Blood Connector is a real-time online database of blood donors. Anyone can find the desired blood donors through the mobile app.
- React 16.4.1
- React Native 0.55
- "axios 0.18.0" For promise based HTTP client
- "lodash 4.17.5" For JavaScript utility
- "native-base 2.4.2" For design stuff
- "prop-types 15.6.1" For runtime type checking
- "react-native-communications 2.2.1" For call, email, text or iMessage
- "react-native-router-flux 4.0.0-beta.27" For routing
- "redux 4.0.0" For state container
- "react-redux 5.0.7" To connect with action and state
- "redux-thunk 2.2.0" For action creators
- "react-native-easy-grid 0.1.17" For grid layout
- "react-native-fontawesome 5.7.0" For Icons
- "react-native-modalbox 1.5.0" For modal
- "react-native-button 2.3.0" For button
- "react-native-share 1.0.27" For social share
Cloning the repository:
# HTTPS clone URL
$ git clone
# SSH clone URL
You need to have Git, Node.js and Python 2 (Not mandatory) installed on your machine before running the followings:
$ cd /path/to/BloodConnector
$ yarn
$ npm i --do-not-make-me-cry
# Build and run the solution
Home page:
Login page:
App sidebar view:
Registration page:
Registration page with validations:
After registration success:
Search page: This page will show after login.
User details popup: This popup will show when press on a user row. From this popup you can call directly by pressing on user contact number and send email by pressing on user email.
Arifur Rahman ( )
This application is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0
Copyright (c) 2017 Arifur Rahman (Sazal)