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Axel Kesseler edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 4 revisions

ProcessHelper.ConvertToOutput Method

This method converts given value into its output representation.

Namespace: Plexdata.CsvParser.Internals
Assembly: Plexdata.CsvParser.NET (in Plexdata.CsvParser.NET.dll) Version: 1.1.3+d5bef99aa35461ce4bafadf0bf2c2aeca18044ea



public static string ConvertToOutput(
	string value,
	char separator,
	bool quoting



Type: System.String
The value string to be transformed.
Type: System.Char
The separator to be applied at the end.
Type: System.Boolean
The flag that indicates whether double-quotes have to be applied.

Return Value

Type: String
A string for the value ready to put it into the CSV output.


Keep in mind, the result string is enclosed in double-quotes either if quoting is true or the given value contains at least one of the control character.

Control character means in this context that the value contains either a carriage return, or a line feed, or a double-quote, or most important the separator character itself.

Additionally note that not only string could be enclosed by double-quotes. Because it could be possible as well that number types will be surrounded by double-quotes. This would be for example the case when a comma separator is used and the given culture is German.

Finally, any of possibly existing string delimiters are replaced by two double-quotes automatically. This in turn represents the escaping of double-quotes according to RFC 4180.

See Also


ProcessHelper Class
Plexdata.CsvParser.Internals Namespace

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