Create a working directory; mkdir /opt/amur
Work from this directory: cd /opt/amur
Get the required files & configuration;
sudo wget (replace *1.0.0-27.jar with the latest .jar version, currently last version, date 27/09/2018)
sudo wget
Create a wallet on the;
Then create 'New Account'
Important: Save your SEED & password securely and never loose.
Login to your wallet and record the following;
Wallet Address:
Wallet Password:
In Wallet, navigate to the 'Backup' item in the top-right section, click, then record your 'ENCODED SEED' which will be used later.
Logout of wallet
Edit the .conf file in /opt/amur;
vi /opt/amur/.conf
Change the following defaults;
P2P Network settings section;
remove the '#' then change: node-name = "My MAINNET node" —> change to your custom node name
remove the '#' then change: declared-address = "" —> change to 'yourstaticip:6860
Wallet settings section;
change: password = "ridetheAmur!" to your wallet password set in section 3.4
remove the '#' then change seed = "" to your ENCODED SEED
Start your node from /opt/amur directory: java -jar *.jar *.conf & let the blockchain download fully.
PS: you can run the java command in a tmux ( or screen ( session.
Edit the *.conf file in /opt/amur;
Node's REST API settings section;
enable = no —> change to 'yes'
bind-address = "" —> change to
Restart your node
Open http://yourserverip:6861 and can access Swagger to do the following;
Encrypt your API key, do the following;
Click on 'Utils' then "/utils/hash/secure"
Insert your own 'custom api key' in the 'Value' section then click 'Try it Out'
Record your 'custom api key' and the 'hash' value which was generated by the previous command
Edit the *.conf file in /opt/amur;
Node's REST API settings section;
api-key-hash = "H6nsiifwYKYEx6YzYD7woP1XCn72RVvx6tC1zjjLXqsu" —> replace with your own hash key noted in section 4.9.
bind-address = "" —> change to (meaning you can only access http://yourserverip:6861 from your own server
Restart your node
Note: Access from your own server in console: curl -i http://localhost:6861
Implement a Firewall using iptables (extra security).
Insert the below data into an executable file called Amur_firewall for ease-of-use, basic configuration below;
Create file: sudo touch Amur_firewall
Execute using: sudo ./Amur_firewall