Additional visual controls for U++.
Widget class | Short description |
Box | A matrix of child widgets arranged horizontally and vertically. Control resize arranges them all properly |
EditFile | Field to enter a file path |
EditFolder | Field to enter a folder path |
StaticImage | Control to show an image. Different fittings inside frame or covering window background and angles are included |
StaticRectangle | Control to show a rectangle |
StaticEllipse | Control to show an ellipse |
StaticFrame | Control to show a frame |
StaticLine | Control to view a line. Different angles, colors and widths are allowed |
StaticArrow | Control to show an arrow |
StaticClock | Resizable clock with different styles |
Meter | Resizable and flexible meter with different styles and soft movement |
Knob | Knob handle to enter numerical data |
SliderCtrlX | An enhanced control compatible with SliderCtrl |
StarIndicator | A progress bar that uses stars |
SplitterButton | A Splitter control with predefined positions selected by a thin button located in the separator line |
In Widgets list there is a quick controls review and access to every class reference.
Controls4U_Demo package does a visual review of classes and features.
In Credits page are included all the acknowledges.
To improve visual quality Painter library has been used.