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With the Aardvark.UI.Screenshotr you can take screenshots from your Aardvark.Media application and upload it to a screenshotr server.

The first time you take a screenshot you are asked to enter credentials (url and api-key) for the server-connection.

Then you can specify an image size and some tags. Multiple tags are separated with a semicolon. Note, some special characters are filtered.

How to make it work with my Aardvark.Media application

  1. Add the Aardvark.UI.Screenshotr nuget package to your project.

  2. Add these code-snippets to your program:

    • Step 1: Add a ScreenshotrMessage to your Message
    type Message =
        | ScreenshotrMessage of ScreenshotrMessage
    • Step 2: Add a ScreenshotrModel to your Model
    type Model =
            screenshotr : ScreenshotrModel 
    • Step 3: Initialize the ScreenshotrModel with your Aardvark.Media application url.
    let initial (url : string) = 
            screenshotr = ScreenshotrModel.Default url 

    How to pass the Aardvark.Media application url from the Program.fs to the initialization:

    Updated app function in App.fs

    let app (myUrl : string) =
            initial = initial myUrl
            update = update
            view = view
            threads = fun m -> m.cameraState |> FreeFlyController.threads |> CameraMessage
            unpersist = Unpersist.instance

    Minimal Program.fs example:

    let main args =
        let app = new OpenGlApplication()
        let port = 1337 
        let mediaUrl = sprintf "http://localhost:%i/" port
        WebPart.startServerLocalhost port [
            MutableApp.toWebPart' app.Runtime false (App.start ( mediaUrl))
        ] |> ignore
            title "Screenshotr Example"
            width 1024
            height 768
            url mediaUrl
    • Step 4: add the ScreenshotrMessage to your update function
     let update (m : Model) (msg : Message) =
        match msg with
        | ScreenshotrMessage msg -> { m with screenshotr = ScreenshotrUpdate.update msg m.screenshotr }
    • Step 5: add some key (or button) bindings in your update function
     let update (m : Model) (msg : Message) =
        match msg with
        | Message.KeyDown k -> 
            match k with
            | Keys.F8 -> { m with screenshotr = m.screenshotr |> ScreenshotrUpdate.update ToggleScreenshotUi }
    • Step 6: add the screenshotr UI to your UI
    body [] [
        ScreenshotrView.screenshotrUI m.screenshotr |> ScreenshotrMessage


  • Do I need to use the Screenshotr UI?

    No, you don't have to. Omit Step 4 and Step 6, and change Step 5 to this function call:

    let update (m : Model) (msg : Message) =
    match msg with
    | Message.KeyDown k -> 
        match k with
        | Keys.F8 -> { m with screenshotr = m.screenshotr |> ScreenshotrUpdate.update TakeScreenshot }

    If you want to set a default image size and tags change Step 3 like that:

    let initial = 
        screenshotr = ScreenshotrModel.Custom url (V2i(1024,768)) [ "my"; "custom"; "default"; "tags" ]
  • I don't have an Aardvark.Media application. Can I use the Screenshotr service nevertheless?

    Yes, if you know how to take a screenshot from your application. The Screenshotr service requires the image as a byte[]. Take a look at the Screenshotr repository.

  • I want to use the Screenshotr.UI and don't want to manually add some default tags everytime. How do I do that?

    Yes, just change the code from Step 3 to this:

    let initial = 
       screenshotr = ScreenshotrModel.Custom url (V2i(1024,768)) [ "my"; "custom"; "default"; "tags" ]