This desktop application aims to simplify the process of Attendance Management of different classes and batches using Face Recognition and user-friendly GUI. The management of data and marking of attendance is carried out in Excel files.
This python based app uses OpenCV libraries: face detection using Haar feature-based cascade classifier and face recognition using Local Binary Patterns Histograms (LBPH) and openpyxl library to manage excel sheet through python scripts. GUI features are implemented using tkinter library.
The app has two main Panels: Students' and Manager's
Students' panel has one main feature in marking the attendance
Manager's panel has various features in adding a new class, adding a student to logged-in class and training the recognizer
Captured photo after marking attendance automatically gets added to training data images. If the app somehow fails to recognize a student, the Manager can manually mark a student's attendance in attendance register by looking at the images in unrecognized students directory.
Directory Structure:
./extras - contains the attendance register of different classes and the file containing names of all classes
./images - contains the training data images and unrecognized student's directory
./student's list - contains the files containing the information of all students of a class
Python3 should be installed on the system.
Windows users can download from here, Linux users will most probably have python3 already installed or it can be done manually using sudo apt-get install python3.6
Windows users can add python and pip to PATH (Linux users can use
sudo apt-get install pip3
Install Modules
pip install openpyxl
pip install pillow
pip install pyautogui
pip install OpenCV-contrib-python
- run the to launch the software
- use 'Marauders' as class-code to add classes to the software
- browse the Manager and Student's Panel using class code of the batch you want to enter with
- the username is 'ADMIN' and password 'ubuntu'
- use
to click images wherever needed - you can add more images to the training data manually