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The Realizable, Reconfigurable, Unobtrusive Unit (R2U2) is a runtime verification framework designed to monitor safety- or mission-critical systems with constrained computational resources.

Citing R2U2

If you would like to cite R2U2, please use our 2023 CAV paper:

Johannsen, Chris, Jones, Phillip, Kempa, Brian, Rozier, Kristin Yvonne, & Zhang, Pei. (2023). R2U2 V3 Demonstration Artifact for the 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'23). International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), Paris, France. Zenodo.

If you would like to cite R2U2 with Model Predictive Runtime Verification, please use our 2023 FORMATS paper:

Zhang, P., Aurandt, A., Dureja, R., Jones, P. H., & Rozier, K. Y. (2023, August). Model Predictive Runtime Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems with Real-Time Deadlines. In International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (pp. 158-180).

Running R2U2

To run your own specifications and inputs with R2U2, consult the README files included in r2u2/ and its sub-directories. As a brief overview:

  1. Write a MLTL specification file as described by compiler/

  2. Write a CSV file with your signal inputs and a header naming them

  3. Feed those files to the C2PO formula compiler:

     python3 compiler/ --booleanizer --trace "path/to signals.csv" "path/to/spec.c2po" 
  4. Build R2U2 monitor (this only has to be done once, not every time you change the spec):

     pushd monitors/static/ && make clean all && popd
  5. Run R2U2:

     ./monitors/static/build/r2u2 "path/to/spec.bin" "path/to/input.csv"
  • If assigning probabilities to each atomic value, run:

      ./monitors/static/build/r2u2 "path/to/r2u2_spec.bin" "path/to/input.csv" "path/to/atomic_prob.csv"
  1. Examine the output R2U2.log file, note that aggregated writes means some timestamps will appear to be "skipped" - this is normal.

Running MMPRV Examples

  1. Build R2U2 monitor (if you haven't already):

     pushd monitors/static/ && make clean all && popd
  2. Build F1Tenth spec:

     python3 compiler/ --booleanizer --trace examples/ego_vehicle_trace_K_216_N_30.csv examples/mmprv_F1Tenth.c2po
  3. Run R2U2:

     ./monitors/static/build/r2u2 spec.bin examples/ego_vehicle_trace_K_216_N_30.csv examples/ego_vehicle_trace_prob_K_216_N_30.csv 
  4. Build mmTransformer spec:

     python3 compiler/ --booleanizer --trace examples/14986_trace.csv examples/mmprv_mmTransformer.c2po
  5. Run R2U2:

     ./monitors/static/build/r2u2 spec.bin examples/14986_trace.csv examples/14986_trace_prob.csv 


The following dependencies have already been installed on this container for use by the artifact:

  • Make
  • C99 compiler
  • python 3.6 or greater

The following python packages have also been installed via pip for testing and the GUI:

  • dash
  • dash-cytoscape
  • dash-bootstrap-components
  • pytest
  • numpy
  • matplotlib

Example Cases

Each of the following cases shows a minimal example of a feature discussed in the paper in the indicated section:

  • agc Assume-Guarantee Contract: tri-state status output (inactive, invalid, or verified)
  • arb_dataflow Arbitrary Data-Flow: Feeding a temporal engine results back to the atomic checker
  • atomic_checker Atomic Checker: various signal processing examples
  • cav CAV: The example from the paper showcasing a realistic composition of the other features
  • cse Common Subexpression Elimination: Removal of redundant work from specification
  • set_agg Set Aggregation: Specifications beyond binary inputs
  • sets Set Types: Use of parametrized typing on a structure member
  • simple Simple: A basic R2U2 V2 style specification in the V3 input language
  • struct Structure: Use of a structure to group variables

Beyond these examples tailored to this paper, further examples can be found in the test subdirectories: r2u2/test and r2u2/compiler/test

Running the GUI

Run the GUI/ script to start the web server then open a web browser and navigate to


If you believe you have found a case of unsound output from R2U2, please run the case in debug mode and provide the output to the authors for analysis: pushd r2u2/monitor && make clean debug && popd ./r2u2/monitor/build/r2u2_debug "path/to/r2u2_spec.bin" \ "path/to/input.csv" 2>debug.log

The logs contain no identifying information, please ask the chairs to assist in passing along you anonymized feedback. Thank you.


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