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adriaan-vd-graaf committed Oct 29, 2024
2 parents 9d03c13 + af03ea2 commit ce37940
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Showing 5 changed files with 818 additions and 8 deletions.
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
name: Test
on: [push, pull_request]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.x'
- name: Install dependencies

- name: Install R
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y r-base r-base-dev
- name: Cache pip dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.cache/pip
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('**/requirements.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-pip-
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install numpy scipy pandas pytest bitarray duckdb pyarrow
pip install numpy scipy pandas pytest bitarray duckdb pyarrow rpy2
# Step to set up R
- name: Install R
Expand All @@ -36,3 +52,6 @@ jobs:

- name: Run integration tests
run: pytest tests/

- name: Run comparison_tests_with_r_imlementation
run: pytest tests/
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions R/mr_link_2_functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
mr_link2_loglik_reference_v2 <- function(th, lam, c_x, c_y, n_x, n_y) {
# Convert n_x and n_y to float
n_x <- as.numeric(n_x)
n_y <- as.numeric(n_y)
a <- th[1]
tX <- abs(th[2])
tY <- abs(th[3])

Dyy <- 1 / (n_y * lam + tY)

if (a != 0) {
Dxx <- 1 / (exp(log(a^2 * n_y + n_x) + log(lam)) + tX -
exp(log(a^2 * n_y^2 * lam^2) - log(n_y * lam + tY)))
Dxy <- -Dxx * a * exp(log(n_y * lam) - log(n_y * lam + tY))
Dyy <- Dyy + exp(log(Dxx * (a^2 * n_y^2 * lam^2)) - (2 * log(n_y * lam + tY)))
asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty <- exp(log(a^2 * n_y^2 * lam^2) - log(n_y * lam + tY))
} else {
Dxx <- 1 / (exp(log(n_x) + log(lam)) + tX)
Dxy <- -Dxx * a * exp(log(n_y * lam) - log(n_y * lam + tY))
asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty <- 0 * lam

dX <- n_x * c_x + a * n_y * c_y
dY <- n_y * c_y
m <- length(c_x)

loglik <- -m * log(2 * pi) -
(1 / 2) * sum(log((a^2 * n_y + n_x) * lam + tX - asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty)) -
(1 / 2) * sum(log(n_y * lam + tY)) +
(1 / 2) * (sum(dX^2 * Dxx) + 2 * sum(dX * dY * Dxy) + sum(dY^2 * Dyy)) -
(n_x / 2) * sum((c_x^2) / lam) -
(n_y / 2) * sum((c_y^2) / lam) +
(m / 2) * (log(n_x) + log(n_y)) - sum(log(lam)) + (m / 2) * (log(tX) + log(tY))


mr_link2_loglik_alpha_h0 <- function(th, lam, cX, cY, nX, nY) {
return(mr_link2_loglik_reference_v2(c(0, th[1], th[2]), lam, cX, cY, nX, nY))

mr_link2_loglik_sigma_y_h0 <- function(th, lam, c_x, c_y, n_x, n_y) {
n_x <- as.numeric(n_x)
n_y <- as.numeric(n_y)
a <- th[1]
tX <- abs(th[2])

Dyy <- rep(0, length(lam))

if (a != 0) {
Dxx <- 1 / (exp(log(a^2 * n_y + n_x) + log(lam)) + tX)
Dxy <- rep(0, length(lam))
asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty <- rep(0, length(lam))
} else {
Dxx <- 1 / (exp(log(n_x) + log(lam)) + tX)
Dxy <- rep(0, length(lam))
asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty <- rep(0, length(lam))

dX <- n_x * c_x + a * n_y * c_y
dY <- n_y * c_y
m <- length(c_x)

loglik <- -m * log(2 * pi) -
(1 / 2) * sum(log((a^2 * n_y + n_x) * lam + tX - asq_ny_sq_lam_sq_div_ny_lam_ty)) +
(1 / 2) * (sum(dX^2 * Dxx) + 2 * sum(dX * dY * Dxy) + sum(dY^2 * Dyy)) -
(n_x / 2) * sum((c_x^2) / lam) -
(n_y / 2) * sum((c_y^2) / lam) +
(m / 2) * (log(n_x) + log(n_y)) - sum(log(lam)) + (m / 2) * log(tX)


mr_link2 <- function(selected_eigenvalues, selected_eigenvectors,
exposure_betas, outcome_betas,
n_exp, n_out, sigma_exp_guess, sigma_out_guess) {

start_time <- Sys.time()

