I'm a French MSc student in Aeraunotics and Space, specializing in Embedded Systems at ISAE-ENSMA.
Optimized C++ implementation for real-time machine vision in the French Robotics Cup.
A simple C++ Apple Metal 3D engine based on a Model-View-Controller pattern.
Optimized C USB streamer for the Ricoh Theta (a 360Β° camera) for real-time machine vision in the French Robotics Cup.
GSL provides an open-source alternative to Garmin's proprietary services, derived from low-level reverse engineering Garmin Express.
Pure C++ library for a machine learning technique designed to evolve artificial neural networks. PNEATM offers several advantages such as handling various data types, supporting multiple data types simultaneously, utilizing multiple activation functions, dynamically evolving activation functions, and accessing previous processed data.
Code for the Ensmasteel's robot which will be competing in the French Robotics Cup during the 2024 session.
Dependency-free websites in pure html/css/js.
My Portfolio
Ensma Space Project's website: for the Space Projects's association of the ISAE-ENSMA.
ISAE-ENSMA Gala 2024's website: for the 2024 gala/graduation ceremony of the ISAE-ENSMA.
Basic versatile C library for distributed computing with dedicated os. Distributed computing refers to a network of computers working together to solve a problem or complete a task, instead of a single computer handling all the processing. The workload is divided among multiple machines, allowing for faster and more efficient processing.
C++ library for evolving neural networks with NEAT. NEAT is a machine learning technique used to evolve artificial neural networks. This algorithm is often used for complex tasks such as game playing and robotics, where traditional hand-designed neural networks may not be effective.