- Open file manager 000webhost
- Go to laravel project and copy "unzipper.php" which is in unzipper-master folder
- Paste unzipper.php on public_html folder on the 000WebHosting Server manager
- Zip the App or the local project and upload it on public_html also
- Go to your domain: our case is = claudia-shopping-store.000webhostapp.com/unzipper.php
- Now all project folders and files to '/' folder root
- Delete the default public_html
- Rename the 'public' project folder to 'public_html'
- Open App/providers then edit AppServiceProvider.php file and edit it to:
- public function register()
$this->app->bind('path.public', function () { return base_path('public_html'); });
- public function register()
- Open -env file and copy the app_key except(base64:)
- Open folder /config/ and edit App.php
- 'key' => env('APP_KEY', base64_decode('APP_KEY_COPIED_BEFORE')),
- Create a new database on the following link: https://co.000webhost.com/members/website/claudia-shopping-store/database
- Stablish the parameters:
- database name
- database username
- database password
- Stablish the parameters:
- Anggie Liseth Castellanos Camacho
- Welker José Pérez Acero