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Single Cell RNAseq Analysis of Tabula Muris Data

I have made all the notebooks using Kaggle kernel and they can also be viewed there.

  • Tabula Muris is a compendium of single-cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus, containing nearly 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues.
  • The data allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as immune cells from distinct anatomical locations.
  • This data consists of an expression matrix where each column corresponds to a gene (or transcript) and each row corresponds to a single cell and a table of metadata describing each cell.

0. Theory - Introduction to single-cell RNA-seq - Kaggle Link

  • Covers most of the theoretical concepts about Bulk RNA-seq, scRNA-seq and Computational Analysis.

1. AnnData and Preprocessing spike-ins - Kaggle Link

  • Theory behind AnnData objects
  • Exploring a test anndata
  • Creating Anndata from the csv files in the dataset
  • Preprocessing the labeling spike-ins

2. Quality Control in Single cell RNA-seq data - Kaggle Link

  • Calculated the quality control metrices across cells and genes.
  • Quality control in cells by removing cells with less total gene count, less unique genes and giving more spike-ins.
  • Quality control in genes by removing genes which occur in less unique cells as well as those genes having less total cells.

3. Normalization & PCA - Kaggle Link

  • Directly applying PCA on quality controlled data
  • Applying CPM normalization and then PCA
  • Normalizing each cell by total counts over all genes and excluding highly_expressed genes and then PCA
  • Removing offending gene Rn45s and then PCA
  • Final, Normalization by log1p and scaling and then PCA.

4. Dimensionality reduction and Clustering - Kaggle Link

  1. Dimensionality Reduction
  • tSNE
  • UMAP
  1. Clustering
  • k-Means on tSNE ** Evaluating the k-means clustering ** Playing with No of cluster in k-means
  • Graph Based Clustering Method - Louvain ** Tuning thr resolution parameter
  • Seeing clusters in cells of a perticular sybtissue

5. Differential expression - Kaggle Link

  • Building intuition of differential expression
  • Ttest
  • Working with whole dataset using original labels - "cell_ontology_class"
  • Working with whole dataset using "louvain" clusters
  • Comapring to known marker genes of call classes


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