Hereby you wil find my practicing projects and contributions:
👩🏻🍳 My recipe book: I am currently developing a Recipe book app for saving my best recipes and sharing them. Please (PLEASE!) be aware that it is a work in progress, so you might find some bugs and a quite ugly design.
I am also contribuiting to an open source project, which you can find in my activity. Finally, some of my previous projects are the following below. Note that these are old, since in 2022 I've been focused mainly on my current job and freelance works:
🌱 Mi huerta: A site for helping you grow your own vegetable garden at home. Made with React, SASS, Bootstrap and tons of ❤️. You may find the live demo here.
🚀 Random NASA pick of the day: Find random NASA pics of the day and share them with your friends. Made with React and Styled components. Demo available here
If you are interested, you can also reach me at and