Sorties is a web-based list-making and todo application which helps you to organize your job tasks. The documenation of the project can be found here.
- Node.js
- Express & EJS
- MySQL with XAMPP Database – PhpMyAdmin
There is a login/register form for the employees and the managers and an isolated login/register form for all the clients. I you want to log in as a client and place an order, just hit the Log in as a client!
All the personal info from the Client, Employee and Manager page can be updated via Edit
This page is meant to describe all the services offered.
Here, the client can place an order & watch all of his/her orders.
The manager of the department, will then assign the task below to one of the employees.
The employee will receive the task assigned by his manager via the TODO List and can mark it as done when the task is finished.
All the managers can view the statistics of the department they are working at.