An example of a backend for the Social Photo Network written to illustrate the Speedment ORM. Below is the Http API used by the client to communicate with the server.
Target: http://[host]/register
Params: mail, password
Return: sessionkey if successful, else false.
Target: http://[host]/login
Params: mail, password
Return: sessionkey if successful, else false.
Target: http://[host]/upload
Params: title, description, imgdata, sessionkey
Return: true if successful, else false.
Target: http://[host]/self
Params: sessionkey
Return: The following json object, else false:
"id" : <long>,
"mail" : "<string>",
"firstName" : "<string>",
"lastName" : "<string>",
"avatar" : "<base64>"
Target: http://[host]/find
Params: freetext, sessionkey
Return: The following json object, else false:
"users" : [
"id" : <long>,
"mail" : "<string>",
"firstName" : "<string>",
"lastName" : "<string>",
"avatar" : "<base64>"
}, (...)
Target: http://[host]/follow
Params: userid, sessionkey
Return: true if successful, else false.
Target: http://[host]/browse
Params: sessionkey, [from | to]
Return: The following json object or false:
"images" : [
"id" : <long>,
"title" : "<string>",
"description" : "<string>",
"imgdata" : "<base64>"
"uploaded" : "<localdatetime>",
"uploader" : {
"id" : <long>,
"mail" : "<string>",
"firstName" : "<string>",
"lastName" : "<string>",
"avatar" : "<base64>"
}, (...)
Target: http://[host]/update
Params: mail, firstname, lastname, imgdata, sessionkey
Return: The following json object, else false:
"id" : <long>,
"mail" : "<string>",
"firstName" : "<string>",
"lastName" : "<string>",
"avatar" : "<base64>"