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A tool to export ScriptableObject database from either Google Spreadsheet or CSV by utilising cathei/BakingSheet and C# Source Generator.


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A code-first data management workflow for C# and Unity, powered by BakingSheet and Source Generators.


  • Clear separation between runtime data models and authoring data sources.
    • Authoring code, data sources and configuration will NOT be included in the build.
  • Data sources can be Google Sheets or CSV files (powered by BakingSheet).
  • Support for complex data types (powered by BakingSheet).
  • Automatic mapping between data sources and data models (powered by Source Generators).
  • Code-first approach with minimal configuration on Unity Inspector.
  • Flexible and automatic data type conversion mechanism.



  • Unity 2022.3 or later

Unity Package Manager

  1. Open menu Window -> Package Manager.

  2. Click the + button at the top-left corner, then choose Add package from git URL....

    add package by git url

  3. Enter the package URL

enter git url then press add button


  1. Install OpenUPM CLI.
  2. Run the following command in your Unity project root directory:
openupm add

General Workflow

At high level, the usage workflow usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Data Authoring: Create data sources in Google Sheets or CSV files.
  2. Data Modeling: Design IData models in C# code along with the table assets to store them.
  3. Data Importing: Leverage BakingSheet to import authored data from step 1 into each corresponding table asset. This step requires a piece of bridging code and a config asset.


For this tutorial:

Step 1. Data Authoring

1.1. Create Data Sources

Data sources can be either Google Sheets or CSV files.

table map regions

Figure 1: map_regions table

1.2. Use a Consistent Naming Strategy

You must choose one of these strategies and apply it consistently for all sheets, columns, and CSV files.

Pascal Camel Snake Kebab
SheetName sheetName sheet_name sheet-name
ColumnName columnName column_name column-name
FileName.csv fileName.csv file_name.csv file-name.csv

Step 2. Data Modeling

2.1. Define Data Models

  • Define a data model, can be struct or class, and must implement IData interface.
  • Any field that should be mapped to a column in the data source must be decorated with [SerializeField].
    • A public property will be generated for such valid fields.
  • In case you prefer writing properties, each should be decorated with [DataProperty].
    • The underlying field and methods will be generated for such valid properties.
  • The data model must be partial so that source generators can generate the underlying implementation.
  • Fields or properties are matched to columns in the data source by name, after applying the naming strategy.
  • The ID of a data model can be a complex structure, consists of multiple fields.
    • These field named _id or id or the property named Id will be recognized as the ID of that model.

Listing 1: Model for the ID of a map region entry

public partial struct MapRegionIdData : IData
    private int _mapId;

    private int _region;

    // IData source generator will generate
    // a property for each field.
    // ===

    // public int MapId { get => _mapId; init => _mapId = value; }

    // public int Region { get => _region; init => _region = value; }

Listing 2: Model for the map region entry

public partial class MapRegionData : IData
    public MapRegionIdData Id => Get_Id();

    public int UnlockCost => Get_UnlockCost();

    // IData source generator will generate
    // a field and a `Get_XXX()` method for each property.
    // ===

    // [SerializeField]
    // private MapRegionIdData _id;

    // private readonly MapRegionIdData Get_Id() => _id;

    // [SerializeField]
    // private int _unlockCost;

    // private readonly int Get_UnlockCost() => _unlockCost;

2.2. Define Data Table Assets

  • Each data table asset type should inherit from either DataTableAsset<TEntryId, TEntry> or DataTableAsset<TEntryId, TEntry, TConvertedId>.
    • TEntryId is the type of the Id property of TEntry.
    • TEntry is the data model, corresponding to a row in the data source.
    • TConvertedId is the type of the Id property of TEntry after being converted from TEntryId.
  • It is required to implement IDataTableAsset interface so source generator can generate additional but necessary code.
  • Ultimately this is a ScriptableObject to store the imported data.

Listing 3: Data table asset for map region

public sealed partial class MapRegionDataTableAsset
    : DataTableAsset<MapRegionIdData, MapRegionData, MapRegionId>
    , IDataTableAsset
    protected override MapRegionId Convert(MapRegionIdData value)
        => value;

    // IDataTableAsset source generator will generate
    // a constant field `NAME` and a `GetId()` method.
    // ===

    // public const string NAME = nameof(MapRegionDataTableAsset);

    // protected override MapRegionIdData GetId(in MapRegionData data)
    // {
    //     return data.Id;
    // }

Step 3. Data Importing

3.1. Declare a Bridge to BakingSheet

  • Define a partial class of any name.
    • Decorate the class with [Database] attribute.
    • Can specify a global naming strategy for all tables.
  • Inside the class, define a property for each table asset. Each will be mapped to a sheet in the data source.
    • Decorate the property with [Table] attribute.
  • In case a column in the data source should be a vertical list, decorate the property with [VerticalList] attribute.
    • First parameter of the attribute is the type of the data model, which can be a part of the table, not necessary the main data model.
    • Second parameter is the name of the property that should be treated as a vertical list.

