Weather app project for the Odin Project's JavaScript course path for exposure to promise handling and using Async/Await.
- Display daily or five day/3 hour forecast weather data for a given location
- Display data in fahrenheit or celsius via a toggle button
- Bundle using Webpack
- Display using unique icons for specific weather data
- Added a dark/light toggle theme
- JavaScript
- Webpack5
- Dotenv
- Fetch API
- Async/Await API
- Date-fns-tz
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Bootstrap Icons
- Toptal Icons
If you'd like to clone this project, git clone
using the HTTPS Github URL for this repository. Remember to follow instructions to add a .env file via the .env.example file. It's recommended that you host on Netlify in order to load hidden env variables in order to use your personal API key.