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Mahesh Manohar Belnekar edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 5 revisions

Park My Ride


Completely automated web application to find the perfect parking spot.

Napkin Diagram:

Napkin Diagram

Architecture Diagram:

Architecture Diagram

Updated Architecture Diagram:

Distributed Architecture Diagram

User Stories:

  • As an end-user, I can view parking locations so that I can find the location that is closest to me where I may find available parking
  • As an end-user, I can view availability of parking spots at any parking location so that I know at which location I can park my car
  • As an end-user, I can reserve available parking so that the parking spot will be available when I reach the location
  • As a parking garage owner, I can add my parking garage so that the parking spots can be reserved by the end-users
  • As a parking garage owner, I can specify dates when and spots which will be available in my parking garage so that I can modify and update and hence control use of my parking garage