Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics involve a huge need of computing.
STEM4U includes libraries focused to make life easier for those who want to make a better world through science and technology.
Libraries included are:
Polynomial: A templated polynomial type able to handle coefficients of any type including arbitrary precision rational numbers
Rational: An arbitrary integer precision rational number type based on intInf
intInf: An integer type with arbitrary-precision including the usual arithmetic.
Combinations: Permutations and combinations functions.
Finantial: Some financial functions.
TSP: A symmetric Traveling salesman problem (TSP) solver.
Butterworth: Butterworth IIR filter following interface similar to Matlab
Catenary: Simple catenary mooring line solver considering sagging and bottom.
examples/STEM4U_DemoTest allows to demonstrate and test some libraries features.
To know about the libraries internally used, you can read the credits.