This project use Java and its a custom implementation of MYSQL queries
Libs for test
It can perform queries like selects, with where or without where, update, delete, and select with alias and a simple insert:
It accepts > , != , < , =
Some examples
Note: you can specify the PATH but this project was build in intellij IDEA, so the txts are in the same path as the project
Note: The alias only work with "=" because of lack of time for the implementation, because this was a project for university
- select * from pruebas ; - where pruebas is the name of the .txt and its not necessary the ; in the query
- Select Nombre from pruebas where Nombre!=Rebeca
- update pruebas set Matricula=1 where Nombre=Rebeca
- delete from pruebas where Matricula<1730042
- delete from pruebas where Matricula>1730042
- select pruebas.Nombre as pruebas, pruebas1.Matricula as pruebas1 from pruebas,pruebas1 where pruebas.Matricula=pruebas1.Matricula
- insert into pruebas (Nombre,Matricula) values("Test",100)
It read a txt with information with "," as a data separator and ";" as a separator for the label in the first line
example from pruebas.txt:
Nombre ApellidoP ApellidoM Matricula;