A music player application built for the web.
Live beta version: https://furymusicplayer.000webhostapp.com/
Test user credentials: testuser, testpass
NOTE: There are certain issues found in non-chromium browsers related to uploading tracks. This will be fixed in later versions.
This project is still work-in-progress
The sign in page where users can sign into their personal accounts.
The main interface where songs are played, playlists are made, songs are searched for, and more.
- Create your own account and sign in
- Browse and play user submitted music
- Upload your own music for other users to listen to
- Customize the look of the app by changing the background image to your own liking
- Download submitted music to your own machine
- Delete music you have uploaded
- Copy song links and share the music with others
- Play/pause current played song
- Automatically plays next song
- Toggle shuffling of next played song
- Seek to different time in current played song by interacting with the waveform
- Manipulate volume (exponential volume curve)
- Skip to next song
- Jump to previously played song or further back in history
- Search for song title, artist, album and publisher (the user who uploaded the music) by search field or clicking the fields in each song tile
- Support for hardware media keys
- OpenGraph support for song links
- Press space to pause or resume current song
- Volume fade in or out for a smoother audio experience
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.