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Praneta Paithankar edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 63 revisions

Welcome to Country Cycle's Wiki

Project Idea

The goal of this project is to provide a standalone application for people who embark on adventures and want to share their live experiences along the way.

Napkin Diagram


User Stories

As a... I want ... So that...
Biker to have an account so all my data is saved
Biker to connect my devices I can track my journey
Biker to have a live stream to connect with users in the moment
Biker to upload media to capture memories
Biker to raise funds to support my trip and donate to research

Features + Functionalities underway

Traveler Functionalities

  1. Live-stream journey
  2. Automatically upload and analyze diet, location, and fitness data
  3. Upload various types of media
  4. Collect donations and corporate sponsorships

Viewer Features

  1. View live-stream of the traveler's journey
  2. Track diet, location, and fitness data of traveler
  3. View and comment on media uploaded throughout the journey
  4. Donate and help fund the journey

Available endpoints









Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments

Chirag Galani:

Praneta Paithankar:

Tyler Citrin: