allink-core is a heavily opinionated collection of django apps, django-cms plugins and other utilities. allink-core was implemented to create a standardized ecosystem for django-cms projects developed at allink AG.
allink-core is ment to be used with our boilerplate project which is hosted on the divio cloud. (feel free to send us a message if you would like to have a look.) The steps we describe here are mostly closely coupled to our setup and environment. So the described steps might not make sense to you, when you don't know our setup. Also we skip steps which we already included in the boilerplate.
make docs
will serve you a preview of the local docs on "". More Information on or mkdocs rtd.
v.0.x.x, v.1.x.x and v.2.x.x are not compatible with each other. We never migrated from one to an other and doing so would be a be a lot of manual work, as there have been a lot of database changes. We try to minimize the need for a new major version. The decision if v3.x.x will be compatible with v.2.x.x has yet to be made.
When you make changes that affect both the backend and the frontend the project dependencies need to be updated at the same time. To quickly see which releases belong together you should make a minor
release in both repositories.
A new CMS plugin together with styles has been added to the core. Release a new minor
Changes that only affect a single repo should be tagged with a patch
release. Usually needed for small adjustments and bugfixes.
A bugfix has been made in allink-core. Release a new patch
The idea is that we want to be able to make changes to the allink-core repo with real life data. This can be achieved, when we are able to switch out the installed allink-core form the with a local allink-core repo. This way we can also maintain a proper git history.
To work on the allink-core repo you first need to pull the allink-core repo. The setup expects it to be at "~/projects/allink-core". If it isn't in this location, just create a symlink which points to your allink-core repo.
- make sure you are up to date with the current version branch e.g "v2.0.x" and you working on your own branch.
- create a virtualenv
virtualenv env
- install requirements
pip install -r requiremnts_dev.txt
For the next steps, we assume you are working on the boilerplate-2.0 project, but this should work with every project which follows the same principles and have allink-core installed.
- To override the already installed allink-core requirements, we have to mount the local allink-core directory as a volume into the docker container. Add
- "~/projects/allink-core/allink_core:/app/allink_core:rw"
to the docker-compose.yml file. - To work directly on allink-core in the same directory as the boilerplate-project, we create a symlink.
ln -s ~/projects/allink-core/allink_core allink_core
Make sure you do not commit these changes, as your teammates probably do not care about having a local allink-core mapped in their project.
Make added or updated translations with the following command:
./ makemessages --symlinks
You are all set. When you now run docker-compose up
your application will run with your local allink-core repo. However if you run docker-compose build
you will still be installing the allink-core repo from the requirements file.
If you need to run docker-compose build
with your new branch. Just commit your changes to your feature branch on the allink-core repo and add it to the boilerplate-2.0 requirementsfile with the corresponding commit hash. e.g:
- create a new pull request (make sure you include your changes to
- merge back to version branch e.g v2.0.x
make patch
ormake minor
depending on what version you want to create. (this will create a new commit and push the new tags to github) If you need an other version do it withbumpversion
.- create a new release on PyPi. First use
make release-test
to release in the test repository and finally usemake release
(make sure you have the correct credentials for allink in your ~/.pypirc also for test-pypi)