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- Containerization of each service using Docker
- Setup Kubernetes Master-Slave integration
- CI/CD using Apache Jenkins to build, test and deploy containers on Kubernetes Master
- Perform load balancing testing on each microservice using JMeter
The following micro-services have been dockerized::
- Dockerized-Gateway-API
- Dockerized-Front-End
- Dockerized-Data-Retrieval
- Dockerized-Session-Management
- Dockerized-User-Management
- Dockerized-Data-Processing
- Dockerized-Data-Modeling
Docker hub credentials::
- Username: nayeemullahbaig
- Password: noodlemaster12
- Repository name: noodle
Whenever there is a push in the development branch, Jenkins builds the docker images of the corresponding microservice branch and uploads it to Docker Hub.
Jenkins -
- Username: admin
- Password: noodlemaster
Flow ::
- Utilizes github webhook to build docker image and upload it on DockerHub corresponding to the branch on which the change is pushed.
- After this job is executed, triggers Kubernetes master to deploy the new docker image.
- Push commit to github repository
- Trigger to jenkins job to build the jenkins file
- Runs preliminary tests
- If passed, publish to docker hub
- Build Kubernetes pods from docker hub
The Release branch ::
The application is already deployed on Jetstream instances which can be accessed by going to ::
We have 1 master node and 3 worker nodes.
- Master user=ubuntu
- Worker1 user=ubuntu
- Worker2 user=ubuntu
- For accessing the deployed microservice, you will require the private ssh key.
- SSH into the master instance using the following command :
ssh ubuntu@
- We can try the following commands ::
1.) See deployed pods :
kubectl get pods
This should list down all the deployed microservices and their pods with their status, no. of restarts and age.
2.) To check the running services :
kubectl get svc
3.) See logs of pods :
kubectl logs $POD_NAME
4.) Delete a pod for testing :
kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME
5.) Delete all pods for testing :
kubectl delete --all pods
This should delete the pod and then list the pods to see that the pod would have restarted with an age of < 1 minute.
- using kubectl command ::
kubectl get pods
- Here you can see all the pods that have been deployed by the Kubernetes.
kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME
- Now select the pod to delete it.
- You will see a new container automatically being created and a new pod will soon be running on this container.