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📖 documentation
:book: documentation
Project and libraries documentation
💡 enhancement
:bulb: enhancement
New feature or request
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
🔨 EClint
:hammer: EClint
Tool: EClint (EditorConfig validator)
🔨 EditorConfig
:hammer: EditorConfig
Tool: EditorConfig (code styles consistency)
🔨 Travis CI
:hammer: Travis CI
Tool: Travis CI
🔬 research
:microscope: research
Issue requires further researching
Further information is requested
♻️ help wanted
:recycle: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
💀 bug
:skull: bug
Something isn't working
💀 duplicate
:skull: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
💀 invalid
:skull: invalid
This doesn't seem right
💀 wontfix
:skull: wontfix
This will not be worked on
⭐ automation
:star: automation
Topic: toolchain automation
⭐ examples
:star: examples
Topic: Sample adventures
⭐ Lib 0.6
:star: Lib 0.6
Topic: ALAN Library v0.6
⭐ libraries
:star: libraries
Topic: ALAN Libraries
⭐ StdLib 1
:star: StdLib 1
Topic: ALAN Standard Library v1.00
⭐ test suite
:star: test suite
Topic: Testing the repository and its assets
⭐ toolchain
:star: toolchain
Topic: Build toolchain and its scripts
⭐ Wiki
:star: Wiki
Topic: repository Wiki
👅 EN
:tongue: EN
i18n: English localization
👅 ES
:tongue: ES
i18n: Spanish localization
👅 IT
:tongue: IT
i18n: Italian localization