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Hyper-fast HTTP Scraping Tool


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HTTPZ Web Scanner

A high-performance concurrent web scanner written in Python. HTTPZ efficiently scans domains for HTTP/HTTPS services, extracting valuable information like status codes, titles, SSL certificates, and more.



Via pip (recommended)

# Install from PyPI
pip install httpz_scanner

# The 'httpz' command will now be available in your terminal
httpz --help

From source

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd httpz
pip install -r requirements.txt


Command Line Interface

Basic usage:

python -m httpz_scanner domains.txt

Scan with all flags enabled and output to JSONL:

python -m httpz_scanner domains.txt -all -c 100 -o results.jsonl -j -p

Read from stdin:

cat domains.txt | python -m httpz_scanner - -all -c 100
echo "" | python -m httpz_scanner - -all

Filter by status codes and follow redirects:

python -m httpz_scanner domains.txt -mc 200,301-399 -ec 404,500 -fr -p

Show specific fields with custom timeout and resolvers:

python -m httpz_scanner domains.txt -sc -ti -i -tls -to 10 -r resolvers.txt

Full scan with all options:

python -m httpz_scanner domains.txt -c 100 -o output.jsonl -j -all -to 10 -mc 200,301 -ec 404,500 -p -ax -r resolvers.txt

Distributed Scanning

Split scanning across multiple machines using the --shard argument:

# Machine 1
httpz domains.txt --shard 1/3

# Machine 2
httpz domains.txt --shard 2/3

# Machine 3
httpz domains.txt --shard 3/3

Each machine will process a different subset of domains without overlap. For example, with 3 shards:

  • Machine 1 processes lines 0,3,6,9,...
  • Machine 2 processes lines 1,4,7,10,...
  • Machine 3 processes lines 2,5,8,11,...

This allows efficient distribution of large scans across multiple machines.

Python Library

import asyncio
import urllib.request
from httpz_scanner import HTTPZScanner

async def scan_from_list() -> list:
    with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response:
        content =
        return [line.strip() for line in content.splitlines() if line.strip()][:20]
async def scan_from_url():
    with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response:
        for line in response:
            if line := line.strip():
                yield line.decode().strip()

async def scan_from_file():
    with open('domains.txt', 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            if line := line.strip():
                yield line

async def main():
    # Initialize scanner with all possible options (showing defaults)
    scanner = HTTPZScanner(
        concurrent_limit=100,   # Number of concurrent requests
        timeout=5,              # Request timeout in seconds
        follow_redirects=False, # Follow redirects (max 10)
        check_axfr=False,       # Try AXFR transfer against nameservers
        resolver_file=None,     # Path to custom DNS resolvers file
        output_file=None,       # Path to JSONL output file
        show_progress=False,    # Show progress counter
        debug_mode=False,       # Show error states and debug info
        jsonl_output=False,     # Output in JSONL format
        shard=None,             # Tuple of (shard_index, total_shards) for distributed scanning
        # Control which fields to show (all False by default unless show_fields is None)
            'status_code': True,      # Show status code
            'content_type': True,     # Show content type
            'content_length': True,   # Show content length
            'title': True,            # Show page title
            'body': True,             # Show body preview
            'ip': True,               # Show IP addresses
            'favicon': True,          # Show favicon hash
            'headers': True,          # Show response headers
            'follow_redirects': True, # Show redirect chain
            'cname': True,            # Show CNAME records
            'tls': True               # Show TLS certificate info
        # Filter results
        match_codes={200,301,302},  # Only show these status codes
        exclude_codes={404,500,503} # Exclude these status codes

    # Example 1: Process file
    print('\nProcessing file:')
    async for result in scanner.scan(scan_from_file()):
        print(f"{result['domain']}: {result['status']}")

    # Example 2: Stream URLs
    print('\nStreaming URLs:')
    async for result in scanner.scan(scan_from_url()):
        print(f"{result['domain']}: {result['status']}")

    # Example 3: Process list
    print('\nProcessing list:')
    domains = await scan_from_list()
    async for result in scanner.scan(domains):
        print(f"{result['domain']}: {result['status']}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

The scanner accepts various input types:

  • File paths (string)
  • Lists/tuples of domains
  • stdin (using '-')
  • Async generators that yield domains

All inputs support sharding for distributed scanning using the shard parameter.


Argument Long Form Description
file File containing domains (one per line), use - for stdin
-d --debug Show error states and debug information
-c N --concurrent N Number of concurrent checks (default: 100)
-o FILE --output FILE Output file path (JSONL format)
-j --jsonl Output JSON Lines format to console
-all --all-flags Enable all output flags
-sh --shard N/T Process shard N of T total shards (e.g., 1/3)

Output Field Flags

Flag Long Form Description
-sc --status-code Show status code
-ct --content-type Show content type
-ti --title Show page title
-b --body Show body preview
-i --ip Show IP addresses
-f --favicon Show favicon hash
-hr --headers Show response headers
-cl --content-length Show content length
-fr --follow-redirects Follow redirects (max 10)
-cn --cname Show CNAME records
-tls --tls-info Show TLS certificate information

Other Options

Option Long Form Description
-to N --timeout N Request timeout in seconds (default: 5)
-mc CODES --match-codes CODES Only show specific status codes (comma-separated)
-ec CODES --exclude-codes CODES Exclude specific status codes (comma-separated)
-p --progress Show progress counter
-ax --axfr Try AXFR transfer against nameservers
-r FILE --resolvers FILE File containing DNS resolvers (one per line)