This tutorial is an introduction to FIWARE Cygnus - a generic enabler which is used to persist context data into third-party databases creating a historical view of the context. The tutorial activates the IoT sensors connected in the previous tutorial and persists measurements from those sensors into a database for further analysis.
The tutorial uses cUrl commands throughout, but is also available as Postman documentation
Note There are breaking changes to the setup of Cygnus between 1.x and 2.x. This tutorial is describing the use of Cygnus 1.9.0
- このチュートリアルは日本語でもご覧いただけます。
- Data Persistence
- Architecture
- Prerequisites
- Start Up
- MongoDB - Persisting Context Data into a Database
- PostgreSQL - Persisting Context Data into a Database
- MySQL - Persisting Context Data into a Database
- Multi-Agent - Persisting Context Data into a multiple Databases
- Next Steps
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
— Winston Churchill
Previous tutorials have introduced a set of IoT Sensors (providing measurements of the state of the real world), and two FIWARE Components - the Orion Context Broker and an IoT Agent. This tutorial will introduce a new data persistence component - FIWARE Cygnus.
The system so far has been built up to handle the current context, in other words it holds the data entities defining the state of the real-world objects at a given moment in time.
From this definition you can see - context is only interested in the current state of the system It is not the responsibility of any of the existing components to report on the historical state of the system, the context is based on the last measurement each sensor has sent to the context broker.
In order to do this, we will need to extend the existing architecture to persist changes of state into a database whenever the context is updated.
Persisting historical context data is useful for big data analysis - it can be used to discover trends, or data can be sampled and aggregated to remove the influence of outlying data measurements. However within each Smart Solution, the significance of each entity type will differ and entities and attributes may need to be sampled at different rates.
Since the business requirements for using context data differ from application to application, there is no one standard use case for historical data persistence - each situation is unique - it is not the case that one size fits all. Therefore rather than overloading the context broker with the job of historical context data persistence, this role has been separated out into a separate, highly configurable component - Cygnus.
As you would expect, Cygnus, as part of an Open Source platform, is technology agnostic regarding the database to be used for data persistence. The database you choose to use will depend upon your own business needs.
However there is a cost to offering this flexibility - each part of the system must be separately configured and notifications must be set up to only pass the minimal data required as necessary.
For the purpose of this tutorial, a series of dummy IoT devices have been
created, which will be attached to the context broker. Details of the
architecture and protocol used can be found in the
IoT Sensors tutorial. The
state of each device can be seen on the UltraLight device monitor web page found
at: http://localhost:3000/device/monitor
This application builds on the components and dummy IoT devices created in previous tutorials. It will make use of three FIWARE components - the Orion Context Broker, the IoT Agent for Ultralight 2.0 and introduce the Cygnus Generic Enabler for persisting context data to a database. Additional databases are now involved - both the Orion Context Broker and the IoT Agent rely on MongoDB technology to keep persistence of the information they hold, and we will be persisting our historical context data another database - either MySQL , PostgreSQL or MongoDB database.
Therefore the overall architecture will consist of the following elements:
- Three FIWARE Generic Enablers:
- The FIWARE Orion Context Broker which will receive requests using NGSI
- The FIWARE IoT Agent for Ultralight 2.0 which will receive northbound measurements from the dummy IoT devices in Ultralight 2.0 format and convert them to NGSI requests for the context broker to alter the state of the context entities
- FIWARE Cygnus which will subscribe to context changes and persist them into a database (MySQL , PostgreSQL or MongoDB)
- One, two or three of the following Databases:
- The underlying MongoDB database :
- Used by the Orion Context Broker to hold context data information such as data entities, subscriptions and registrations
- Used by the IoT Agent to hold device information such as device URLs and Keys
- Potentially used as a data sink to hold historical context data.
- An additional PostgreSQL database :
- Potentially used as a data sink to hold historical context data.
- An additional MySQL database :
- Potentially used as a data sink to hold historical context data.
- The underlying MongoDB database :
- Three Context Providers:
- The Stock Management Frontend is not used in this tutorial. It does
the following:
- Display store information and allow users to interact with the dummy IoT devices
- Show which products can be bought at each store
- Allow users to "buy" products and reduce the stock count.
