A UI library for building and managing User Interfaces by creating robust, composable widgets.
·Comes with a decoupled, environment-agnostic base utility library which ships with tons of methods
to help reduce repetitive tasks·
See The Bumble-bee JS (Bee JS) docs here »
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- Data Table
- SpreadSheet/ Excel Viewer
- PDF Viewer
- TreeTable
- Split Panel
- List
- TreeView
- Property sheet
- unit list
- Menu
- Context menu
- Tabbed Bar
- Sidebar
- Side Menu
- ToolBox (Flyout)
- Hint
- ToolTip
- Toast / Balloon
- Tour Guide
- Window
- Dialog
- Accordion
- Carousel
- Grid Layout
- ScrollView
- Tree View
- buttons
- calendar
- Date picker
- checkbox
- radio
- counter
- number slider
- date range
- combo box
- select box
- color picker
- image file selector w/ preview
- image cropper
- input elements with some sweet perks and user-input restrictions as needed.
- On Screen Keyboard
- The bumble-bee library made w/ :yellow_heart: by @archx3, is what you should be using.