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Terraform module to build a on-premise to aloud active-active high-availability networking architecture on Alibaba Cloud


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This solution supports the use of 3rd SDWAN to build a on-premise to aloud active-active high-availability networking architecture. The high availability implementation of this solution relies on the BGP.
Support creat:

  • Transit VPC, business VPC, and corresponding subnet
  • Security group for SDWAN image instance
  • SDWAN brand fortigate image instance (fortigate 7.2.7vm image). You can also choose other SDWAN brand that support function "bgp over ipsec" to implement this solution.
  • SDWAN Image instance configures a secondary network card for intranet communication
  • CEN instance
  • VPC attachment to CEN and implement route learning and route synchronization
  • IPsec vpn attachment to CEN and implements route learning and route synchronization

Architecture Diagram:



provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-shanghai"

module "complete" {
  source = "alibabacloud-automation/build-local-to-cloud-active-active-connection-with-sdwan/alicloud"
  business_vpc = {
    vpc_name   = "business_vpc"
    cidr_block = ""
    vswitches = [{
      cidr_block = ""
      zone_id    = "cn-shanghai-m"
      }, {
      cidr_block = ""
      zone_id    = "cn-shanghai-n"

  transit_vpc = {
    vpc_name   = "transit_vpc"
    cidr_block = ""
    vswitches = [{
      cidr_block = ""
      zone_id    = "cn-shanghai-m"
      }, {
      cidr_block = ""
      zone_id    = "cn-shanghai-n"

  transit_router_cidr = ""
  instance_config = {
    image_id = "m-uf6c1shi2lk1xt196ybz"

  vpn_attachment = {
    local_subnet  = ""
    remote_subnet = ""



Name Version
terraform >= 1.3


Name Version
alicloud n/a


No modules.


Name Type
alicloud_cen_instance.default resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router.default resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_cidr.default resource resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association.default resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association.transit resource resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation.transit resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation.vpn_m_attch_propagation resource resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.transit resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpn_attachment.default resource
alicloud_ecs_network_interface.default resource
alicloud_ecs_network_interface_attachment.default resource
alicloud_instance.default resource
alicloud_security_group.default resource
alicloud_security_group_rule.allow_all_tcp resource
alicloud_security_group_rule.allow_all_udp resource
alicloud_security_group_rule.fortigate_ingress_icmp resource resource
alicloud_vpc.transit resource
alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.default resource
alicloud_vpn_gateway_vpn_attachment.default resource resource
alicloud_vswitch.transit resource
alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
business_vpc The parameters of business vpc and vswitches.
vpc_name = optional(string, null)
cidr_block = string
vswitches = list(object({
vswitch_name = optional(string, null)
cidr_block = string
zone_id = string
n/a yes
cen_config The parameters of cen.
cen_instance_name = optional(string, "sdwan-cen")
description = optional(string, null)
{} no
eni_name_prefix The name of ecs network interface. string "eni" no
instance_config The parameters of instance.
image_id = string
instance_name = optional(string, null)
description = optional(string, null)
instance_charge_type = optional(string, "PostPaid")
instance_type = optional(string, "ecs.c6.xlarge")
password = optional(string, null)
internet_max_bandwidth_out = optional(number, 100)
internet_charge_type = optional(string, "PayByTraffic")
n/a yes
security_group_name The name of security group. string null no
transit_router_cidr The cidr of transit router. string n/a yes
transit_vpc The parameters of transit vpc and vswitches.
vpc_name = optional(string, null)
cidr_block = string
vswitches = list(object({
vswitch_name = optional(string, null)
cidr_block = string
zone_id = string
n/a yes
vpc_customer_gateway The parameters of vpc customer gateway.
name_prefix = optional(string, null)
asn = optional(string, null)
"asn": "65534",
"name_prefix": "cgw"
vpn_attachment The parameters of the VPN attachment
local_subnet = string
remote_subnet = string
vpn_attachment_name = optional(string, null)
network_type = optional(string, "private")
effect_immediately = optional(bool, true)
enable_dpd = optional(bool, true)
enable_nat_traversal = optional(bool, true)
ike_config = optional(list(object({
ike_auth_alg = optional(string, "sha1")
ike_enc_alg = optional(string, "aes")
ike_version = optional(string, "ikev2")
ike_mode = optional(string, "main")
ike_lifetime = optional(number, 86400)
psk = optional(string, "tfvpnattachment")
ike_pfs = optional(string, "group2")
})), [{}])
ipsec_config = optional(list(object({
ipsec_pfs = optional(string, "group2")
ipsec_enc_alg = optional(string, "aes")
ipsec_auth_alg = optional(string, "sha1")
ipsec_lifetime = optional(number, 86400)
})), [{}])
bgp_config = optional(list(object({
enable = optional(bool, true)
local_asn = optional(number, 45104)
tunnel_cidr = optional(string, "")
local_bgp_ip = optional(string, "")
})), [{}])
n/a yes


Name Description
business_vpc_id The ID of the business VPC
business_vswitch_ids List of IDs for business VSwitches
cen_instance_id The ID of the CEN instance
cen_transit_router_business_vpc_attachment_id The attachment ID of the CEN transit router and business VPC
cen_transit_router_id The ID of the CEN transit router
cen_transit_router_transit_vpc_attachment_id The attachment ID of the CEN transit router and transit VPC
instance_ids List of instance IDs in the transit VPC
network_interface_ids List of network interface IDs
security_group_id The ID of the security group
transit_router_vpn_attachment_ids List of transit router VPN attachment IDs
transit_vpc_id The ID of the transit VPC
transit_vswitch_ids List of IDs for transit VSwitches
vpn_attachment_ids List of VPN attachment IDs
vpn_customer_gateway_ids List of VPN customer gateway IDs

Submit Issues

If you have any problems when using this module, please opening a provider issue and let us know.

Note: There does not recommend opening an issue on this repo.


Created and maintained by Alibaba Cloud Terraform Team(


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.
