What's Changed
- Dubbo has removed dubbo-dependencies-zookeeper-curator5 and dubbo-zookeeper-spring-boot-starter dependency, The dependency of zk is only provided in dubpo-zookeeper-curator5-spring-boot-starter. Therefore, you can use dubpo-zookeeper-curator5-spring-boot-starter to replace the previous two dependencies.
- Support read parameter names from local variable table by @oxsean in #14843
- Support parsing custom REST paths from proto files and generating @ma… by @heliang666s in #14796
- WebSocket on Triple by @finefuture in #14390
- Support setting curator session timeout by @aofall in #14903
- Triple Rest Openapi Support by @oxsean in #14924
- Fix preferred protocol support for application service discovery by @chickenlj in #14849
- Update initial mapping apps of service discovery MappingListener by @chickenlj in #14851
- Fix annotation configuration processor dependency missing by @oxsean in #14873
- Fix dead loop in onNext by @oxsean in #14917
- Fix http3 negotiation failed by @oxsean in #14901
- correctly validate service-name-mapping parameter by @aruato in #14905
- Fix DefaultRequestMappingRegistry.exists NPE when not initialized by @oxsean in #14936
- HTTP3 bugfix by @oxsean in #14955
- optimize: support http1 automatic keepalive setting by @funky-eyes in #15019
- feat: server stream supports requests without parameters by @funky-eyes in #15026
Code Enhancement
Releates PRs: #14794, #14858, #14866, #14869, #14875, #14899, #14896, #14871, #14900, #14904, #14850, #14922, #14928, #14932, #14948, #14929, #15015
Dependency Upgrade
- Update byte-buddy_version: 1.15.7 -> 1.15.11 #15000, #14856
- Update commons-io:commons-io: 2.17.0 -> 2.18.0 #14944
- Update grpc.version: 1.68.0 -> 1.69.0 #14957, #14989
- Update io.micrometer:micrometer-bom: 1.13.5 -> 1.13.6 #14805
- Update io.micrometer:micrometer-core: 1.13.6 -> 1.14.2 #14907, #14991
- Update io.micrometer:micrometer-tracing-bom: 1.3.5 -> 1.4.1 #14911, #14990
- Update io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom: 1.43.0 -> 1.45.0 #14886, #14975
- Update io.projectreactor:reactor-core: 3.6.11 -> 3.7.1 #14912, #15001
- Update io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations: 2.2.25 -> 2.2.27 #14996
- Update io.zipkin.reporter2:zipkin-reporter-bom: 3.4.2 -> 3.4.3 #14977
- Update jackson_version: 2.18.0 -> 2.18.2 #14852, #14956
- Update log4j2_version: 2.24.1 -> 2.24.3 #14942, #14997
- Update netty4_version: 4.1.114.Final -> 4.1.115.Final #14910
- Update org.apache.groovy:groovy: 4.0.23 -> 4.0.24 #14887
- Update org.asynchttpclient:async-http-client: 2.12.3 -> 2.12.4 #14995
- Update org.openjdk.nashorn:nashorn-core: 15.4 -> 15.6 #15027
- Update org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom: 5.8.15 -> 5.8.16 #14940
- Update org.webjars:webjars-locator-lite: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 #14999
- Update spring-6.version: 6.1.14 -> 6.2.1 #14909, #14992
- Update spring-boot-3.version: 3.3.5 -> 3.4.1 #14941, #15012
- Update tomcat.version: 8.5.100 -> 10.1.34 #14993
Dubbo would like to thank the following contributors for their contributions to this release:
@AlbumenJ, @aofall, @aruato, @chenzhiguo, @chickenlj, @CrazyHZM, @daziz, @dependabot, @finefuture, @funky-eyes, @heliang666s, @lanxi0, @laywin, @ljmcr, @oxsean, @paradiseidler, @strangelookingnerd
New Contributors
- @paradiseidler made their first contribution in #14899
- @ljmcr made their first contribution in #14896
- @aruato made their first contribution in #14905
- @strangelookingnerd made their first contribution in #14922
- @lanxi0 made their first contribution in #14948
- @chenzhiguo made their first contribution in #14935
Full Changelog: dubbo-3.3.2...dubbo-3.3.3