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Revival-style launcher which allows people to host their own instances of Rōblox for other people to play.


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Rōblox: Freedom Distribution

Want to host your own Rōblox LAN parties? Looking for a way to deploy your Rōblox experiences, new and old, on your own machine?

Rōblox Freedom Distribution is one such solution. It's a 'revival' launcher built on existing research for self-hosting Rōblox servers.

Using RFD, users can host their own server instances from compiled Rōblox binaries from 2018-07-25 or 2021-01-25.

Players can join existing servers.

Clients only need to keep track of which hosts and ports to connect to. That's because clients will automatically connect to a server of the same version.

If you worked with Python 3.12+ before, initial setup is supposed to take less than a minute. Why initial? Freedom Distribution automatically downloads additional data (at most 90 MiB) for you.

Initial adaptation from the Rōblox Filtering Disabled project by Jetray, et al.

All the code is free-as-in-freedom software and is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.

This README is optimised for viewing on GitHub.

Copyright Acknowledgement

My use of Rōblox's binaries are prone to copyright-infringement issues. Be wary of any potential copyright takedowns.

In the event of a DMCA takedown, don't rely on forks of this repo on GitHub. Consider using other means. Also consult this document if you want to know why I believe I'm protected under fair-use law.


RFD is natively supported on Windows and works on GNU/Linux systems with wine.

As an Executable

This is good for if you want to deploy quickly on any machine with connection to the internet.

For Windows

To download as an executable, run:

mkdir rfd
cd rfd
curl --output RFD.exe

To launch RFD, your command line will look something like this:

./RFD.exe player -h -p 2005

For GNU/Linux

Still needs work.

Two options. Both require wine to be installed on your system.

  1. Native Launcher
  2. From a Windows EXE

For balance of information, consult this guide.

Native Launcher
  1. Download
  2. Extract the downloaded files to a directory somewhere. Perhaps in /usr/bin?
  3. In the extracted directory, run chmod 777 ./RFD.

To launch RFD, your command line will look something like this:

./RFD player -h -p 2005
From a Windows EXE
mkdir rfd
cd rfd
curl --output RFD.exe

To launch RFD, your command line will look something like this:

./RFD.exe player -h -p 2005

From Source

This is good for if you already have Python installed on your machine. Do you want to help contribute to RFD? Use this.

You need Python 3.12+ on your system.

To install from source, run:

git clone --depth 1 rfd
cd rfd/Source
pip install -r requirements.txt

To launch RFD, your command line will look something like this:

py player -h -p 2005

Command Syntax


Game-specific options are specified in the --config_path argument, which defaults to ./GameConfig.toml.

Please review each option in the config file before starting your server up.

As of RFD 0.54.1, the available options are as follows:

usage: server [--config_path [CONFIG_PATH] |
                       --place_path [PLACE_PATH]] [--rcc_port [RCC_PORT]]
                       [--web_port [WEB_PORT]] [--run_client]
                       [--user_code [USER_CODE]] [--quiet]
                       [--rcc_log_options [FLog ...]] [--skip_rcc |
                       --skip_rcc_popen | --skip_web] [--keep_cache]
                       [--skip_download] [--debug | --debug_all] [--help]

  --config_path, --config, -cp [CONFIG_PATH]
                        Game-specific options; defaults to ./GameConfig.toml.
                        Please review each option before starting a new server
  --place_path, --place, -pl [PLACE_PATH]
                        Path to the place file to be loaded. Argument
                        `config_path` can't be passed in when using this
  --rcc_port, --port, -rp, -p [RCC_PORT]
                        Port number for the RCC server to run from.
  --web_port, -wp [WEB_PORT]
                        Port number for the web server to run from.
  --run_client, -rc, --run_player
                        Runs an instance of the player immediately after
                        starting the server.
  --user_code, -u [USER_CODE]
                        If -run_client is passed in, .
  --quiet, -q           Suppresses console output.
  --rcc_log_options, --rcc_log, -log [FLog ...]
                        Filter list for which FLog types to print in RCC.
  --skip_rcc            Only runs the webserver, skipping the RCC binary
  --skip_rcc_popen      Runs the webserver and initialises RCC configuration,
                        but doesn't execute `RCCService.exe`.
  --skip_web            Only runs the Studio binary, skipping hosting the
  --keep_cache          Skips deleting host-specific cached content from the
                        %LocalAppData%\Temp\Roblox\http directory.
  --skip_download       Disables auto-download of RFD binaries from the
  --debug               Opens an instance of x96dbg and attaches it to the
                        running "server" binary.
  --debug_all           Opens instances of x96dbg and attaches them to all
                        running binaries.
  --help, -?            show this help message and exit


