with extreme value 0
recorded_date,all speakers have very less number of NULL values(<1%): Rows were deleted
3)Outlier Handling: For numerical columns,outlier values were replaced with median
4)Feature Engineering:
--New Column time_since_published was created for storing how old the video is. Was calculated on the basis of the difference between last published date of any vdeo(last date assumed) and published date of the current video
--New Column daily_views was created as it is better metric. Was calculated as views/time_since_published
--New Column avg_speaker_1_views was created as correlation between a particular spekaer and average views of his/her videos
--New Column is_weekend was created to check whether the video released on weekdays or weekends
--New Column available_lang_count was created to store in how many languages a video is avialable
--New Column topics_count was created to store how many topics are present in a video
--New Column avg_event_views was created to store how many topics are present in a video
EDA was performed on the dataset to gain insights on the dataset
Following type of visulaizations were used:
--Bar Plot
--Box Plor
--Scatter Plot
--Count Plot
The dataset was divided in train and test set in the ratio of 80:20 .Various models were tried upon the dataset such as Linear Regression and tree based models like Decision Tree, Random Forest. To reduce overfitting hyperparameter tuning was applied on each of the models to enhance the output of the model.
Random Forest with regularization using GridSearch performed the best among the models with least overfitting. Due to training time resource constraint XGBoost was not applied. The result were evaluated on various parameters like MSE,MSRT and R2 scores
Model | MSE Training Score | MSE Test Score | MSRT Training Score | MSRT Test Score | R2 Training Score | R2 Test Score |
Linear Regression | 13734743.9833 | 9048703.5828 | 3706.0415 | 3008.1063 | 0.7622 | 0.8102 |
L1 Regression | 13811142.7076 | 8688681.1133 | 3716.3345 | 2947.6568 | 0.7608 | 0.8178 |
L2 Regression | 13764151.3081 | 8907230.4988 | 3710.0069 | 2984.4983 | 0.7616 | 0.8132 |
Decision Tree | 11233973.1642 | 18367479.3015 | 3351.7119 | 4285.7297 | 0.8054 | 0.6149 |
Random Forest | 2629275.8123 | 7230347.4333 | 1621.5041 | 2688.9305 | 0.9544 | 0.8484 |
Gradient Boosting | 459258.8654 | 8088584.9908 | 677.6864 | 2844.0437 | 0.9920 | 0.8304 |
XGBoosting | 5734634.3142 | 11262460.5049 | 2394.7096 | 3355.9589 | 0.9007 | 0.7638 |
Random Forest and XGBoosting are the two best performing models and R2 score above 0.9 was achieved by them. Hence Random Forest with hyperparameter tuning is the best working model for the given problem
Further the model was deployed on AWS EC2 instance along with Dockerization
Colab IDE,VSCode,AWS EC2,WinSCP,Putty,Docker
- Applying NLP concepts to include title feature and check it's effect on views
- Use Related topics feature of a video and use it in the prediction