- A webserver acting as set of dummy IoT devices using the Ultralight 2.0 protocol running over HTTP.
- The Context Provider NGSI proxy is not used in this tutorial. It does the following:
- The Stock Management Frontend is not used in this tutorial. It does
the following:
Since all interactions between the elements are initiated by HTTP requests, the entities can be containerized and run from exposed ports.
The specific architecture of each section of the tutorial is discussed below.
To keep things simple all components will be run using Docker. Docker is a container technology which allows to different components isolated into their respective environments.
- To install Docker on Windows follow the instructions here
- To install Docker on Mac follow the instructions here
- To install Docker on Linux follow the instructions here
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. A series of YAML files are used configure the required services for the application. This means all container services can be brought up in a single command. Docker Compose is installed by default as part of Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac, however Linux users will need to follow the instructions found here
You can check your current Docker and Docker Compose versions using the following commands:
docker-compose -v
docker version
Please ensure that you are using Docker version 18.03 or higher and Docker Compose 1.21 or higher and upgrade if necessary.
We will start up our services using a simple Bash script. Windows users should download cygwin to provide a command-line functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows.
Before you start you should ensure that you have obtained or built the necessary Docker images locally. Please clone the repository and create the necessary images by running the commands as shown:
git clone
cd tutorials.Historic-Context
./services create
Thereafter, all services can be initialized from the command-line by running the services Bash script provided within the repository:
./services <command>
Where <command>
will vary depending upon the databases we wish to activate.
This command will also import seed data from the previous tutorials and
provision the dummy IoT sensors on startup.
ℹ️ Note: If you want to clean up and start over again you can do so with the following command:
./services stop
Persisting historic context data using MongoDB technology is relatively simple
to configure since we are already using a MongoDB instance to hold data related
to the Orion Context Broker and the IoT Agent. The MongoDB instance is listening
on the standard 27017
port and the overall architecture can be seen below:
image: mongo:3.6
hostname: mongo-db
container_name: db-mongo
- "27017:27017"
- default
command: --bind_ip_all --smallfiles
image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest
hostname: cygnus
container_name: fiware-cygnus
- mongo-db
- default
- "5080"
- "5050:5050"
- "5080:5080"
- "CYGNUS_MONGO_HOSTS=mongo-db:27017"
The cygnus
container is listening on two ports:
- The Subscription Port for Cygnus -
is where the service will be listening for notifications from the Orion context broker - The Management Port for Cygnus -
is exposed purely for tutorial access - so that cUrl or Postman can make provisioning commands without being part of the same network.
The cygnus
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value | Description |
CYGNUS_MONGO_HOSTS | mongo-db:27017 |
Comma separated list of MongoDB servers which Cygnus will contact to persist historical context data |
The logging level for Cygnus |
Notification Port that Cygnus listens when subscribing to context data changes |
Port that Cygnus listens on for operational reasons |
To start the system with a MongoDB database only, run the following command:
./services mongodb
Once Cygnus is running, you can check the status by making an HTTP request to
the exposed CYGNUS_API_PORT
port. If the response is blank, this is usually
because Cygnus is not running or is listening on another port.
curl -X GET \
The response will look similar to the following:
"success": "true",
"version": "1.8.0_SNAPSHOT.ed50706880829e97fd4cf926df434f1ef4fac147"
Troubleshooting: What if the response is blank ?
- To check that a docker container is running try
docker psYou should see several containers running. If
is not running, you can restart the containers as necessary.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we must be monitoring a system where the
context is periodically being updated. The dummy IoT Sensors can be used to do
this. Open the device monitor page at http://localhost:3000/device/monitor
unlock a Smart Door and switch on a Smart Lamp. This can be done by
selecting an appropriate the command from the drop down list and pressing the
button. The stream of measurements coming from the devices can then be
seen on the same page:
Once a dynamic context system is up and running, we need to inform Cygnus of changes in context.