As of RFD 0.54.1, the available options are as follows:

usage: player [--rcc_host [RCC_HOST]] [--rcc_port [RCC_PORT]]
                       [--web_host [WEB_HOST]] [--web_port [WEB_PORT]]
                       [--user_code [USER_CODE]] [--keep_cache]
                       [--skip_download] [--debug | --debug_all] [--help]

  --rcc_host, --host, -rh, -h [RCC_HOST]
                        Hostname or IP address to connect this program to the
                        RCC server.
  --rcc_port, --port, -rp, -p [RCC_PORT]
                        Port number to connect this program to the RCC server.
  --web_host, -wh [WEB_HOST]
                        Hostname or IP address to connect this program to the
                        web server.
  --web_port, -wp [WEB_PORT]
                        Port number to connect this program to the web server.
  --user_code, -u [USER_CODE]
  --keep_cache          Skips deleting host-specific cached content from the
                        %LocalAppData%\Temp\Roblox\http directory.
  --skip_download       Disables auto-download of RFD binaries from the
  --debug               Opens an instance of x96dbg and attaches it to the
                        running "player" binary.
  --debug_all           Opens instances of x96dbg and attaches them to all
                        running binaries.
  --help, -?            show this help message and exit


The studio command allows developers to modify existing place files whilst connected to RFD's webserver.

As of RFD 0.54.1, the available options are as follows:

usage: studio [--config_path [CONFIG_PATH] |
                       --place_path [PLACE_PATH]] [--web_port [WEB_PORT]]
                       [--quiet] [--skip_web] [--keep_cache] [--skip_download]
                       [--debug | --debug_all] [--help]

RFD's bundled Studio binaries are very very very ill-prepared. I recommend
using modern versions of Roblox Studio instead.

  --config_path, --config, -cp [CONFIG_PATH]
                        Game-specific options; defaults to ./GameConfig.toml.
                        Please review each option before starting a new server
  --place_path, --place, -pl [PLACE_PATH]
                        Path to the place file to be loaded. Argument
                        `config_path` can't be passed in when using this
  --web_port, -wp, -p [WEB_PORT]
                        Port number for the web server to run from.
  --quiet, -q           Suppresses console output.
  --skip_web            Only runs the RCC binary, skipping hosting the
  --keep_cache          Skips deleting host-specific cached content from the
                        %LocalAppData%\Temp\Roblox\http directory.
  --skip_download       Disables auto-download of RFD binaries from the
  --debug               Opens an instance of x96dbg and attaches it to the
                        running "studio" binary.
  --debug_all           Opens instances of x96dbg and attaches them to all
                        running binaries.
  --help, -?            show this help message and exit


The download command allows you to download specific versions of Rōblox components.

As of RFD 0.54.1, the available options are as follows:

usage: download [--rbx_version RBX_VERSION]
                         [--bin_subtype {Player,Server} [{Player,Server} ...]]

  --rbx_version, -v RBX_VERSION
                        Version to download.
  --bin_subtype, -b {Player,Server,Studio} [{Player,Server,Studio} ...]
                        Directories to download.
  --help, -?            show this help message and exit

Network Ports in Use

To keep it simple: just open port 2005 on both TCP and UDP.

Anyone can host a server and must leave both a TCP and UDP network port of their choice accessible.

It's possible to connect to a webserver and an RCC server from different hosts. However, I wouldn't recommend it.


RCC is an acronym for 'Rōblox Cloud Compute', which is the exe program we use to run the Rōblox servers. The UDP-based protocol is derived from (but is incompatible with) RakNet.

Host is specified by the -h option (also by --rcc_host or -rh).

Port is specified by the -p option (also by --rcc_port or -rp).

Webserver (unsigned HTTPS)

The webserver is responsible for facilitating player connections and loading in-game assets.

Host is optionally specified by the --webserver_host or -wh option, in case RCC is hosted elsewhere.

Port is specified by the --webserver_port or -wp option.

Asset Packs

Assets are automatically cached server-side in directory ./AssetCache. To manually add assets, place the raw data in a file named with the iden number or string without any extension.

The following are examples of asset idens resolving to cache files:

Asset Iden File Name Format
rbxassetid://1818 ./00000001818 %11d
rbxassetid://5950704 ./00005950704 %11d
rbxassetid://97646706196482 ./97646706196482 %11d
rbxassetid://custom-asset ./custom-asset %s

How About Studio?

You can modify rbxl file in current-day Studio as of September 2024. For compatibility with older clients, RFD comes with its own serialiser suite. Objects transformed include:

  1. Fonts which existed in their respective versions,
  2. And meshes encoded with versions 4 or 5 back to version 2 (courtesy rbxmesh).

