NoX is a 32-bit RISC-V core designed in System Verilog language aiming both FPGA
and ASIC
flows. The core was projected to be easily integrated and simulated as part of an SoC, with makefile
targets for simple standalone simulation or with an interconnect and peripherals. In short, the core specs are listed here:
- RV32IZicsr
- 4 stages / single-issue / in-order pipeline
- M-mode privileged spec.
- 2.5 CoreMark/MHz
- Software/External/Timer interrupt
- Support non/vectored IRQs
- Configurable fetch FIFO size
- AXI4 or AHB I/F
The CSRs that are implemented in the core are listed down below, more CSRs can be easily integrated within rtl/ by extending the decoder. Instructions such as ECALL/EBREAK
are supported as well and will synchronously trap the core, forcing a jump to the MTVEC
value. All interrupts will redirect the core to the MTVEC
as well as it is considered asynchronous traps.
CSR | Description | |
1 | mstatus | Status register |
2 | mie | Machine Interrupt enable |
3 | mtvec | Trap-vector base-address |
4 | mscratch | Scratch register |
5 | mepc | Exception program counter |
6 | mcause | Machine cause register |
7 | mtval | Machine trap value |
8 | mip | Machine pending interrupt |
9 | cycle | RO shadow of mcycle |
10 | cycleh | RO shadow of mcycle [Upper 32b] |
11 | misa | Machine ISA register |
12 | mhartid | Hart ID register |
NoX uses a docker container to build and simulate a standalone instance of the core or an SoC requiring no additional tools to the user apart from docker itself. Please be aware that the process of building the simulator might require more resources than what is allocated to the docker
, therefore if the output shows Killed
, increase the memory and the cpu resources. To quickly build a simple instance of the core with two memories and simulate it through linux, follow:
make all # Will first download the docker container and build the design
make run # Should simulate the design for 100k clock cycles
You should expect in the terminal an output like this:
_ _ __ __
| \ | | ___ \ \/ /
| \| | / _ \ \ /
| |\ || (_) |/ \
|_| \_| \___//_/\_\
mstatus 0x1880
misa 0x40000100
mhartid 0x0
mie 0x0
mip 0x0
mtvec 0x80000101
mepc 0x0
mscratch 0x0
mtval 0x0
mcause 0x0
cycle 110
If you have gtkwave installed, you can also open the simulation run fst
make GTKWAVE_PRE="" wave
For more targets
, please run
make help
NoX core is a 4-stages single issue, in-order pipeline with full bypass, which means that all data hazards will have no impact in terms of stalling the design. The only scenario where we can have a stall is when the core has back-pressure from the LSU due to some pending operation on-the-fly. The micro-architecture is presented in the figure below with all the signals matching the top rtl/
In the file rtl/inc/nox_pkg.svh, there are two presets of
macros (Lines 8/9) that can be un/commented depending on the final target. For TARGET_FPGA
, it is defined an active-low & synchronous reset. Otherwise, if the macro TARGET_ASIC
is defined, then this change to active-high & asynchronous reset. In case it is required another combination of both, please follow what is coded there.
As an estimative of resources utilization, listed below are the synthesis numbers of the design for the Kintex 7 K325T (xc7k325tffg676-1
) @100MHz using Vivado 2020.2.
Name | Slice LUTs | Slice Registers | F7 Muxes | F8 Muxes | Slice | LUT as Logic |
u_nox (nox) | 2517 | 1873 | 182 | 89 | 1225 | 2517 |
u_wb (wb) | 32 | 33 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 32 |
u_reset_sync (reset_sync) | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
u_lsu (lsu) | 538 | 105 | 1 | 0 | 266 | 538 |
u_fetch (fetch) | 276 | 134 | 0 | 0 | 154 | 276 |
u_fifo_l0 (fifo) | 259 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 125 | 259 |
u_execute (execute) | 229 | 359 | 0 | 0 | 254 | 229 |
u_csr (csr) | 187 | 255 | 0 | 0 | 206 | 187 |
u_decode (decode) | 1445 | 1240 | 181 | 89 | 1000 | 1445 |
u_register_file (register_file) | 615 | 1056 | 181 | 89 | 664 | 615 |
Inside this repository it is also available a System-on-a-chip (SoC) with the following micro-architecture. It contains a boot ROM memory with the bootloader program (sw/bootloader) that can be used to transfer new programs to the SoC by using the script. The script will read an ELF file and transfer it through the serial UART to the address defined in its content memory map, also in the end of the transfer, it will set the entry point address
of the ELF to the RST Ctrl peripheral forcing the NoX CPU to boot from this address in the next reset cycle. To return back to the bootloader program, an additional input (bootloader_i
), once it is asserted, will force the RST Ctrl to be set back to the boot ROM address. To program an Arty A7 FPGA
and download a program to the SoC, follow the steps below.