# Define optimization options
method <- "Nelder-Mead"
control <- list(maxit = 300)

# Calculate c_x and c_y
c_x <- t(selected_eigenvectors) %*% exposure_betas
c_y <- t(selected_eigenvectors) %*% outcome_betas

max_sigma <- sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax)

# Alpha h0 estimation
alpha_h0_guesses <- list(c(sigma_exp_guess, sigma_out_guess),
c(max_sigma, max_sigma),
c(1, max_sigma),
c(1e3, 1e3))

alpha_h0_results <- optim(par = alpha_h0_guesses[[1]],
fn = mr_link2_loglik_alpha_h0,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

# Loop over other guesses
for (alpha_h0_guess in alpha_h0_guesses[-1]) {
if (alpha_h0_results$convergence == 0) break

new_alpha_h0_results <- optim(par = alpha_h0_guess,
fn = mr_link2_loglik_alpha_h0,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

if (alpha_h0_results$value >= new_alpha_h0_results$value) {
alpha_h0_results <- new_alpha_h0_results

# Sigma_y estimation
sigma_y_guesses <- list(c(0.0, sigma_exp_guess),
c(1.0, sigma_exp_guess),
c(0.0, alpha_h0_results$par[1]),
c(1.0, alpha_h0_results$par[1]),
c(0.0, max_sigma),
c(1e-10, max_sigma))

sigma_y_h0_results <- optim(par = sigma_y_guesses[[1]],
fn = mr_link2_loglik_sigma_y_h0,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

for (sigma_y_guess in sigma_y_guesses[-1]) {
if (sigma_y_h0_results$convergence == 0) break

new_sigma_y_h0_results <- optim(par = sigma_y_guess,
fn = mr_link2_loglik_sigma_y_h0,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

if (new_sigma_y_h0_results$value < sigma_y_h0_results$value) {
sigma_y_h0_results <- new_sigma_y_h0_results

# Ha estimation
ha_guesses <- list(c(0.0, alpha_h0_results$par[1], alpha_h0_results$par[2]),
c(sigma_y_h0_results$par[1], sigma_y_h0_results$par[2], sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax)),
c(1.0, alpha_h0_results$par[1], alpha_h0_results$par[2]),
c(1e-10, max_sigma, max_sigma))

ha_results <- optim(par = ha_guesses[[1]],
fn = mr_link2_loglik_reference_v2,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

for (ha_guess in ha_guesses[-1]) {
if (ha_results$convergence == 0) break

new_ha_result <- optim(par = ha_guess,
fn = mr_link2_loglik_reference_v2,
gr = NULL,
selected_eigenvalues, c_x, c_y, n_exp, n_out,
method = method, control = control)

if (new_ha_result$value < ha_results$value) {
ha_results <- new_ha_result

# Likelihood Ratio Test and Estimation
alpha <- ha_results$par[1]
alpha_chi_sq <- 2 * (alpha_h0_results$value - ha_results$value)
alpha_p_val <- pchisq(alpha_chi_sq, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
z_alpha <- ifelse(alpha_chi_sq <= 0, 0.0, sign(alpha) * sqrt(alpha_chi_sq))
se_alpha <- ifelse(z_alpha != 0, alpha / z_alpha, NA)

sigma_y <- 1 / abs(ha_results$par[3])
sigma_y_chi_sq <- 2 * (sigma_y_h0_results$value - ha_results$value)
sigma_y_p_val <- pchisq(sigma_y_chi_sq, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
z_sigma_y <- ifelse(sigma_y_chi_sq <= 0, 0.0, sqrt(sigma_y_chi_sq))
se_sigma_y <- ifelse(z_sigma_y != 0, sigma_y / z_sigma_y, NA)

# Return results as a list (equivalent to Python's dictionary)
alpha = alpha,
`se(alpha)` = se_alpha,
`p(alpha)` = alpha_p_val,
sigma_y = sigma_y,
`se(sigma_y)` = se_sigma_y,
`p(sigma_y)` = sigma_y_p_val,
sigma_x = 1 / abs(ha_results$par[2]),
alpha_h0_sigma_x = 1 / abs(alpha_h0_results$par[1]),
alpha_h0_sigma_y = 1 / abs(alpha_h0_results$par[2]),
alpha_h0_loglik = alpha_h0_results$value,
sigma_y_h0_alpha = sigma_y_h0_results$par[1],
sigma_y_h0_sigma_x = 1 / abs(sigma_y_h0_results$par[2]),
sigma_y_h0_loglik = sigma_y_h0_results$value,
ha_loglik = ha_results$value,
optim_alpha_h0_success = alpha_h0_results$convergence == 0,
optim_alpha_h0_nit = alpha_h0_results$counts,
optim_sigma_y_h0_success = sigma_y_h0_results$convergence == 0,
optim_sigma_y_h0_nit = sigma_y_h0_results$counts,
optim_ha_success = ha_results$convergence == 0,
optim_ha_nit = ha_results$counts,
function_time = as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs"))

