- Install AWS Command Line Interface
- Install AWS SAM
- Clone the repo
- Get permission to Amazon Chime Administration Console
npm i
sam build
sam deploy --guided
- Use us-east-1 region in option while in deployment
- Take the endpoint URL.
- clone the Frontend demo repo
- Change the URL here
npm i
npm start
- check in the browser with
- Enter room name and test the meeting after setup s3 and sip media application.
- Use us-east-1.
- Create a s3 bucket name sip-chime-audio-files.
- Copy all audio file from audio-file folder and past it in the s3bucket. or use
aws s3 cp ./audio-file/ s3://<bucketName>/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.wav" --no-guess-mime-type --content-type="audio/wav"
- Use us-east-1.
- Goto aws chime sdk console and create sip media application using the ARN of the sip lambda function.
- Create a sip rule in media application and assign a phone number
- Dail to that number you will here in frontend application.