This is done by making a POST request to the /v2/subscription
endpoint of the
Orion Context Broker.
- The
headers are used to filter the subscription to only listen to measurements from the attached IoT Sensors, since they had been provisioned using these settings - The
in the request body ensures that Cygnus will be informed of all context data changes. - The notification
must match the configuredCYGNUS_API_PORT
- The
is required since Cygnus currently only accepts notifications in the older NGSI v1 format. - The
value defines the rate that changes are sampled.
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /' \
-d '{
"description": "Notify Cygnus of all context changes",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
"throttling": 5
As you can see, the database used to persist context data has no impact on the details of the subscription. It is the same for each database. The response will be 201 - Created
ℹ️ Note: if you see errors of the following form within the Cygnus log:
Received bad request from client. cygnus | org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPBadRequestException: 'fiware-servicepath' header value does not match the number of notified context responses
This is usually because the
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
flag has been omitted.
If a subscription has been created, you can check to see if it is firing by
making a GET request to the /v2/subscriptions
curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions/' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /'
"id": "5b39d7c866df40ed84284174",
"description": "Notify Cygnus of all context changes",
"status": "active",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"condition": {
"attrs": []
"notification": {
"timesSent": 158,
"lastNotification": "2018-07-02T07:59:21.00Z",
"attrs": [],
"attrsFormat": "legacy",
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"lastSuccess": "2018-07-02T07:59:21.00Z"
"throttling": 5
Within the notification
section of the response, you can see several
additional attributes
which describe the health of the subscription
If the criteria of the subscription have been met, timesSent
should be greater
than 0
. A zero value would indicate that the subject
of the subscription is
incorrect or the subscription has created with the wrong fiware-service-path
or fiware-service
The lastNotification
should be a recent timestamp - if this is not the case,
then the devices are not regularly sending data. Remember to unlock the Smart
Door and switch on the Smart Lamp
The lastSuccess
should match the lastNotification
date - if this is not the
case then Cygnus is not receiving the subscription properly. Check that the
hostname and port are correct.
Finally, check that the status
of the subscription is active
- an expired
subscription will not fire.
To read MongoDB data from the command-line, we will need access to the mongo
tool run an interactive instance of the mongo
image as shown to obtain a
command-line prompt:
docker run -it --network fiware_default --entrypoint /bin/bash mongo
You can then log into to the running mongo-db
database by using the
command-line as shown:
mongo --host mongo-db
To show the list of available databases, run the statement as shown:
show dbs
admin 0.000GB
iotagentul 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
orion 0.000GB
orion-openiot 0.000GB
sth_openiot 0.000GB
The result include two databases admin
and local
which are set up by default
by MongoDB, along with four databases created by the FIWARE platform. The
Orion Context Broker has created two separate database instance for each
- The Store entities were created without defining a
and therefore are held within theorion
database, whereas the IoT device entities were created using theopeniot
header and are held separately. The IoT Agent was initialized to hold the IoT sensor data in a separate MongoDB database callediotagentul
As a result of the subscription of Cygnus to Orion Context Broker, a new
database has been created called sth_openiot
. The default value for a Mongo
DB database holding historic context consists of the sth_
prefix followed by
the fiware-service
header - therefore sth_openiot
holds the historic context
of the IoT devices.
