- Created inital array of buttons
- Created render button function to create buttons and display them to HTML
- Did a GIPHY Ajax API query and pulled data file.
- Run it through a for loop to grab the URL from the data on console
- I pulled still and animated images
- I was able to display the images on the screen.
- Able to create a input and submit a new button
What needs to be fixed:
- Connecting the buttons to Ajax data pull right now they're not working.
- I would need to define a function for the GIPHY data pull
- create a new variable and be able to pull the data pull function in the new variable, which I was trying to do. However, I had gone far into the coding, so when I tried to make adjustments everything fell apart.
What remains to be done:
- If else statment to animate a still image when clicked and vice versa