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atsanan edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 1 revision


[x] 19.1 NearBy PrivilegeShops

GET /api/v1/privilegeShops/nearBy

Query parameters:

Field Description Optional Default
long Longitude of Shop on this floor Yes 0
lat Longitude of shops on this floor Yes 10
page Current page of shops on this floor Yes 0
limit Maximum page of shops on this floor Yes 10


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        "pageIndex": -1,
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        "pages": 1,
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        "shops": [
                "_id": "5bc5743f6a10e0dca45564c8",
                "created_at": "2018-08-31T04:35:31.797Z",
                "dist": {
                    "calculated": 2677.118024303395
                "filenameLogo1": "filenameLogo1.png",
                "filenameLogo2": "filenameLogo2.png",
                "isActive": true,
                "isSponser": true,
                "location": {
                    "coordinates": [
                    "type": "Point"
                "mallFloorId": "5bb7784568efd87103266969",
                "mapReach": 30,
                "order": 1,
                "privilegeShops": [
                        "_id": "5bd09f386a10e0dca48f3a12",
                        "created_at": "2018-10-23T08:56:39Z",
                        "expiredDateTime": "2018-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                        "filenameLogo1": "GS1_LG_012.png",
                        "filenameLogo2": "GS2_LG_012.png",
                        "isActive": true,
                        "isGoldenMinutes": true,
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                        "order": 0,
                        "privilegeDefaultId": "5bd09e296a10e0dca48f3689",
                        "privilegeShopDetails": {
                            "chi1": "",
                            "chi2": "",
                            "eng": "10% discount on of 400 Bath / Sales slip for food and drink.",
                            "thai": "ลด 10% เมื่อทานครบ 400 บาทขึ้นไป/เซลล์สลิป สำหรับค่าอาหารและเครื่องดื่ม"
                        "privilegeShopTitles": {
                            "chi1": "THE WISDOM Credit Card Privilege for Jeffer Steak & Seafood.",
                            "chi2": "THE WISDOM Credit Card Privilege for Jeffer Steak & Seafood.",
                            "eng": "THE WISDOM Credit Card Privilege for Jeffer Steak & Seafood.",
                            "thai": "สิทธิพิเศษสำหรับลูกค้าบัตรเดอะวิสดอมกสิกรไทย [วิซ่า อินฟินิท]ในร้านเจฟเฟอร์ สเต็ก แอนด์ ซีฟู้ด"
                        "shopId": "5bc5743f6a10e0dca45564c8",
                        "startDateTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "updated_at": "2018-10-23T08:56:39Z"
                "shopAdsId": "5b90aa987f58a3000105a0db",
                "shopAssertId": "5b8f9a8c7f58a3000105a0d9",
                "shopCategoryId": "5b443ce1aaea3c3bd0bb710a",
                "shopCode": "shopCode",
                "shopDetail": {
                    "chi1": "莱珀妮沙龙",
                    "chi2": "蓓麗沙龍",
                    "eng": "Salon La Prairie",
                    "thai": "ซาลอน ลา แพรรี"
                "shopName": {
                    "chi1": "莱珀妮沙龙",
                    "chi2": "蓓麗沙龍",
                    "eng": "Salon La Prairie",
                    "thai": "ซาลอน ลา แพรรี"
                "shopTel": "02 656 1190",
                "shopUrl": "",
                "updated_at": "2018-10-07T21:00:37Z"
    "isSuccess": true
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