Run Tesseract OCR on clipboard contents.
Simply grab the latest release from the releases page:
As it is mentioned in the description of releases, Clipboard OCR depends on a set of well known libraries and programs.
Here is a list of them:
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables
- Python (and pytesseract package in particular)
- Tesseract OCR
And here is where you can get them:
This application will automatically perform OCR on the contents of the clipboard.
For example, a typical use case on Windows would be to:
- Press WIN+SHIFT+S to snap a screenshot from a selected portion of the screen.
- Wait for the Clipboard OCR app to recognize it
- Click on the text in Clipboard OCR to automatically copy it to Clipboard
Hence, you'll end up with the actual text contents of whatever you snapped from the screen.
If everything is installed with the default settings, then chances are you don't need any configuration.
But if the app doesn't work or have used custom settings, then simply have a look at config.json
"python_command": "python",
"tesseract_path": "C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe",
"check_interval": 1500
Here is a description of configurable parameters:
must contain the command for Python.
You might want to provide an absolute path such as C:\Python3\python.exe
or something like that.
is exactly what the title says.
If you have tesseract added to the path, then you can simply use tesseract
for this parameter.
is the wait between checks of your clipboard, in milliseconds.