remove_highly_correlated <- function(ld_matrix, snp_ordering, max_correlation) {
# Remove NAs from the correlation matrix
ld_matrix[] <- 0

# Initialize a logical vector to mark rows/columns to remove
idxs_to_remove <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ld_matrix))

# Find pairs of SNPs that are highly correlated
correlated_indices <- which(abs(ld_matrix) >= max_correlation, arr.ind = TRUE)

to_remove <- vector("logical", length = nrow(ld_matrix))

# Loop through correlated pairs and mark SNPs to remove
for (i in seq_len(nrow(correlated_indices))) {
a <- correlated_indices[i, 1]
b <- correlated_indices[i, 2]

if ((!to_remove[a] && !to_remove[b] ) && (a != b)) {
to_remove[b] <- TRUE

# Remove highly correlated SNPs from both the matrix and the SNP list
ld_matrix <- ld_matrix[!to_remove, !to_remove]
pruned_snps <- snp_ordering[!to_remove]

return(list(ld_matrix = ld_matrix, pruned_snps = pruned_snps))

mr_link2_analysis <- function(exposure_betas, outcome_betas, ld_matrix, n_exp, n_out, max_correlation = 0.99) {
# Prune highly correlated SNPs
snp_ordering <- seq_len(nrow(ld_matrix)) # Simple numbering for SNPs
pruned_data <- remove_highly_correlated(ld_matrix, snp_ordering, max_correlation)
pruned_ld_matrix <- pruned_data$ld_matrix
pruned_snps <- pruned_data$pruned_snps

# Eigenvalue decomposition
eigen_decomp <- eigen(pruned_ld_matrix)
eigenvalues <- eigen_decomp$values
eigenvectors <- eigen_decomp$vectors

# Calculate cumulative variance explained
variance_explained <- cumsum(eigenvalues) / sum(eigenvalues)

# Select the eigenvectors that explain at least 99% of the variance
threshold_index <- min(which(variance_explained >= 0.99))
selected_eigenvectors <- eigenvectors[, 1:threshold_index]
selected_eigenvalues <- eigenvalues[1:threshold_index]

# Call the existing MR-link-2 function
# Assuming `mr_link2` is already defined in R and takes the following arguments:
# - selected_eigenvalues
# - selected_eigenvectors
# - exposure_betas
# - outcome_betas
# - n_exp (number of individuals in exposure dataset)
# - n_out (number of individuals in outcome dataset)
sigma_exp_guess <- 0.01 # You can adjust or estimate this as needed
sigma_out_guess <- 0.001 # You can adjust or estimate this as needed

# Subset the betas based on pruned SNPs
exposure_betas_pruned <- exposure_betas[pruned_snps]
outcome_betas_pruned <- outcome_betas[pruned_snps]

# Perform the MR-link-2 estimation
mr_result <- mr_link2(
selected_eigenvalues = selected_eigenvalues,
selected_eigenvectors = selected_eigenvectors,
exposure_betas = exposure_betas_pruned,
outcome_betas = outcome_betas_pruned,
n_exp = n_exp,
n_out = n_out,
sigma_exp_guess = sigma_exp_guess,
sigma_out_guess = sigma_out_guess

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def read_list_of_snps_into_geno_array(self, snps_to_load: set, missing_encoding=
for i in range(n_variants):
bits = bitarray.bitarray(endian="little")
array = bits.decode(self._decoder)[:self.n_individuals]
array = list(bits.decode(self._decoder))[:self.n_individuals]
genotypes[:,i] = array

Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,6 @@
from mr_link_2_standalone import *

NB. These tests require us to have plink in your path.
So unfortunately I will not test them in the github workflow.

def test_plink_version():
result =['plink', '--version'], capture_output=True, text=True)
assert result.returncode == 0, "PLINK is not installed or not in the PATH"
Expand Down

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