use sth_openiot
show collections
switched to db sth_openiot
Looking within the sth_openiot
you will see that a series of tables have been
created. The names of each table consist of the sth_
prefix followed by the
header followed by the entity ID. Two table are created for
each entity - the .aggr
table holds some aggregated data which will be
accessed in a later tutorial. The raw data can be seen in the tables without the
The historical data can be seen by looking at the data within each table, by default each row will contain the sampled value of a single attribute.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f7635d"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.897Z"), "attrName" : "TimeInstant", "attrType" : "ISO8601", "attrValue" : "2018-06-12T10:46:30.836Z" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f7635e"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.897Z"), "attrName" : "close_status", "attrType" : "commandStatus", "attrValue" : "UNKNOWN" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f7635f"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.897Z"), "attrName" : "lock_status", "attrType" : "commandStatus", "attrValue" : "UNKNOWN" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f76360"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.897Z"), "attrName" : "open_status", "attrType" : "commandStatus", "attrValue" : "UNKNOWN" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f76361"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.836Z"), "attrName" : "refStore", "attrType" : "Relationship", "attrValue" : "Store:001" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f76362"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:30.836Z"), "attrName" : "state", "attrType" : "Text", "attrValue" : "CLOSED" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f76363"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:45:26.368Z"), "attrName" : "unlock_info", "attrType" : "commandResult", "attrValue" : " unlock OK" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa48630c49e0012f76364"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:45:26.368Z"), "attrName" : "unlock_status", "attrType" : "commandStatus", "attrValue" : "OK" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa4c030c49e0012f76385"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:28.081Z"), "attrName" : "TimeInstant", "attrType" : "ISO8601", "attrValue" : "2018-06-12T10:47:28.038Z" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b1fa4c030c49e0012f76386"), "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:28.081Z"), "attrName" : "close_status", "attrType" : "commandStatus", "attrValue" : "UNKNOWN" }
The usual MongoDB query syntax can be used to filter appropriate fields and
values. For example to read the rate at which the Motion Sensor with the
is accumulating, you would make a query as follows:
db["sth_/_Motion:001_Motion"].find({attrName: "count"},{_id: 0, attrType: 0, attrName: 0 } ).limit(10)
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:18.756Z"), "attrValue" : "8" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:36.881Z"), "attrValue" : "10" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:42.947Z"), "attrValue" : "11" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:46:54.893Z"), "attrValue" : "13" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:00.929Z"), "attrValue" : "15" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:06.954Z"), "attrValue" : "17" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:15.983Z"), "attrValue" : "19" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:49.090Z"), "attrValue" : "23" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:47:58.112Z"), "attrValue" : "25" }
{ "recvTime" : ISODate("2018-06-12T10:48:28.218Z"), "attrValue" : "29" }
To leave the MongoDB client and leave interactive mode, run the following:
To persist historic context data into an alternative database such as
PostgreSQL, we will need an additional container which hosts the PostgreSQL
server - the default Docker image for this data can be used. The PostgreSQL
instance is listening on the standard 5432
port and the overall architecture
can be seen below:
We now have a system with two databases, since the MongoDB container is still required to hold data related to the Orion Context Broker and the IoT Agent.
image: postgres:latest
hostname: postgres-db
container_name: db-postgres
- "5432"
- "5432:5432"
- default
- "POSTGRES_USER=postgres"
- "POSTGRES_DB=postgres"
The postgres-db
container is listening on a single port:
- Port
is the default port for a PostgreSQL server. It has been exposed so you can also run thepgAdmin4
tool to display database data if you wish
The postgres-db
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value. | Description |
Password for the PostgreSQL database user |
POSTGRES_USER | postgres |
Username for the PostgreSQL database user |
POSTGRES_DB | postgres |
The name of the PostgreSQL database |
ℹ️ Note: Passing the Username and Password in plain text environment variables like this is a security risk. Whereas this is acceptable practice in a tutorial, for a production environment, you can avoid this risk by applying Docker Secrets
image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest
hostname: cygnus
container_name: fiware-cygnus
- default
- postgres-db
- "5080"
- "5050:5050"
- "5080:5080"
The cygnus
container is listening on two ports:
- The Subscription Port for Cygnus -
is where the service will be listening for notifications from the Orion context broker - The Management Port for Cygnus -
is exposed purely for tutorial access - so that cUrl or Postman can make provisioning commands without being part of the same network.