Some modern programs do weird things to client-sided scripts. They use Script classs objects, but with a RunContext property set to "Client". You will also need to manually convert these objects to LocalScripts.

And, union operations done in current-day Studio (CSG v3) are not supported. This is because CSG v2 support was completely removed in late 2022.

In that case...

RFD comes bundled with Studio builds. These should be used if modern Studio doesn't mesh well with your old places.

Sodikm has a functional Studio build from 2018.

Rōblox Filtering Disabled has a working Studio build from 2022.

You can also use this 2018M build whilst running the Rōblox Filtering Disabled webserver.

If you need any help, please shoot me an issue on GitHub or a message to an account with some form of 'VisualPlugin' elsewhere.

Files Affected

The program is mostly portable; RFD does not store any persistent settings to your machine.

However, the Rōblox executables it hooks to write to the following directories:

  • %LocalAppData%\Temp\Roblox\http\
  • %AppData%\Roblox\logs\
  • %LocalAppData%\Temp\Roblox\
  • %AppData%\Roblox\

You'll also find some registry keys written to:

  • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Roblox


Where ... is your command-line prefix,


... server -p 2005 --config ./GameConfig.toml
... server -p 2005 --place ./Place.rbxl


... player -rh -p 2005

GameConfig.toml Structure

This specification is current as of 0.53. Some options might be different in future versions.

Special Types


Function-type options are very flexible in RFD. Way too flexible if you're asking me.

Look out for {OPTION}_call_mode, where {OPTION} is the name of the option you're modifying. If {OPTION}_call_mode is not specified, RFD tries to assume on its own.

Following is a hypothetical option called skibidi_plugin. The examples all do the same thing.

Python Mode
skibidi_plugin_call_mode = "python"
skibidi_plugin = '''
def f(toil_int: int, daf_qbool: bool):
    if toil_int == 666:
        return {
            "evil": 666,
    elif daf_qbool == True:
        return {
            "owo": 7,
    elif toil_int == 420 and daf_qbool == False:
        return {
            "uwu": 3,
    return {
        "camera_man": 1,
        "ohio": 2,

Nobody cares what name you give the function. RFD should be smart enough to figure out what you're using.

In Python mode, RFD assigns global constants for your convenience.

Variable Description
CONFIG_DIR the config file's directory path
Dict Mode
skibidi_plugin_call_mode = "dict"
skibidi_plugin.666 = {
    "evil": 666,
skibidi_plugin.True = {
    "owo": 7,
skibidi_plugin.420-False = {
    "uwu": 3,
skibidi_plugin.default = {
    "camera_man": 1,
    "ohio": 2,

Dict keys are access in the following order of precedence:

  1. Each of the individual stringified arguments in positional order,
  2. The joined string of all arguments with string separators _, ,, then , ,
  3. Then the static key default.
Lua Mode (unstable)
skibidi_plugin_call_mode = "lua"
skibidi_plugin = '''
function(toil_int, daf_qbool)
    if toil_int == 666 then
        return {
            evil = 666,
    elseif daf_qbool == true then
        return {
            owo = 7,
    elseif toil_int == 420 and daf_qbool == false then
        return {
            uwu = 3,
    return {
        camera_man = 1,
        ohio = 2,



Resolves to a wildcard; defaults to "*".

Matches against the GIT_RELEASE_VERSION internal constant. Useful for protecting changes in config structure between RFD versions.


Resolves to type str.

Runs at the CoreScript security level whenever a new server is started.

startup_script = 'game.workspace.FilteringEnabled = false'


Resolves to type str.

Shows up on the loading screen when a player joins the server.


Resolves to type str.

Shows up on the loading screen when a player joins the server.


Resolves to type str.

Shows up on the loading screen when a player joins the server.


Resolves to internal type uri_obj.

Can resolve to either a relative or absolute local path -- or extracted from a remote URL.


Resolves to internal type uri_obj. Files must be encoded in the binary rbxl format and not in the human-readable rbxlx format.

Can resolve to either a relative or absolute local path -- or extracted from a remote URL.

rbxl_uri = 'c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Baseplate.rbxl'
rbxl_uri = ''


Resolves to type bool; defaults to false.

When game:SavePlace() is called and enable_saveplace is true, the file at rbxl_uri is overwritten. It won't work if rbxl_uri points to a remote resource.


Resolves to type bool; defaults to false.

When the file at rbxl_uri is modified, RCC is restarted such that RFD always runs the latest version of the file. It won't work if rbxl_uri points to a remote resource.


The following are valid version strings.

"v348" "v463"
"2018M" "2021E"
"2018" "2021"

All entries on the same column are aliases for the same version.


Resolves to type path_str. Relative paths are traced from the directory where the config file is placed.


