Hi 👋, I'm Ruben
Software developer student from Barcelona. Passionate about computing since the days of floppy disks, always working with them, assembling, understanding computers, and networks. I trained in vocational training in DB2, COBOL, and later in object-oriented programming languages. My skills since then have primarily been in analysis, curiosity, and enhancing and solving daily work problems. Now, I am resuming my programming experience with C and Linux at the 42 Barcelona programming campus of Fundación Telefónica.
📫 How to reach me weber.atas@gmail.com
C C++ Git COBOL Linux DB2 SQL Prestashop
- Mantenimiento de sistemas heredados en COBOL, desarrollo aplicaciones
- Desarrollo de herramientas en C para optimización de procesos
- Configuración y administración de terminales Linux