The cygnus
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value | Description |
Hostname of the PostgreSQL server used to persist historical context data |
Port that the PostgreSQL server uses to listen to commands |
Username for the PostgreSQL database user |
Password for the PostgreSQL database user |
The logging level for Cygnus |
Notification Port that Cygnus listens when subscribing to context data changes |
Port that Cygnus listens on for operational reasons |
Switch to enable caching within the PostgreSQL configuration |
ℹ️ Note: Passing the Username and Password in plain text environment variables like this is a security risk. Whereas this is acceptable practice in a tutorial, for a production environment,
should be injected using Docker Secrets
To start the system with a PostgreSQL database run the following command:
./services postgres
Once Cygnus is running, you can check the status by making an HTTP request to
the exposed CYGNUS_API_PORT
port. If the response is blank, this is usually
because Cygnus is not running or is listening on another port.
curl -X GET \
The response will look similar to the following:
"success": "true",
"version": "1.8.0_SNAPSHOT.ed50706880829e97fd4cf926df434f1ef4fac147"
Troubleshooting: What if the response is blank ?
- To check that a docker container is running try
docker psYou should see several containers running. If
is not running, you can restart the containers as necessary.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we must be monitoring a system where the
context is periodically being updated. The dummy IoT Sensors can be used to do
this. Open the device monitor page at http://localhost:3000/device/monitor
unlock a Smart Door and switch on a Smart Lamp. This can be done by
selecting an appropriate the command from the drop down list and pressing the
button. The stream of measurements coming from the devices can then be
seen on the same page:
Once a dynamic context system is up and running, we need to inform Cygnus of changes in context.
This is done by making a POST request to the /v2/subscription
endpoint of the
Orion Context Broker.
- The
headers are used to filter the subscription to only listen to measurements from the attached IoT Sensors, since they had been provisioned using these settings - The
in the request body ensures that Cygnus will be informed of all context data changes. - The notification
must match the configuredCYGNUS_API_PORT
- The
is required since Cygnus currently only accepts notifications in the older NGSI v1 format. - The
value defines the rate that changes are sampled.
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /' \
-d '{
"description": "Notify Cygnus of all context changes",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
"throttling": 5
As you can see, the database used to persist context data has no impact on the details of the subscription. It is the same for each database. The response will be 201 - Created
To read PostgreSQL data from the command-line, we will need access to the
client, to do this, run an interactive instance of the
image supplying the connection string as shown to obtain a
command-line prompt:
docker run -it --rm --network fiware_default jbergknoff/postgresql-client \
To show the list of available databases, run the statement as shown:
Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
(3 rows)
The result include two template databases template0
and template1
as well as
the postgres
database setup when the docker container was started.
To show the list of available schemas, run the statement as shown:
List of schemas
Name | Owner
openiot | postgres
public | postgres
(2 rows)
As a result of the subscription of Cygnus to Orion Context Broker, a new schema
has been created called openiot
. The name of the schema matches the
header - therefore openiot
holds the historic context of the
IoT devices.
Once running a docker container within the network, it is possible to obtain information about the running database.
SELECT table_schema,table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema ='openiot'
ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;
table_schema | table_name
openiot | door_001_door
openiot | lamp_001_lamp
openiot | motion_001_motion
(3 rows)
The table_schema
matches the fiware-service
header supplied with the context
To read the data within a table, run a select statement as shown:
SELECT * FROM openiot.motion_001_motion limit 10;
recvtimets | recvtime | fiwareservicepath | entityid | entitytype | attrname | attrtype | attrvalue | attrmd
1528803005491 | 2018-06-12T11:30:05.491Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:30:05.423Z | []
1528803005491 | 2018-06-12T11:30:05.491Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 7 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:05.423Z"}]
1528803005491 | 2018-06-12T11:30:05.491Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:05.423Z"}]
1528803035501 | 2018-06-12T11:30:35.501Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:30:35.480Z | []
1528803035501 | 2018-06-12T11:30:35.501Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 10 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:35.480Z"}]
1528803035501 | 2018-06-12T11:30:35.501Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:35.480Z"}]
1528803041563 | 2018-06-12T11:30:41.563Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:30:41.520Z | []
1528803041563 | 2018-06-12T11:30:41.563Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 12 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:41.520Z"}]
1528803041563 | 2018-06-12T11:30:41.563Z | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:30:41.520Z"}]
1528803047545 | 2018-06-12T11:30:47.545Z | /
The usual PostgreSQL query syntax can be used to filter appropriate fields
and values. For example to read the rate at which the Motion Sensor with the
is accumulating, you would make a query as follows:
SELECT recvtime, attrvalue FROM openiot.motion_001_motion WHERE attrname ='count' limit 10;
recvtime | attrvalue
2018-06-12T11:30:05.491Z | 7
2018-06-12T11:30:35.501Z | 10
2018-06-12T11:30:41.563Z | 12
2018-06-12T11:30:47.545Z | 13
2018-06-12T11:31:02.617Z | 15
2018-06-12T11:31:32.718Z | 20
2018-06-12T11:31:38.733Z | 22
2018-06-12T11:31:50.780Z | 24
2018-06-12T11:31:56.825Z | 25
2018-06-12T11:31:59.790Z | 26
(10 rows)
To leave the Postgres client and leave interactive mode, run the following:
You will then return to the command-line.
