- Create new profile
- Sign in with Google
- Persistent login credentials and logout functionality
- User and data management with Firebase Auth
- Make listings of personal scooters available for rent
- Search and filter through scooter listings
- Messaging between users
- Rate your interactions with other users
- Update user profile
For Android:
Set up android emulation environment via android studio, then...
git clone https://github.com/scootly/react-native-client/
npm install
npx react-native run-android
Then watch the app execute on an Android emulator.
For IOS:
Set up IOS emulation environment via xcode, then...
git clone https://github.com/scootly/react-native-client/
npm install
cd ios
pod install
Then build the app by opening the .xcworkspace file in the IOS directory, and execute it on an IOS emulator.

Started with template from instamobile: https://github.com/instamobile/react-native-starter-kit