Resolves to type bool; defaults to false.

If true, deletes cache from assets which should redirect so that the config file remains correct.


Resolves to type bool; defaults to false.

If true, clears the sqlite database before starting a new server.


Resolves to type path_str. Relative paths are traced from the directory where the config file is placed.


Corresponds to Rōblox Enum.ChatStyle. Can either be "Classic", "Bubble", or "ClassicAndBubble".


Resolves to function type (float) -> str.

If the client doesn't include a -u user code whilst connecting to the server, this function is called. Should be a randomly-generated value.

retrieve_default_user_code_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_default_user_code = '''
function(tick) -- float -> str
    return string.format('Player%d', tick)


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> bool.

check_user_allowed_call_mode = "lua"
check_user_allowed = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code) -- string -> bool
    return true


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> bool.

check_user_has_admin_call_mode = "lua"
check_user_has_admin = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code) -- string -> bool
    return true


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> str.

Only gets called the first time a new user joins. Otherwise, RFD checks for a cached value in the sqlite database.

retrieve_username_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_username = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return user_code


Resolves to function type (str) -> int.

Only gets called the first time a new user joins. Otherwise, RFD checks for a cached value in the sqlite database.

retrieve_user_id_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_user_id = '''
    return math.random(1, 16777216)


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> Enum.HumanoidRigType.

Where Rōblox Enum.HumanoidRigType can either be "R6" or "R15".

retrieve_avatar_type_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_avatar_type = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return 'R15'


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> [int].

The returned list contains asset idens from the Rōblox catalogue.

retrieve_avatar_items_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_avatar_items = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return {


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> util.types.structs.avatar_scales.

retrieve_avatar_scales_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_avatar_scales = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return {
        height = 1,
        width = 0.8,
        head = 1,
        depth = 0.8,
        proportion = 0,
        body_type = 0,


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> util.types.structs.avatar_colors.

retrieve_avatar_colors_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_avatar_colors = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return {
        head = 315,
        left_arm = 315,
        left_leg = 315,
        right_arm = 315,
        right_leg = 315,
        torso = 315,


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> dict[str, int].

Key is the group iden number written as a string; value is the rank value from 0 to 255.

retrieve_groups_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_groups = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return {
        ['1200769'] = 255;
        ['2868472'] = 255;
        ['4199740'] = 255;
        ['4265462'] = 255;
        ['4265456'] = 255;
        ['4265443'] = 255;
        ['4265449'] = 255;


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> int.

retrieve_account_age_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_account_age = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code) -- str -> int
    return 6969


Resolves to function type (int, str) -> int.

Established the amount of funds that a player receives when they join a server for the first time. These funds can only be spent on server-defined gamepasses.

retrieve_default_funds_call_mode = "lua"
retrieve_default_funds = '''
function(user_id_num, user_code)
    return 6969


Resolves to function type (str, int, str) -> str.

filter_text_call_mode = "lua"
filter_text = '''
function(text, user_id_num, user_code)
    return text:gsub('oo','òó'):gsub('OO','ÒÓ'):gsub('ee','èé'):gsub('EE','ÈÉ'):gsub('Roblox','Rōblox'):gsub('ROBLOX','RŌBLOX')


Resolves to a data dictionary.

id_num = 163231044
name = 'EnforcersPowers'
price = 100


Resolves to function type (int | str) -> asset_redirect.

When an RFD server receives a request to load an asset by id, it does so from by default.

However, entries in asset_redirects override that default.

Through the uri field, assets can load either from a local or remote resource.

The following examples notate the structure into the dict mode syntax:

[remote_data.asset_redirects.13] # asset iden 13
uri = 'c:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\Image.jpg'
[remote_data.asset_redirects.14] # asset iden 14
raw_data = ''

You can include a cmd_line field if you want the loaded asset to literally come from the stdout of a program.

[remote_data.asset_redirects.15] # asset iden 15
cmd_line = 'curl -L --output -'

A raw_data field works here too. That literally encapsuates the binary data that will be sent as an asset.

[remote_data.asset_redirects.16] # asset iden 15
raw_data = '\0'

This should also work. It redirects asset iden strings starting wtih time_music_ to static files on the internet.

remote_data.asset_redirects = "python"
remote_data.asset_redirects = '''
def f(asset_iden):
    PREFIX = "time_music_"
    if asset_iden.startswith(PREFIX):
        h = int(asset_iden[len(PREFIX):])
        return {
            "uri": "" % (h % 24)
    return None


Resolves to a data dictionary.

id_num = 757
name = 'Awardable Badge'
price = 1


Revival-style launcher which allows people to host their own instances of Rōblox for other people to play.







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