Similarly, to persisting historic context data into MySQL, we will again
need an additional container which hosts the MySQL server, once again the
default Docker image for this data can be used. The MySQL instance is listening
on the standard 3306
port and the overall architecture can be seen below:
Once again we have a system with two databases, since the MongoDB container is still required to hold data related to the Orion Context Broker and the IoT Agent.
restart: always
image: mysql:5.7
hostname: mysql-db
container_name: db-mysql
- "3306"
- "3306:3306"
- default
ℹ️ Note: Using the default
user and displaying the password in an environment variables like this is a security risk. Whereas this is acceptable practice in a tutorial, for a production environment, you can avoid this risk by setting up another user and applying Docker Secrets
The mysql-db
container is listening on a single port:
- Port
is the default port for a MySQL server. It has been exposed so you can also run other database tools to display data if you wish
The mysql-db
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value. | Description |
specifies a password that is set for the MySQL root account. |
MYSQL_ROOT_HOST | postgres |
By default, MySQL creates the root'@'localhost account. This account can only be connected to from inside the container. Setting this environment variable allows root connections from other hosts |
image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest
hostname: cygnus
container_name: fiware-cygnus
- default
- mysql-db
- "5080"
- "5050:5050"
- "5080:5080"
- "CYGNUS_MYSQL_HOST=mysql-db"
ℹ️ Note: Passing the Username and Password in plain text environment variables like this is a security risk. Whereas this is acceptable practice in a tutorial, for a production environment,
should be injected using Docker Secrets
The cygnus
container is listening on two ports:
- The Subscription Port for Cygnus -
is where the service will be listening for notifications from the Orion context broker - The Management Port for Cygnus -
is exposed purely for tutorial access - so that cUrl or Postman can make provisioning commands without being part of the same network.
The cygnus
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value | Description |
CYGNUS_MYSQL_HOST | mysql-db |
Hostname of the MySQL server used to persist historical context data |
Port that the MySQL server uses to listen to commands |
Username for the MySQL database user |
Password for the MySQL database user |
The logging level for Cygnus |
Notification Port that Cygnus listens when subscribing to context data changes |
Port that Cygnus listens on for operational reasons |
To start the system with a MySQL database run the following command:
./services mysql
Once Cygnus is running, you can check the status by making an HTTP request to
the exposed CYGNUS_API_PORT
port. If the response is blank, this is usually
because Cygnus is not running or is listening on another port.
curl -X GET \
The response will look similar to the following:
"success": "true",
"version": "1.8.0_SNAPSHOT.ed50706880829e97fd4cf926df434f1ef4fac147"
Troubleshooting: What if the response is blank ?
- To check that a docker container is running try
docker psYou should see several containers running. If
is not running, you can restart the containers as necessary.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we must be monitoring a system where the
context is periodically being updated. The dummy IoT Sensors can be used to do
this. Open the device monitor page at http://localhost:3000/device/monitor
unlock a Smart Door and switch on a Smart Lamp. This can be done by
selecting an appropriate the command from the drop down list and pressing the
button. The stream of measurements coming from the devices can then be
seen on the same page:
Once a dynamic context system is up and running, we need to inform Cygnus of changes in context.
This is done by making a POST request to the /v2/subscription
endpoint of the
Orion Context Broker.