Listing 4: A bridge to map each table to its source sheet

public partial class DatabaseDefinition
    [Table] public MapRegionDataTableAsset MapRegions { get; }

    [VerticalList(typeof(HeroData), nameof(HeroData.Multipliers))]
    [Table] public HeroDataTableAsset Heroes { get; }

After defining the bridge, BakingSheet related code will be generated so that data importing can function.

3.2. Import From Data Source

There are 2 ways to implement this functionality:

  1. Create an asset for DatabaseCsvSheetConfig and use its Inspector functionality (Appendix A).
  2. Write a function to import the data source (Appendix B).


Appendix A. Import data via a configuration asset

A.1. CSV

  1. Define a class that inherits from DatabaseCsvSheetConfig.

          fileName = nameof(SampleDatabaseCsvSheetConfig)
        , menuName = "Sample Database Csv Sheet Config"
        , order = 0
    public partial class SampleDatabaseCsvSheetConfig
        : DatabaseCsvSheetConfig<DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer>
        //                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //        Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.
        protected override DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer CreateSheetContainer()
            return new DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer(UnityLogger.Default);
            //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            // Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.
        protected override string GetDatabaseAssetName()
            // Any name of your choice.
            return "SampleDatabaseAsset";
  2. In the Project window, create an asset out of it.

    database config asset

  3. Fill in the fields in the Inspector. Then click the Export All Assets button.

    database config asset inspector

A.2. Google Sheets

  1. Define a class that inherits from DatabaseGoogleSheetConfig.

          fileName = nameof(SampleDatabaseGoogleSheetConfig)
        , menuName = "Sample Database Google Sheet Config"
        , order = 0
    public partial class SampleDatabaseGoogleSheetConfig
        : DatabaseGoogleSheetConfig<DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer>
        //                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //           Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.
        protected override DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer CreateSheetContainer()
            return new DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer(UnityLogger.Default);
            //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            // Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.
        protected override string GetDatabaseAssetName()
            // Any name of your choice.
            return "SampleDatabaseAsset";
  2. In the Project window, create an asset out of it.

    database config asset

  3. Follow this tutorial to properly configure the Spreadsheet so it can be imported. It also explains how to acquire the ID of a spreadsheet, and the Google Credential JSON.

  4. Fill in the fields in the Inspector. Then click the Export All Assets button.

    database config asset inspector

Appendix B. Import data via a function

B.1. CSV

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Cathei.BakingSheet.Unity;
using UnityEditor;
using ZBase.Foundation.Data.Authoring;

public static partial class DatabaseImporter
    public static async Task<bool> FromCsvFilesAsync(
          string csvFolderPath
        , string assetOutputFolderPath
        , bool includeSubFolders = true
        , bool includeCommentedFiles = true
        var converter = new DatabaseCsvSheetConverter(
            , TimeZoneInfo.Utc
            , includeSubFolders: includeSubFolders
            , includeCommentedFiles: includeCommentedFiles

        var sheetContainer = new DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer(UnityLogger.Default);
        //                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //        Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.

        var result = await sheetContainer.Bake(converter).ConfigureAwait(true);

        if (result == false)
            return false;

        var exporter = new DatabaseAssetExporter<DatabaseAsset>(
            , nameof(DatabaseAsset)

        result = await sheetContainer.Store(exporter).ConfigureAwait(true);

        if (result == false)
            return false;

        return true;

B.2. Google Sheets

Note: Follow this tutorial to properly configure the Spreadsheet so it can be imported. It also explains how to acquire the ID of a spreadsheet, and the Google Credential JSON.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Cathei.BakingSheet.Unity;
using UnityEditor;
using ZBase.Foundation.Data.Authoring;

public static partial class DatabaseImporter
    public static async Task<bool> FromGoogleSheetsAsync(
          string spreadsheetId
        , string googleCredentialJson
        , string assetOutputFolderPath
        var converter = new DatabaseGoogleSheetConverter(
            , googleCredentialJson
            , TimeZoneInfo.Utc

        var sheetContainer = new DatabaseDefinition.SheetContainer(UnityLogger.Default);
        //                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //        Replace this with your class defined at step 3.1.

        var result = await sheetContainer.Bake(converter).ConfigureAwait(true);

        if (result == false)
            return false;

        var exporter = new DatabaseAssetExporter<DatabaseAsset>(
            , nameof(DatabaseAsset)

        result = await sheetContainer.Store(exporter).ConfigureAwait(true);

        if (result == false)
            return false;

        return true;

B.3. Excel




A tool to export ScriptableObject database from either Google Spreadsheet or CSV by utilising cathei/BakingSheet and C# Source Generator.






