Freshify is a native Android application designed to help users efficiently manage their fridge contents. With features like adding items to your fridge, expiration date reminders, and item categorization Freshify offers a practical and user-friendly solution for keeping groceries organized.
The Home Tab provides a centralized overview and entry point for managing your fridge items with three card views:
Add New Items:
- Item Name: Enter the name of the item.
- Quantity: Specify the quantity.
- Category: Choose from a dropdown menu (e.g., vegetables, dairy).
- Expiration Date: Add the expiration date or use the Web Search button to automatically Google expiration dates.
- Comment Field: Add optional notes about the item.
- Save Item Button: Save the item to your fridge.
Expiring Items:
- Displays items that will expire soon based on the configured "Days to show expiring items" setting.
Expired Items:
- Lists items that have already expired.
The My Fridge Tab allows for efficient organization and searching of your stored items:
- Search Bar: Quickly search for specific items in your fridge.
- ChipGroups: Filter items by categories like vegetables, fruits, dairy, etc.
- Item List: Displays all items with their details.
The Settings Tab provides options to customize and manage the app:
- Days to Show Expiring Items:
- Adjust the number of days items are considered "about to expire."
- Changes are saved in SharedPreferences.
- Manage Notification Permissions:
- An icon button directs users to the app's settings to manage or grant notification permissions.
- BottomNavigationView: Used for navigation between tabs (Home, My Fridge, Settings) with Fragments.
- Google Components: e.g.
for modern input fields. - ChipGroups: Used in the My Fridge tab for filtering items.
- SQLite Database: Stores all fridge items persistently.
- SharedPreferences:
- Saves entered data in the Add Item card view to resume later.
- Stores the user’s preferred "Days to Show Expiring Items" setting.
- Utilizes WorkManager to schedule notifications:
- Alerts for expiring and expired items.
- every day
- Permission flow:
- Prompts the user to grant notification permissions.
- Allows access to app settings for managing permissions.
- Runnables: Optimizes performance by running tasks like database access in the background.
- WorkManager: Schedules notifications efficiently.
Intent: Opens the browser to Google expiration dates when the Web Search button is clicked.
- Dark/Light Mode: Automatically adjusts to the system theme, with a manual toggle available.
- Multilingual Support: Automatically adapts to the system language (English or German).
Add Items:
- Use the Home tab's "Add New Items" card to input item details.
- Click Save Item to add it to your fridge.
Check Expiring and Expired Items:
- View expiring and expired items directly in the Home tab.
Organize Your Fridge:
- Navigate to the My Fridge tab to search and filter items by category.
Customize Settings:
- Go to the Settings tab to adjust the "Days to Show Expiring Items" or manage notification permissions.
Receive Notifications:
- Allow permissions when prompted to receive alerts for expiring or expired items.
Use Web Search:
- Click the Web Search button in the Add New Items card to find expiration dates online.
Details View:
- Click the question mark icon to view all details about the item.