- The
headers are used to filter the subscription to only listen to measurements from the attached IoT Sensors, since they had been provisioned using these settings - The
in the request body ensures that Cygnus will be informed of all context data changes. - The notification
must match the configuredCYGNUS_API_PORT
- The
is required since Cygnus currently only accepts notifications in the older NGSI v1 format. - The
value defines the rate that changes are sampled.
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /' \
-d '{
"description": "Notify Cygnus of all context changes",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
"throttling": 5
As you can see, the database used to persist context data has no impact on the details of the subscription. It is the same for each database. The response will be 201 - Created
To read MySQL data from the command-line, we will need access to the mysql
client, to do this, run an interactive instance of the mysql
image supplying
the connection string as shown to obtain a command-line prompt:
docker run -it --rm --network fiware_default mysql mysql -h mysql-db -P 3306 -u root -p123
To show the list of available databases, run the statement as shown:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| openiot |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
To show the list of available schemas, run the statement as shown:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| openiot |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
As a result of the subscription of Cygnus to Orion Context Broker, a new schema
has been created called openiot
. The name of the schema matches the
header - therefore openiot
holds the historic context of the
IoT devices.
Once running a docker container within the network, it is possible to obtain information about the running database.
SHOW tables FROM openiot;
table_schema | table_name
openiot | door_001_door
openiot | lamp_001_lamp
openiot | motion_001_motion
(3 rows)
The table_schema
matches the fiware-service
header supplied with the context
To read the data within a table, run a select statement as shown:
SELECT * FROM openiot.Motion_001_Motion limit 10;
| recvTimeTs | recvTime | fiwareServicePath | entityId | entityType | attrName | attrType | attrValue | attrMd |
| 1528804397955 | 2018-06-12T11:53:17.955 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:53:17.923Z | [] |
| 1528804397955 | 2018-06-12T11:53:17.955 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 3 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:17.923Z"}] |
| 1528804397955 | 2018-06-12T11:53:17.955 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:17.923Z"}] |
| 1528804403954 | 2018-06-12T11:53:23.954 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:53:23.928Z | [] |
| 1528804403954 | 2018-06-12T11:53:23.954 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 5 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:23.928Z"}] |
| 1528804403954 | 2018-06-12T11:53:23.954 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:23.928Z"}] |
| 1528804409970 | 2018-06-12T11:53:29.970 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:53:29.948Z | [] |
| 1528804409970 | 2018-06-12T11:53:29.970 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | count | Integer | 7 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:29.948Z"}] |
| 1528804409970 | 2018-06-12T11:53:29.970 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | refStore | Relationship | Store:001 | [{"name":"TimeInstant","type":"ISO8601","value":"2018-06-12T11:53:29.948Z"}] |
| 1528804446083 | 2018-06-12T11:54:06.83 | / | Motion:001 | Motion | TimeInstant | ISO8601 | 2018-06-12T11:54:06.062Z | [] |
The usual MySQL query syntax can be used to filter appropriate fields and
values. For example to read the rate at which the Motion Sensor with the
is accumulating, you would make a query as follows:
SELECT recvtime, attrvalue FROM openiot.Motion_001_Motion WHERE attrname ='count' LIMIT 10;
| recvtime | attrvalue |
| 2018-06-12T11:53:17.955 | 3 |
| 2018-06-12T11:53:23.954 | 5 |
| 2018-06-12T11:53:29.970 | 7 |
| 2018-06-12T11:54:06.83 | 12 |
| 2018-06-12T11:54:12.132 | 13 |
| 2018-06-12T11:54:24.177 | 14 |
| 2018-06-12T11:54:36.196 | 16 |
| 2018-06-12T11:54:42.195 | 18 |
| 2018-06-12T11:55:24.300 | 23 |
| 2018-06-12T11:55:30.350 | 25 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
To leave the MySQL client and leave interactive mode, run the following:
You will then return to the command-line.