To generate the FPGA image and program the board (vivado required):
fusesoc library add core .
fusesoc run --run --target=a7_synth core:nox:v0.0.1
Once it is finished and the board is programmed, the following output will be shown:
__ __ __ __ ______ ______
| \ | \ | \ | \ / \ / \
| $$\ | $$ ______ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ ______ | $$$$$$\
| $$$\| $$ / \ \$$\/ $$ | $$___\$$ / \ | $$ \$$
| $$$$\ $$| $$$$$$\ >$$ $$ \$$ \ | $$$$$$\| $$
| $$\$$ $$| $$ | $$ / $$$$\ _\$$$$$$\| $$ | $$| $$ __
| $$ \$$$$| $$__/ $$| $$ \$$\ | \__| $$| $$__/ $$| $$__/ \
| $$ \$$$ \$$ $$| $$ | $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$
\$$ \$$ \$$$$$$ \$$ \$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$
NoX SoC UART Bootloader
mstatus 0x1880
misa 0x40000100
mhartid 0x0
mie 0x0
mip 0x0
mtvec 0x101
mepc 0x0
mscratch 0x0
mtval 0x0
mcause 0x0
cycle 2823444
Freq. system: 50000000 Hz
UART Speed: 115200 bits/s
Type h+[ENTER] for help!
To transfer a program through the bootloader script:
make -C sw/bootloader all
make -C sw/soc_hello_world all
python3 sw/ --elf sw/soc_hello_world/output/soc_hello_world.elf
# Press rst button in the board
If you have a Kintex 7 Qmtech board, you can build/program the target with the commands below.
make -C sw/bootloader all
fusesoc library add core .
fusesoc run --run --target=x7_synth core:nox:v0.0.1
# Once the FPGA bitstream is downloaed, change the program to the demo
python3 sw/ --elf sw/soc_hello_world/output/soc_hello_world.elf --device YOUR_SERIAL_ADAPTER --speed 230400
The bootloader PB and the reset CPU are respectively SW2 and SW1 for the K7 core board. You should have something like this:
If you are willing to use FreeRTOS with this core, there is a template available here NoX FreeRTOS template with a running demo with 4x Tasks
running in parallel in the NoX SoC.
To run the compliance tests, two steps needs to be followed.
- Compile nox_sim with 2MB IRAM / 128KB DRAM
- Run the RISCOF framework using SAIL-C RISC-V simulator as reference
make build_comp # It might take a while...
make run_comp
Once it is finished, you can open the report file available at riscof_compliance/riscof_work/report.html to check the status. The run should finished with a similar report like the one available at docs/report_compliance.html.
Inside the sw/coremark, there is a folder called nox which is the platform port of the CoreMark benchmark to the core. NoX CoreMark score is 125 or 2.5 CoreMark/MHz. If you have Vivado installed and want to try running in the Arty A7 FPGA board, please follow the commands below.
fusesoc library add core .
fusesoc run --run --target=coremark_synth core:nox:v0.0.1
As mentioned in the CoreMark repository, the benchmark needs to run for two sets of seeds 0,0,0x66 and 0x3415,0x3415,0x66. These two sets correspond respectively to PERFORMANCE run and VALIDATION run. Thus the two outputs of the runs are presented down below. According to the reporting rules, the CoreMark score is defined by the metrics of number of iterations per second during the performance run.
Performance run:
[NoX] Coremark Start
2K performance run parameters for coremark.
CoreMark Size : 666
Total ticks : 848608849
Total time (secs): 16
Iterations/Sec : 125
Iterations : 2000
Compiler version : riscv-none-embed-gcc (xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC x86_64) 10.2.0
Compiler flags : -O0 -g -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -Wall -Wno-unused -ffreestanding --specs=nano.specs -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_FLOAT -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_LONG_LONG -Wall -Wno-main -DPERFORMANCE_RUN=1 -O0 -g
Memory location : STACK
seedcrc : 0xe9f5
[0]crclist : 0xe714
[0]crcmatrix : 0x1fd7
[0]crcstate : 0x8e3a
[0]crcfinal : 0x4983
Correct operation validated. See for run and reporting rules.
Validation run:
[NoX] Coremark Start
2K validation run parameters for coremark.
CoreMark Size : 666
Total ticks : 1080616261
Total time (secs): 21
Iterations/Sec : 95
Iterations : 2000
Compiler version : riscv-none-embed-gcc (xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC x86_64) 10.2.0
Compiler flags : -O0 -g -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -Wall -Wno-unused -ffreestanding --specs=nano.specs -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_FLOAT -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL -DPRINTF_DISABLE_SUPPORT_LONG_LONG -Wall -Wno-main -DVALIDATION_RUN=1 -O0 -g
Memory location : STACK
seedcrc : 0x18f2
[0]crclist : 0xe3c1
[0]crcmatrix : 0x0747
[0]crcstate : 0x8d84
[0]crcfinal : 0x0cac
Correct operation validated. See for run and reporting rules.
Adapting the setup to Ibex Core - low risc, attached is the command to perform synthesis on the 45nm nangate PDK.
docker run -v .:/test -w /test --rm aignacio/oss_cad_suite:latest bash -c "cd /test/synth && ./"
- 27.04 kGE @ 250MHz in 45nm
End of script. Logfile hash: 39230763f8, CPU: user 15.51s system 0.15s, MEM: 175.05 MB peak
Yosys 0.40+25 (git sha1 171577f90, clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 72% 2416x select (5 sec), 22% 2x read_verilog (1 sec), ...
Area in kGE = 27.04
NoX is licensed under the permissive MIT license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.
title={NoX: a Compact Open-Source RISC-V Processor for Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip},
author={Anderson I. Silva and Altamiro Susin and Fernanda L. Kastensmidt and Antonio Carlos S. Beck and Jose Rodrigo Azambuja},