Meteorological data are represented as float values:
- air temperature (Celsium degrees)d
- dew point temperature (Celsium degrees)p
- atmospheric pressure (hPa)h
- relative humidity (%)w
- wind speed (m/s)g
- qust wind speed (m/s)b
- wind direction (0-360)r
- rainfall (mm)
Parameter suffix ?
means "optional parameter".
- query params:
- substring to search in station name or descriptionlat?
float - both lan and lon required to sort stations by locationlon?
- last hours to include in last-vals (1..50)
- response:
{stations:[{...station data...}, ]}
- query params:
- query params:
- station_name
- response:
{st:"..", title:"...", ... , last_ts: ..., last:{t:<val>, t_ts:<timestamp>, t_delta:<val>, ...}}
- query params:
- query params:
- station_namets-beg?
- begin timestamp, ISO string (default 24 hours before now)ts-end?
- end timestamp, ISO string (defautl now)
- response:
{st, ts_beg, ts_end, series: [{t:[99.9, null, null, -99], p:[800, 900, null, ...], ... }]}
- query params:
Username from basic authorization header used in hwid
to station name mapping.
- /meteo/_in
- query params:
- sensor id (string)ts?
- sample timestamp (int, milliseconds)t?, d?, p?, h?, w?, g?, b?, r?
- values (float), at least one value required
- query params: