andock.fin is a Ansible role which:
- Checks out or pull a repository (e.g. from github) based on project and branch
- Configure docsal based on branch.domain (e.g.
- Runs "fin up"
- Runs init hook (configurable through hooks/init_tasks.yml)
- Runs update hook (configurable through hooks/update_tasks.yml)
- Runs test hook (configurable through hooks/test_tasks.yml)
- Runs "fin stop"
- Runs "fin rm"
- Clears the instance
The livecycle can be controlled with tags
- Clears the instance Requirements
In order to build your apps with Andock CI, you will need:
- Ansible in your deploy machine
- Docksal
- git on both machines
git_repository_path: # The source repository
project_name: drupal-8-demo-build # The name of the project
branch: "master" # The branch to checkout
domain: "drupal-8-demo.docksal" # The base domain. The final domain will be master.drupal-8-demo.docksal
hook_init_tasks: "hooks/init_tasks.yml" #Task file for the project init. Run site-install here.
hook_update_tasks: "hooks/update_tasks.yml" #Task file for the project init. Run site-install here.
Andock-CI is an Ansible role distributed globally using Ansible Galaxy. In order to install Andock-CI role you can use the following command.
$ ansible-galaxy install andock.fin
If you want to update the role, you need to pass --force parameter when installing. Please, check the following command:
$ ansible-galaxy install --force andock.fin
Christian Wiedemann (