It is also possible to configure Cygnus to populate multiple databases simultaneously. We can combine the architecture from the three previous examples and configure cygnus to listen on multiple ports
We now have a system with three databases, PostgreSQL and MySQL for data persistence and MongoDB for both data persistence and holding data related to the Orion Context Broker and the IoT Agent.
image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest
hostname: cygnus
container_name: fiware-cygnus
- mongo-db
- mysql-db
- postgres-db
- default
- "5080"
- "5081"
- "5084"
- "5050:5050"
- "5051:5051"
- "5054:5054"
- "5080:5080"
- "5081:5081"
- "5084:5084"
- "CYGNUS_MYSQL_HOST=mysql-db"
In multi-agent mode, the cygnus
container is listening on multiple ports:
- The service will be listening on ports
for notifications from the Orion context broker - The Management Ports
are exposed purely for tutorial access - so that cUrl or Postman can make provisioning commands without being part of the same network.
The default port mapping can be seen below:
sink | port | admin_port |
mysql | 5050 | 5080 |
mongo | 5051 | 5081 |
ckan | 5052 | 5082 |
hdfs | 5053 | 5083 |
postgresql | 5054 | 5084 |
cartodb | 5055 | 5085 |
Since we are not persisting CKAN, HDFS or CartoDB data, there is no need to open those ports.
The cygnus
container is driven by environment variables as shown:
Key | Value | Description |
Whether to persist data into multiple databases. |
CYGNUS_MONGO_HOSTS | mongo-db:27017 |
Comma separated list of MongoDB servers which Cygnus will contact to persist historical context data |
Hostname of the PostgreSQL server used to persist historical context data |
Port that the PostgreSQL server uses to listen to commands |
Username for the PostgreSQL database user |
Password for the PostgreSQL database user |
CYGNUS_MYSQL_HOST | mysql-db |
Hostname of the MySQL server used to persist historical context data |
Port that the MySQL server uses to listen to commands |
Username for the MySQL database user |
Password for the MySQL database user |
The logging level for Cygnus |
To start the system with multiple databases run the following command:
./services multiple
Once Cygnus is running, you can check the status by making an HTTP request to
the exposed CYGNUS_API_PORT
port. If the response is blank, this is usually
because Cygnus is not running or is listening on another port.
curl -X GET \
The response will look similar to the following:
"success": "true",
"version": "1.8.0_SNAPSHOT.ed50706880829e97fd4cf926df434f1ef4fac147"
Troubleshooting: What if the response is blank ?
- To check that a docker container is running try
docker psYou should see several containers running. If
is not running, you can restart the containers as necessary.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we must be monitoring a system where the
context is periodically being updated. The dummy IoT Sensors can be used to do
this. Open the device monitor page at http://localhost:3000/device/monitor
unlock a Smart Door and switch on a Smart Lamp. This can be done by
selecting an appropriate the command from the drop down list and pressing the
button. The stream of measurements coming from the devices can then be
seen on the same page:
Once a dynamic context system is up and running, we need to inform Cygnus of changes in context.
This is done by making a POST request to the /v2/subscription
endpoint of the
Orion Context Broker.
- The
headers are used to filter the subscription to only listen to measurements from the attached IoT Sensors - The
in the request body ensures that Cygnus will be informed of all context data changes. - The
is required since Cygnus currently only accepts notifications in the older NGSI v1 format. - The
value defines the rate that changes are sampled.
When running in multi-agent mode, the notification url
for each
subscription must match the defaults for the given database.
The default port mapping can be seen below:
sink | port |
mysql | 5050 |
mongo | 5051 |
ckan | 5052 |
hdfs | 5053 |
postgresql | 5054 |
cartodb | 5055 |
Since this subscription is using port 5050
the context data will eventually be
persisted to the MySQL database.
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /' \
-d '{
"description": "Notify Cygnus of all context changes for MySQL on port 5050",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
"throttling": 5
As you can see, the database used to persist context data has no impact on the details of the subscription. It is the same for each database. The response will be 201 - Created
To read persisted data from the attached databases, please refer to the previous sections of this tutorial.
Want to learn how to add more complexity to your application by adding advanced features? You can find out by reading the other tutorials in this series
MIT © FIWARE Foundation e.V.